Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Power Elite is alive and Well

The Power Elite:
As is seen in the above picture, the Power Elite is dependent on the Elite Media first and foremost.

Here we go again with the Major Media deciding for us.  Even Fox has anointed Romney for the Florida win.  Why have we not seen on TV the following:

Do not forget that the reason that we the people are spoon-fed a candidate that is a “moderate” (which means a shill for the power elite in government and business) is that nothing well change and that is exactly what they want NOTHING TO CHANGE.  THAT IS WHY WE THE PEOPLE HAVE NOT HEARD ANY OF THE FOLLOWING: 

            1.  37  Florida Tea Party Leaders have endorsed Gingrich.  Not a word in the Major Media.   

Coalition members include:

·                                 Patricia Sullivan, Patriot Army founder

·                                 Karin Hoffman, DC Works for US founder

·                                 Karena Morrison, State Advisory Team for GOOOH in Florida

·                                 Tom Gaitens, former state director for FreedomWorks

·                                 Sharon Calvert, Tampa Tea Party

·                                 Tom Tillison Central Orlando Tea Party Council

·                                 Juan C Torres, Latino American Tea Party

·                                 Mike Hill, NW Florida Tea Party

·                                 Alan Berkelhammer, Gainesville Tea Party

·                                 Alice Beutien, Putnam County Tea Party;

·                                 Audrey Rumsey, Hernando County Tea Party coordinator

·                                 Bob Knox, American Citizens League

·                                 Carol Knighton, Leesburg Regional Tea Party co-founder

·                                 Charlie Perez, Gilchrist County Tea Party

·                                 Deanna May Keystone Heights Tea Party

·                                 Diane Leone, St. Johns Tea Party

·                                 Don Anderson, Sarasota 912

·                                 Don Eaton, Conservative Liberty Alliance

·                                 Donna Hoak, Conservative Liberty Alliance

·                                 Eli Knighton, Conservative Liberty Alliance

·                                 Jerry Bell, DC Works for Us Broward

·                                 Ruth Bell, DC Works for Us Broward

·                                 Jesse Phillips, Restore America

·                                 Kay Eaton, Conservative Liberty Alliance

·                                 Ken Rabideau, Conservative Liberty Alliance

·                                 Letha Fadeley, Tea Party Manatee

·                                 Nancy Haynes, Hernando County Tea Party

·                                 Peter Lee, East Side Tea Party Orlando

·                                 Steve Norflus, Conservative Liberty Alliance

·                                 Steve Vernon, Tea Party Manatee

·                                 Steve Williams, Lake Area Tea Party

·                                 Terry Beutien, Putnam County Tea Party

·                                 Tom Nelson, Fort Walton Beach Tea Party

·                                 Tony Ledbetter, vice president, Volusia 912 Inc.

·                                 Steve Williams, Lake Area Tea Party

·                                 Vance Jochim, North Lake County Tea Party

·                                 Steve Norflus, Conservative Liberty Alliance

·                                 Steve Vernon, Tea Party Manatee

  1. Nancy Reagan has said her husband had a close relationship with Newt Gingrich and that "Ronnie turned that (conservative) torch over to Newt and the Republican members of Congress to keep that dream alive”.  THIS IS IN A NANCY REAGAN VIDEO.
  2. Mike Reagan has endorsed Gingrich as the Politician in the field that best represents his fathers conservative views. 
  3. Florida Rep. Rivera: Gingrich Only Candidate With Track Record.  Endorsed Gingrich while making comments at a Latino, Cuban meeting in Florida.
  4. The ethics problems in Congress were all found to be false and he did not pay a fine but Romney and his SuperPac continue to say so as if this is true. 
  5. Druge has been attacked as attempting to take Gingrich out of the mix and painting him with a Romney brush. 
  6. This mornings comments by Doocy on Fox and Friends were so blatantly Romney that he must have been told by the powers in Fox to get on the Romney band wagon.  I expect Palin to leave Fox soon. 

I said that in my last blog.  Scorched Earth would be the policy.  The power elite  can not afford in terms of loss of power and money.  But manly power; to have a true conservative in power.

What is the power elite: ??

The Power Elite is a book written by the sociologist, C. Wright Mills, in 1956. In it Mills calls attention to the interwoven interests of the leaders of the military, corporate, and political elements of society and suggests that the ordinary citizen (this is we the people) is a relatively powerless subject of manipulation by those entities.  A major new piece of the Power elite puzzle has been the growth of the Multi National News Corp.  He did not see that coming.  He did not see that TV News would and in fact eclipse the influence and power of the old power elite.  He did not see the global reach of the TV news and now the advent of social media. 

The point is that they will do what ever they have to to have their way with we the people unless we the people one at a time do not do as we are told and do the right thing for a change. 

Remember power is dependent on stability.  Dictators, politicians, professors, and anyother person who weilds power knows that their power is completely dependant on chaos, tenure, and unlimited access to the media.  As long as Romney and other surragots can continue chaos in the primary, and have unlimited access to the Media we the people have a hardtime getting our thoughts, ideas, and votes to matter.  Remember Mills --"we are relatively powerless in this fight"".       




