Monday, February 28, 2011

More Spin: We the People Do Owe the Money

Playing with Words- More Spin out of the Unions:

The unions would have you believe that the money put in the retirement accounts is theirs and not the publics. That they in fact put 100% of the money in the account and that there is no match. They would claim that the money is actually a part of their salary plan. Ok, then the 1 trillion ($1,000,000,000.00) diff between the owed amount to fund the retirement and the actual amount set aside by the union is not due. Set aside amounts $2.35 Trillion which the union membership has put in the account should be what they get to use to fund retirements. But oh no they want the $3.35 Trillion that the state says it will cost to pay for their retirements. You can not have it both ways.

The fraud that was perpetuated against the American people by the union-democrat power elite was 10 times more massive than the scheme that put Madoff in Jail for 150 years. Remember the scheme:

Union/Democrat Money Flow

in simpler terms. The politicians stole money from us and gave it to the unions for votes. They used our money to create a system that was not and is not able to sustain itself. The politicians new it and they just did not care. They got theirs and we did not. Minnesota has its great example in James Oberstar. He came congress with a salary and no personal wealth, and left after 35 years of power and union deals, (he represented the Iron Workers, Steel Worker, Ship Building unions ) with at least 7 Million dollars of personal wealth. Now everybody would say he is above doing anything illegal. As Clinton said ( it all depends on what is is). Corruption is not necessarily illegal but it is always wrong. The union supporters over the past 35 years, to include President Kennedy whose vote to allow the public employees to collectively bargain gained him the White House, was as corrupt as the day is long.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Keep the Focus in Wisconsin

The Dick Morris Poll (
They support many aspects of the proposal by significant numbers:


• By 74%-18%, they back making state employees pay more for their health insurance.
• By 79%-16%, they support asking state workers to contribute more toward their pensions.
• By 54%-34%, Wisconsin voters support ending the automatic deduction of union dues from state paychecks and support making unions collect dues from each member.
• By 66%-30%, they back limiting state workers’ pay increases to the rate of inflation unless voters approve a higher raise by a public referendum."

I was listening to the Jefferson Hour ( on public radio out of Fargo, ND and was impressed with a number of answers that the actor playing Jefferson gave as he responded to the audiances questions: For example: what do you think of the "professional politicians" of today. His response was very negative. He did not think that there should be any. His reponse to the simulus etc.: He indicated that Government should not give money away to the people. He indicated that what is give can be take away. He also indicated that there should be no Obama care or anything like it. Even to the point of dying. He indicated that Government should not be in the business of taking care of us.

All of what was portrayed on the show came and was consistant with what Jefferson wrote in the Federalist papers and other Jefferson correspondence. Nice to see on Public Radio a Jeffersonian Show that is accurate regarding what he did say.

The CBO released the figures regarding the stimulus money. $225'000.00 per Job. Way to go congress. This money like all the other money was nothing more than political patronage from a democratic controlled congress. The unions, teachers, auto industry, state, county and federal unions were once again bought and sold. If we do not stop the money trail by term limiting our representative in our government none of this will stop overtime. All politicians over time will vote to be reelected if it means more money and power. It is a human frailty and flaw. Jefferson and the founding fathers say this as essential in the government that we have civilian representations not professionals.

Make no mistake that term limits is the key. It will stop in its tracks: Speical Interest: The Election Money Flow, National Elections that last 2 years; The use of tax payer dollars for political special interest; reduce the size of government over time; allow politicians to work across the isle in our interests; stop making Millionaires out of politicians ( Oberstar MN 35 years in congress and left worth at least 7 million, came to congress with nothing, Clintons came with little and now are worth over 100 million and many others to include Republicans etc. This level of political corruption is no different than in Europe when the Duke, Counts etc had all the power and all the money because the King let them. We fought a war to stop it and I hope we will once again fight a political war to stop it here. Term Limits would go a long way in stopping this. The politicians know this and therefore it is not high on their list. They have no self regulation therefore we need to regulate them and how they spend our money.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Spin Spin Spin. Do not use facts they can hurt you

Typical Spin regarding Wisconsin Budget Proposal:

"Walker wants to remove all collective bargaining rights, except for salary, for roughly 175,000 public employees starting July 1. Any requests for a salary increase higher than the consumer price index would have to be approved by referendum."

