Monday, October 29, 2012

I’m Back 
You will not believe this video:

I am back from the cabin.  4 months of no TV, no radio, no paper, no political lies and re-visionary history.  Refreshed and ready to blog again.  Even though not much has changed in the political realm I have changed in spite of the election.  I lost 60 lbs and swim ½ to 1 mile 3 time per week.  This kept me from throwing things at the TV.  I will now hold my nose and vote for Romney simply because he is the lesser of 2 looser candidates.  I guess we shall see. 

Some disturbing thoughts since returning to the disinformation age of the cable channel  24/7 lies and misinformation. . 

1.      If Romney is elected Israel has an incentive to bomb Iran before he is sworn in as president. Conversely if O is elected Israel can wait to bomb Iran at their leisure. 

2.      The rise of Radical Islam will continue until the Muslim community at large puts a stop to it.  They have to police their own.  A Christian nation can not possibly produce long term continued peace and acceptance in a muslim dominated country.  Witness the past 1000 years.   This is nothing new just the latest version.  We can only act defensively and then get out of the way.  Not all Muslims are nuts, lunatics or radicals.  But they have not stepped up as a people.  Individuals and small groups have, but not the over whelming majority.  They remain virtually silent.  I guess radical Islamic terrorism works on mainstream Muslims as well as with non Muslims.  I know, not politically correct but true none the less.  

3.       Romney will raise user fee’s, which are a form of tax even though he will not raise income taxes.  Revenue has to increase and expensed have to be slashed.  I think he will do both.

4.      If something does not happen in the next few months, years; it will not be the anarchists in the streets but the middle class.  They have been hit the worst, during this massive transfer of wealth to the so-called 3rd generation of the poor.  (multiple generational poor is to say lifestyle).  Most of the world would be happy to change places with our so-called poor.  Also the 47 percent who do not pay income taxes will start to pay something and not just be takers in the economy. I no longer care who started this.  Johnson, the 16th Amendment, Lincoln or what or who ever; the notion that the government should be the ultimate decider of who has what, has to come to and end or we shall loose what liberties we have left. 

5.      All experiments in Socialism have failed.  All. 

6.      Big Media is at the heart of our political problems.  They are at the heart of our loss of liberties; they have commercial incentives to have continued crises and disasters.  Simply it sells.  The rise of the Media/Political/Election cabal is more dangerous than the Military/Industrial complex.  Palin has been the most obviously effected political figure in recent times.  However this past spring it was the entire conservative movement and all its favorite sons (Gingrich etc.) that were disenfranchised by major media, all in the name of add revenue.  Keep the lie going.  There are but a handful of individuals who control the major lamestream media (Murdock etc.) outlets along with a handful of major money PAC’s (GOPAC, Rove) who control spending in the political system.  This only guarantees that you and I have very little to say about national politics.  I am not sure which is worse.  15 pieces of snail mail, or 400 Spam emails, each saying the same thing.  SEND MONEY.   

Reality is being sold out for dollars in the major media outlets. Major media editors say: 

1.      lets not vet major office candidates we would lose add revenue.

2.      lets not take on the hard stories unless we can sell on them wwlar

3.      lets avoid doing our story due diligence.  Just find the emotional triggers and use them to sell with. This adds to add revenue.

4.      lets bury reality in the “more press” (200 cable channels 24/7) is better than quality press.  More press more Money.  The press is not journalism any longer.  It is commercialized “$”, rumor mongering at its worst.  It is not about finding the truth or even the varieties of truth.  It is as Clinton said  “"It depends on the meaning of what "is  is”.  Utilitarian Ethics not absolute truths.  This new and damaging philosophy simply means you can now say and justify anything you want anytime you want and it will be reported as fact at the time of the report.  I know nobody who today thinks that the press reports fact.  Congress and the Major Media have the same illness.  They lie all the time to everybody.  They both have lost credibility with the public.  Less than 50% approval rating.  However, if we are to vote only with emotion then the monitization  of elections, (selling scandal, salaciousness, sex, vulgarity etc) is winning.  As in winning add revenue and elections.  If the only activity that is to be measured in an election is winning, then we the people have lost.  We have watched TV, football, the world series, advertisements, popular shows, movies and the like and have given the election the same status as a football game which has relegated the voter to cheerleader only.  Of course the outcome of a football game has no impact on our culture, society, life, liberties, and the pursuit of happiness.  Who we elect should not be the same as picking a favorite player or a favorite team.  The press coverage should not be the same as announcing, calling or reporting on the various colleges, shows etc.  In the grand scheme of things all the media hyped anything’s is only designed to make money not pick a good person to make decision that effect our very well being.  Maybe we should use the same model to pick our wives, husband as we do to pick our elected officials.  How do you think that would work out.  With a 50% divorce rate maybe that is what we are doing.

After my rant on the media read the following and see if you have any rational answers for this:  By the way this is not an endorsement for voting for O.

1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.

2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.

3. The government cannot give to anybody, anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.

4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it!

5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work, because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation. 

6.  The average cost of the welfare programs in the US in 2011 was $60,000 per household.  Why not just give them the money and get rid of the bureaucracy. 

Go and Vote