Thursday, February 17, 2011

Unions Making Noise

Wisconsin, Michigan and others are about to do what should have been done years ago. The elected officials of years past have lied for years to the unions. It is not Christy of New Jersey or any other Governor or legislator currently serving that has not been in office for a long time that is to blame for this problem with unions. If we would have had term limits all along the unions would not have been able to buy politicians over the long haul. Decisions would have been different and we would not be in this mess. The collusion between setting and reelected officials has been know for years but nothing has been done about it. Why should the American people pay for the corupt decisions of the politians and the unions. It takes two to make coruption and the unions and DFL and some REPs have been corupt together for a longtime. It seems to me to be very bold of the unions to publicly protest the fact that the coruption is in the public eye. I would think they would be ashamed of their past behavior. The pensions, salary, and work rules and access to other benifits is so far over the top that I can not understand the unions over the top response to cuts. Who do they think is going to pay for all this. There is no money at the Federal, State or Local Level. Apparently they just want you to take it out of your own mouth and give it to them. Not going to happen anymore.

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