Friday, February 18, 2011

Fed Messing in States issues.

Here we go again.

Big government: Obama sticking his nose into the state politics of Wisc. I thought we were a government of strong state rights and a weaker central government. At least that was what the founding fathers said. What has this dispute in Wisc have to do with Interstate commerce, defense, monatary policy, forign policy and other issues the Federal Gov has some say in. The Feds should get out of Wisc. none of their business.

Here is how others see it. ::

President Obama and his political rivals in Washington have jumped into the epic battle in Wisconsin between organized labor and the state’s newly elected Republican governor over the rights and benefits of state workers.

Efforts by Scott Walker, the state’s Republican governor, to slash collective-bargaining rights of public employees prompted days of protests at the state capitol by thousands of union workers, fueled and organized in part by Mr. Obama’s own political apparatus in Washington.

Even as Democratic lawmakers in Wisconsin fled their own state in an attempt to stall a vote in the Republican-controlled state senate, Mr. Obama decried the tactics of Mr. Walker as “an assault on unions.”

That prompted House Speaker John Boehner to rip into Mr. Obama, accusing him of having “unleashed the Democratic National Committee to spread disinformation and confusion in Wisconsin.”

Mr. Boehner, in a statement, praised Mr. Walker and other Republican governors for making the tough decisions to cut spending. And he chided the president for siding with the wrong side in the contentious Wisconsin debate.

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