We pay them why shouldn't we (the taxpayer have something to say about it. It is our money not the elected officials, and besides, the elected officials have a clear conflict of interest in the negotiations. You give me money (contributions) I give you money (pay increase, benefit increase )

I have had some interesting comments on the last blog. I guess it would help if people knew that Walker wants to remove the collective bargaining rights for the health and retirement benefits that have become extraordinary for Public Employees. In Minnesota the legislature has pass legislation under a democratic major with a democratic Governor that does not allow by law the state to change any collective bargaining agreement even if the state is broke the public employees in Minnesota will get paid. Somebody is going to have to print the money but it would be breaking the law to not a pay them in Minnesota. The unions are afraid, that the people paying them, not the legislators, will take will see the grab for the pie for what it was. The legislators needed votes so the gave the store and the land and their sole to the unions with all the money and benefits they wanted. Is all the legislators and other public officials wanted was their vote. Even if the the elected officials knew the reality of the cost of such they did not care because all they wanted was to be reelected. And until recent times they were. We are broke as a town, county, state, or union. Are elected officials of old sold us down the river and the unions grabbed just as the rest of the greedy grabbed for all they could get not for what was reasonable. Therefore the unions were complicit in the deceit of the elected official and should pay some of the same price. 87 congressman were thrown out of office because we can no longer live in a society that spins everything towards the end of reelection as the ultimate goal. Voting blocks such as the unions, and other special interest, have grown so powerful they think they can stop government and the work that needs to be done just to survive.

So what have we now. The unions, supported by Obama, are protesting in the capitol of a number of states. The legislatures of two of the states have the Democrats leaving their responsibilities and hiding in another state. Do you think there is an unholy alliance between the unions and the democrats. The unions are looking out for themselves, the dems are looking out for the unions, the unions vote for the dems and the dems vote salary and benefits for the public employees union. WHO IS LOOKING OUT FOR THE PERSON WHO PAYS THE MAJORITY OF MONEY TO MAKE ALL OF THE ABOVE HAPPEN.

This is not a battle over child labor, railroad or auto or steel fairness and safety in the work place. This is about an industry that is in decline (government) because we are broke and we only have access to borrowed money to pay the governments current and future obligations. When the steel industry was in the same shape it moved overseas because it was cheaper to produce steel their. The same has been true for all other industries. The industry has found ways to move forward with less cost and innovation. Not the public employees however. They just want to be paid no matter what and they want to be paid and taken care of for life no matter what. If I could sue the elected officials that did this to us I would but we can not. But we can stand up and right the ship no matter. If the dems want out they should leave the legislature or they will be replaced next cycle with citizens that do not need the union vote and are term limited anyway.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Consitutional Is Constiutional Not Negotialbe

Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution, states: “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government:

What in the world does President Obama think he is doing in Wisconsin. He has a constitutional requirement to support and protect the Constitutional government of Wisconsin. He is suppose to make sure the government in Wisconsin is able to function. Even thought he is not using American troops to stop the Legal, constitution functioning of the WI government he is using his office and its prestige to interfere with the Constitution functioning of a State Government. Anybody who supports the cowardice of the Dems in Wisconsin that have taken it on the lamb should have there head examined. This is what causes anarchy and we look, and are acting no better than the governments of the world that we call third world. When, a number of years ago, the Texas Dem did the same thing, the cost was high. The financial cost to WI for this behavior alone is enormous. The loss of the ability to Govern is catastrophic. Everyone of the Dems that have left town should be recalled now. The Governor should speak directly to the President and tell him to butt out. He has enough problems with his own constitutional duties. Just take a look at the world. Foreign policy is his constitutional job, and what a job he is doing. Their is rioting and rebellion all over the middle east and China with, murder, nuclear proliferation, pirates, corruption and two wars. I guess he wanted to take some time out to support his liberal base and the unions and not pay attention to what he was supposedly elected to do.

If we had term limits most of this would not be happening. The White House could pay attention to what it is suppose to be doing and not have to attend to a special interest (unions). The unions could not bring a state to a political standstill because they would not have the support of one branch of our federal government that is financially owned by the unions.

