Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Spring is Here

One of my last blogs looked over the landscape of what is happening now and I thought as I sit here looking over the Mississippi River thinking about all the fish we caught this week end, that I should look back at that blog and see if anything has changed since then. The red texts are the new thoughts.

PALIN: She has actually worked for a living. By the way her accent is Alaskan. She is not stupid, her child is not a burden and she is college educated. Make all the fun of her you want be remember you may have voted for the second coming and look what your perception got you there.

Selbysays: She is still my pick. As the Trump noise has continued and now is out and Newt is now in I see Palin continuing to be reasonable and waiting for the right time and not being pushed by the media. She is able to do what is good for her and not react to what is good for the media.

TRUMP: He is popular now but I doubt that he will be in it for the long run. I read his book, The Art of the Deal years ago and one of the centerpieces of his deal making is that he rarely takes more than 2 minutes on most deals. Then he delegates and goes from there. I do not see the Presidency as a 2-minute deal.

Selbysays: He continues with his 2-minute deals and continued self promotion. He is his own best fan. Now he is out

OBAMA: I have no idea what planet this president is living on. He wants to continue to raise the debt of the nation in the face of a disaster that is predicted by anybody who thinks that there has to be a limit to how much money can be printed by the Government to pay our bills. I will give him this he has given us a new word to deal with, TRILLION, here is a good trivia question, What comes next?? (Quadrillion). My answer is disaster.

Selbysays: Osama is dead “we hope” and was killed by a Navy Seal who was or was not acting on the orders of the President. What a mess the WH has made with this story. Obama wants to be the law and order president and not the cold blooded killer he is. He killed Osama, and tried to kill Gaddafi more than once and only seceded in killing his kids; I am not complaining about his behavior just his words of deceit. “He had a gun”, “he was attacking the Seal”, he was using his wife as a shield”. All lies put out by the WH to cover the fact that Obama order the killing of Osama.

This discussion has taken the worry about our finances off the table. Given what has been said lately we do not have to worry about such mundane issues as deficits and the like. Not a word lately except the unemployment rate went up, housing starts went down, home values deflated more and he wants to raise taxes. By the way the deficit limit was reached today and we are now borrowing from Federal retirees accounts. What a way to do business. If I am not mistaken if a Company in the private sector were to take retirement money they would be brought up on criminal charges.

LIBYA: What a great decision to enter into this civil war where the goals are as murky as the Mississippi River in flood. They are a small desert country with a small population that only produces 2% of the worlds oil. What did we have to gain? Nothing. Bring down Gaddafi you say. Why. He has controlled the extremist Muslims the al Queda types for years. The entire Mideast is on fire.

Selbysays: Let us see what is new. Syria is killing its civilian population faster than anybody else. Iran is making a bomb and killing its people. Syria is attacking Israel. The New Egyptian Government is calling for the destruction of Israel. Pakistan was protecting Osama and his many wives. Pakistan fired on NATO today. In order to win the war in Afganistan we are now negotiating with the Taliban for a truce. Sounds like Kissinger and Vietnam to me. We have sent some missiles in an attempt to kill Gaddafi. We did get Osama since the last blog but have only gotten some of Gaddafi’s family to include some kids. To bad. Maybe we should just try and arrest this man with the FBI and then try him in NY City. I am sure that Obama’s, Holter would love a shot at that. Our Libyan policy is truly unbelievable. What in the world are we doing?

GINGRICH: He is the smartest in the field but he has way too much baggage

Selbysays: He is still the smartest in the field and does not have a chance. He currently has his foot in his mouth but he will come back. He is one of the good old boys and that works against him.

JAPAN: What a mess. That’s it.

Selbysays: What a Mess. That’s it. More radiation and more fears. It will take 50 years to get out of this mess

ROMNEY: He has health care baggage as governor. He is to slick to be a candidate. I am sure the Dems would love to have him in the election. How about that State Universal Health Care, looks like Obama care to us. .

Selbysays: Is all he can do is run from the State HealthCare he is responsible for. Not a chance to win.

On a personal note, I’m glad fishing season and spring has arrived in Bemidji, MN. My view of the world is not as pessimistic as it was this winter. A little sun and a few fish go a long way with my mental health. Even though creeping socialism, the unions grab for power, idiot legislators with no term limits, lying politicians, two or three wars, a president who has not a clue, a country that is broke but, but, but, a state that is broke but, but, but, greedy corporations, a supreme court that makes law, out of control public schools, and a few other issues, life is now better.

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