The Obama, Pelosi, Reid connection to what is happening in WI is beyond belief. WE ARE BROKE. They think they, who do not even represent that state, should have a whole lot to say about what is happening there. Like the President, Pelosi and Reid must not have enough of the peoples business to do. They seem to want to spend way more political capitol, time and money in doing the bidding of those who have bought and paid for them. The unions are only requiring them to do what is bought and paid for. It was a bargain made in hell but a bargain is a bargain no matter what the cost is to this country as a whole. Term Limits would solve all these problems. We would get rid of the ruling political class (Duke Reid, Duchess Pelosi, and our Sovereign Obama. If we had a citizen controlled congress not a union controlled congress then we may get the peoples work done once again.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

It is My Money not Yours

Quote for the Day; “To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.” – Thomas Jefferson

To have the state collect money from me even though I do not agree with how it is spent by my union bosses seems to me to be a silly as giving money to congress so they can reelect themselves. There needs to be some term limits in the Unions as well as in congress. If you had term limits in the unions you would not have the corruption that is currently and historically been a integral part of union business. Not the business of the constituents but the business of the leadership. Sounds just like congress to me. They take your money and use as they see fit. That is they use your money as they see fit. They do not use your money as you see fit or for what it was originally intended. Sounds like congress. Maybe the unions and congress have some of the same agenda's namely getting reelected. Not service to the people but to keep the offices in Washington DC and to have the perks that come with the job especially the power to do as you please with others money.

I guess I have two question to ask today: How many poor working class congressman do you know. Maybe they need to walk a mile again. Two, how many poor working class union bosses do you know beyond your local reps. If you answer is similar to mine then maybe it is time for term limits in the unions. Then maybe the work of the people can once again be done with out the hidden agenda of just getting reelected.

Monday, February 21, 2011

As Always We Pay They Play

What is happening in WI is unconscionable. They teachers are costing the people a ton of money. They want to protest but not loose pay. Typical thinking of a nonthinking union boss. Pay me for working pay me for not working. I want what I want and you should have to pay for it. Just two examples of the teacher fraud in WI. The SEIU (Service Employees International Union)has now set demonstrations in at least 20 other states. The cost to the public could be astronomical.

"As Milwaukee Public School teachers left their classrooms to march in Madison Friday, they likely earned more than $3 million to not teach students in Wisconsin’s largest school district.

In Madison, the school district was closed for three days after hundreds of teachers engaged in a mass sick-out so they could attend protest rallies at the State Capitol. That could cost the district $2.7 million."

I have sympathy for the individual teacher who is doing his job and trying to get by just like the rest of us. I have no sympathy for the unions who are importing other union persons from around the country to hold a state government hostage. They should get out of that state and take care of there own business. I hope there is a back lash to the efforts currently underway in WI.

SEIU protests

2/21 – Helena, MT
2/21 – Carson City, NV
2/21 – Raleigh, NC
2/21 – Austin, TX
2/21 – Madison, WI
2/22 – Sacramento, CA
2/22 – Denver, CO
2/22 – Des Moines, IA
2/22 – Annapolis, MD
2/22 – Boston, MA
2/22 – Springfield, MA
2/22 – St. Paul, MN
2/22 – Santa Fe, NM
2/22 – Columbus OH
2/22 – Providence, RI
2/22 – Montpelier, VT
2/22 – Madison, WI
2/23 – Hartford, CT
2/23 – Atlanta, GA
2/23 – Scranton, PA
2/24 – Canton, OH

Do not let them own the public square any-longer.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Dems Running for the Woods

I am personally ashamed to report that some of the Wisc. Dem's that are hiding out are in Minnesota. Makes sense we are the home of the big three "super left socialists (Dayton, Klobuchar, Franken). They would be as safe in Minnesota as Sudam's people were in Syria. I think our Governor should make sure they know they are not welcome to hide here while their state goes up in flames. He will not. Maybe the Minnesota legislature could pass a statement of "not welcome". They were elected to do a job in Wisconsin, and if they do not want to do it then they should be recalled by the voters. Once again the chief brain dead congresswomen from California has weighted in. She (Pelosi) has commended the other brain dead WI legislators for running to wherever they ran to. Oh so tricky on their part to leave so there is not a quorum as if that is going to stop the political process. The Governor of WI should send the state troopers after them and return them to the capitol. Probably not. It would not look good to the media even if it was the right thing to do. I hope that they all loss their jobs in the next election. They should. Cowards. What a great argument for term limits. If just one of these coward is reelected that would be the best reason to term limit all legislators. They are elected to serve not run. It is obvious they only want there way and are beholding to a special interest. If they were not they would have stayed put in their state. The power of the unior needs to be broken. Its hold on the Dems is unhealthy for our political process. Walker is correct in attempting to have the state not collect the union dues. What if a church wanted the state to collect the dues for them. How silly is this that the state actually acts as the collection agent for the unions. What form of logic was used to make this decision. Maybe the logic of "it will help me get elected because I will now have a special interest that is beholding to me because we got the money collect for them by us. " brilliant political strategy by the unions.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Fed Messing in States issues.

Here we go again.

Big government: Obama sticking his nose into the state politics of Wisc. I thought we were a government of strong state rights and a weaker central government. At least that was what the founding fathers said. What has this dispute in Wisc have to do with Interstate commerce, defense, monatary policy, forign policy and other issues the Federal Gov has some say in. The Feds should get out of Wisc. none of their business.

Here is how others see it. ::

President Obama and his political rivals in Washington have jumped into the epic battle in Wisconsin between organized labor and the state’s newly elected Republican governor over the rights and benefits of state workers.

Efforts by Scott Walker, the state’s Republican governor, to slash collective-bargaining rights of public employees prompted days of protests at the state capitol by thousands of union workers, fueled and organized in part by Mr. Obama’s own political apparatus in Washington.

Even as Democratic lawmakers in Wisconsin fled their own state in an attempt to stall a vote in the Republican-controlled state senate, Mr. Obama decried the tactics of Mr. Walker as “an assault on unions.”

That prompted House Speaker John Boehner to rip into Mr. Obama, accusing him of having “unleashed the Democratic National Committee to spread disinformation and confusion in Wisconsin.”

Mr. Boehner, in a statement, praised Mr. Walker and other Republican governors for making the tough decisions to cut spending. And he chided the president for siding with the wrong side in the contentious Wisconsin debate.

Some facts:

Liberals will not want to read this because they would not want facts to get in there way.

As J.D. Foster of the Heritage Foundation points out: “...the President proposes a budget that keeps the federal government on a thoroughly irresponsible and unsustainable course.” Please read the Heritage Foundation article and understand the $775 million in proposed cuts noted above are what the White House’s budget director Jacob Lew identified as reflecting what they perceive as some “tough calls.” Yet, as noted, they are a drop in the bucket; and the White House’s total proposed cuts for this year are still not at all enough to make us solvent.

How can the WH with a straight face say they are cutting the budget and that they are the new conservatives in town.

Palin gets it right :
The fine print reveals a White House proposal to increase taxes by at least $1.5 trillion over the next decade. If you want to know how minuscule their proposed $775 million-a-year budget “cuts” really are, please look at this chart. The proposed cuts are so insignificant – less than 1/10 of 1% of this year’s $1.65 trillion budget deficit – that they are essentially invisible on the pie chart. That speaks volumes about today’s budget. See this chart to see how stupid the budget really is in terms of reducing deficit etc.

We have got to watch it closely because the WH routinely uses words that can not be based in fact or they make explanations that have no bases in reality or the just plain lie because if the lie is said often enough it can become the perception of reality not reality.

I am so thankful for all the realtime media that is available today to us so we can keep an eye on our government Republicans, Democrats, Indep, and others and get the information out in a timely manner. We need to keep our eyes on the newly elected to make sure they do not vote with the majority if the vote compromises the basic reasons they were sent to congress in the first place. If there are compromisers who just said what we wanted to here they need to be called out in the public square so all can see who they are. This is not the time to sit back and to just hope they will do as they said. We are at risk of loosing our way of life and adopting a way of life that is second rate. I am not ready for that. We elect to have representation. In the past 30 years we have elected so the elected can be reelected. No more. They need to do what is right for the country and not what is right for their reelection.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

They just do not get it. We are broke and she is a reason for term limits. As you can tell in her letter to me she just wants to play the same old games. Commissions, Long term debt, working for a solution etc. No votes to stop the maddness and no guts to stand up and name the issues, Social Security, Defense, To big of Government, Unions and other special interest etc.

Here is an email exchange between Amy Klobuchar Senator Minnesota and myself over the past to days.

This is my response to here email back to me.

Feb 17
Dear Senator
Please look below to your return letter for my comments.
Thanks for a substantive response that I can respond to. My comments will be in Blue. As I watch what is happening in Wisconsin, Michigan and else where I am reminded that this is a new age of information. The powerful and rich are not the only ones to have real-time information. Please remain an honest politician. Spin does not go as far as it use to. Our politicians need to make decisions and quit talking about what they think they should do. The only special interest I hope you have is the welfare of the majority of Minnesotans
Yours truly
Terry Selby
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 4:39 PM
Subject: Responding to your message

February 17, 2011

Dear Terry:

Thank you for taking the time to contact me about fiscal responsibility in these tough economic times. I appreciate hearing your thoughts about how we can encourage economic growth while remaining fiscally responsible.

Like you, I am very concerned about our long-term fiscal situation. That's why one of my major legislative initiatives has been to create a bipartisan commission(Honestly we do not need another commission. The deficit is at 14 trillion, what else do you and the congress need to know. We can not pay our bills. Please stop politicing and just vote to reduce the deficit and reduce the actuall size of Government. to fast-track recommendations to reduce our long-term deficit. Last year, I worked with 14 senators to block a statutory increase of our national debt limit until the Senate agreed to set up the bipartisan National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility(no need for a bipartian anything. You are required by the constiution and good common sense to make decisions that are in our best interests not the best interest of the congress).—a commission tasked with reining in the nation's debt. While I do not agree with every single recommendation included in the final report, I believe it provides a good starting point for the difficult debate we must have. In the next year, I will continue to push for legislation that promotes sound tax policy (please reduce our taxes.), eliminates unsustainable spending,(please have the courage to take on Social Security and the Defense budget) and puts in place a long-term plan to responsibly reduce the deficit.

Since I came to the Senate I have also worked to reform the way Congress conducts its own business – opposing pay raises for members of Congress, (I am sure your are aware of what Jefferson and Hamilton said about professional legislators) fighting for appropriations project reform, and working to restore pay-as-you-go rules in our budget process to ensure that we're only funding new programs if outdated or duplicative programs are cut. I worked with Senate leadership to strengthen this principle by giving Pay – Go budget restrictions the force of law (the latest budget from the President then is not going to pass with out smoke and mirrors..

As we work to get our economy back on track, I will continue to insist on fiscal restraint and oversight. As we debate the budget this year I will push for targeted and cost effective initiatives that will spur job creation and economic growth,(you and congress have already with the fed spent 3 trillion dollars and sold that debt to China. It has not worked you need some new ideas please) while at the same time insisting we make the hard choices needed to reduce our government debt in the long-term( if our debt is not reduce now there may not be a long term) What on earth makes you think this republic can barrow its way to properity.). That is why I have advocated for directing support to those that will use it most effectively. In this country, small businesses are the engines of job growth, providing 64 percent of net new jobs and employing more than 50 percent of American workers. That is why I have voted for tax credits and other initiatives to support small businesses.

There are ways to take action to help middle-class families and build a stronger, more prosperous America while still being fiscally responsible. I look forward to putting partisan differences aside to work on an agenda that creates jobs, strengthens our economy, and promotes fiscal responsibility.

Again, thank you for taking the time to contact me. One of the most important parts of my job is listening to what the people of Minnesota have to say to me. I am here in our nation's capital to do the public's business and to serve the people of our state. I hope you will contact me again about matters of concern to you.


Amy Klobuchar

United States Senator

Unions Making Noise

Wisconsin, Michigan and others are about to do what should have been done years ago. The elected officials of years past have lied for years to the unions. It is not Christy of New Jersey or any other Governor or legislator currently serving that has not been in office for a long time that is to blame for this problem with unions. If we would have had term limits all along the unions would not have been able to buy politicians over the long haul. Decisions would have been different and we would not be in this mess. The collusion between setting and reelected officials has been know for years but nothing has been done about it. Why should the American people pay for the corupt decisions of the politians and the unions. It takes two to make coruption and the unions and DFL and some REPs have been corupt together for a longtime. It seems to me to be very bold of the unions to publicly protest the fact that the coruption is in the public eye. I would think they would be ashamed of their past behavior. The pensions, salary, and work rules and access to other benifits is so far over the top that I can not understand the unions over the top response to cuts. Who do they think is going to pay for all this. There is no money at the Federal, State or Local Level. Apparently they just want you to take it out of your own mouth and give it to them. Not going to happen anymore.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Straight from the White House spin Machine. I will mark the lies in Red the Truth in Blue

"With the worst recession in generations behind us((foreclosures to outpace last year to 1.5 million), President Obama has put forward a plan to rebuild (teardown is a better adj. Adding tax and increasing size of gov is what has not worked)our economy and win the future by out-innovating, out-educating, and out-building the rest of the world . (China can do this but with regulation and gov in the way there is no way we can do this. Gates is the pidepipper of inovation and he does not believe this.)But we cannot win the future if we pass a mountain of debt (this is right on, then how with a 1.5 Trillion deficit in the next budget can you even say this in the same sentence as he just did.) on to our children and our grandchildren.

That's why the President's 2012 federal budget takes responsibility for our deficits (how do you take responsibility by adding to the deficit) and puts the nation on a path to live within its means (a 1.5 million deficit is not living within our means. The lie is massive and the logic flawed.) . It's a responsible approach (It is the largest lie the Whites could attempt to get past the American people.)that cuts wasteful spending and, as so many American families must do every day, it makes tough choices (the tough choices are in healthcare and defense. He has not touched them) on things we can't afford. This plan institutes a five-year spending freeze (not on the big ticket items. When have you ever seen congress spend less. Great dreaming but not born out by the facts of history) that will reduce domestic spending to its lowest level since the Eisenhower administration.

Over the next decade, it reduces the deficit by more than $1 trillion (he has reduced nothing in fact he has added 3.5 million to the deficits. He is smoke and mirrors with his projections. The question is what has he cut today, NOTHING> ) -- two-thirds of it from spending cuts. Through this budget, the President meets his pledge to cut the deficit he inherited in half by the end of his first term.

In addition to responsible spending cuts, the President¹s budget makes targeted investments (Spending is the correct word) in America's incubators of growth: education, innovation, clean energy, and infrastructure. It reforms how Washington does business, (Washingotn should not be doing business it should be governing and not attempting to runa free enterprize system. It should not own Insurance companies, banks, auto companies and certainly should not be printing Trillions of dollars) putting more federal funding up for competition and reforming government to make it smarter, more effective and better prepared to meet the needs of the 21st century."

As can be seen by my corrections to the above lie and spin form the White House not much of what is said has a partical of truth. It is a sales gimic attempting to use what the people want, (smaller government, less spending Less governmenet in our lives) to sell larger Government, more spending and more taxes to fund their powerful positions.

One thing is clear, wheather you agree totally or partially, our government has stopped listening to the average guy and women on the street. They just want us to pay them. Why do you think you can enter congress not wealthy and leave years later a multimillionaire.

Hey, another day another spin and the attempt to change reality to the preception not the fact:

Here we sit once again listening to spin not information regarding the uprisings in the Middle East. O says that he did it. The social network people say they did it. The Muslim brotherhood say they did it. Some say they should not have done it and others say they did not do enough. The only thing I am interested in in the political world are two of the most important things in our history. One, we need term limits so we can return some sense of reality to our political process. and second we need to cut, cut, cut. Our countrys defficit has been an issue for years but it has always been kicked down the road. The road is at a dead end. If the congress and the president can not break the ways of old then we need to take a lesson from the Egyptions and take charge of our government until they decide it is not there government but it is ours. I was hopeful with the tea party this past fall. But I am affraid it is to little to late. The powers to be will not let go of there power. I believe that the powers to be will do anything to maintain their potions of power. They will lie, steal, spin, even cause crises to keep the focus off of them. we need to not loose site of what our country needs to do overr the next elections cycle.

It is hard to believe that our President just suggest a Budget that has another 1.5 T dollar deficit with increased taxes and increase spending. What reality is he living in. He is still speaking to his base and not at the least interested in what is really happening in the real would of housing, education and health care.