Sunday, January 22, 2012

Newt Leads Romney in Fl, OH, PA

There will be a Scorched Earth policy to beat Newt

Newt Gingrich leads Mitt Romney in Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania

According to Politico the Newt surge is continuing for now into the next major primary states.” He now leads Romney 35 percent to 22 percent in Florida, 36 percent to 18 percent in Ohio and 31 percent to 17 percent in Pennsylvania. In all three states, a head-to-head contest between Gingrich and Romney – and no other candidates – puts the former House speaker above 50 percent of the vote”

Read more:

 What remains to be seen is if he can raise money and get the infrastructure necessary to win these states and move to a national campaign.  The Mainstream press and Mitt are going to up there negative adds and they are going to take a Patton approach.  Attack, scorched earth policy in order to win, no matter the costs.  Make no mistake.  The do nothing congress is still run by the moderate do nothing GOP and Dem’s.  They only want to maintain their power, at all cost.  Maybe just Maybe “we the people” can see through this and vote for the best candidate that can represent “we the people”, not we the power elite, and beat Obama.
Needless to say the mainstream press, which in full defensive mode with the interviewers interviewing the interviewers in order to justify their bias and the lack of professionalism regarding GOP coverage especially the conservative wing of the party, is currently in the toilet.  I have been waiting for a Conservative GOP candidate to put the press in their place since Palin decide not to run, and for “We the People” to vote what we think and not what the press would have us think.  The criticism of global conglomerate corporations running the lobbies in congress is finally including the press.  They, the Press Inc. have an agenda that is not in “we the peoples” best interest.  Even Fox was in the tank for Mitt.  Even Cavuto, Fox Business, who is generally fair and balanced was in the tank.  The small guy opinion is only available on the Internet.  Witness this blog. 

The mainstream money Repub’s that really do not want anything to change, are in full support of Romney but it looks like that did not work in SC.  Mitt had the money early on and his attack adds that worked in Iowa did not work in a primary state that voted, not a caucus state that is run by the established GOP.  It is interesting that some of the old guard Repub’s, Sen. DeMint SC in particular stayed on the sidelines.  Maybe they are sensing a change is in the wind regarding the conservative movement.  If I were speaker Boehner I would watch my back.  He is the worst of the mainstream Repub’s who have done nothing in the wake of the 2010 elections.  Remember we want to nominate a person who is not in the image of Bush, McCain, Dole or any other Repub’s who believes that the mainstream Repub’s king makers are the way to go.  If we do  this nothing will change.  It will be a vote for Obama. 
I wish I was not worried about this and we had term limits in place.  If we did we would not have this kind of battle in primaries and national elections.  We would very likely have candidates run on issues not on hidden agendas and millions of dollars that are attached to those hidden agendas.  We may have candidates who said what they believed and then governed base on those beliefs.  Currently the conventional wisdom assumes you run to the left or right in primaries and the govern to the center.  That means nothing changes in DC.  Except we the people lose out once again and taxes increase, the cost of government goes up, our life style requires two full time jobs just to keep up with the president and congressional good ideas that always cost more. 
Gingrich has balanced a budget in a mixed congress, Gingrich is a flawed Human being and so is every other person in the world.  The question is has he found a way to deal with his flaws.  Gingrich is for term limits for congress, Gingrich is for holding the judiciary accountable f or their overreaching, Gingrich is for cutting the overall size of Government.   Go to for all the platform.  Stop listening to the mainstream press and become informed on who can win this important nomination. 

Friday, January 20, 2012

Slick Romney is OUTED

Slick Romney is OUTED

The Wall Street Journal reports today in its story entitled 'Romney's Unorthodox IRA' that Mitt Romney has between $20.7 million and $101.6 million parked in his IRA.

IRA's were created by Congress as a means of encouraging Americans to save for their retirement. It appears given the magnitude of the amounts involved that Mitt Romney is using his IRA in a complex tax avoidance scheme.
Slick Romney is OUTED

If  you read this you can not vote for Romney.  It is just 4 more years of the same thing.  This is why the good old boys wanted this man.  He will do nothing just as Clinto, Bush, and  Obama have.  He is not outside anything.  He is deep in the mess.  Please read this. 

As the WSJ reports;

Under federal law, Mr. Romney isn't required to pay annual taxes on the account's investment gains, and the bulk of his contributions to the fund are likely to have been pretax dollars, IRA experts say. As such, the Romney IRA has enabled the current Republican front-runner to defer paying taxes on a sizable portion of his wealth -- although he could face high tax bills when he eventually withdraws the money.

I am not saying this illegal.  I am glad he is rich.  But, he is being untruthful about this.  IRAs do allow individuals to avoid paying taxes on their current income and deferring all additional taxes until the funds are withdrawn from the IRA in retirement. For this reason, Congress saw fit to put a maximum contribution limit on the IRAs of $2,000 a year. Any amounts contributed to an IRA beyond this maximum must be contributed after the paying of all required taxes.
For Mitt Romney to have accumulated $20 to $100 million in his IRA suggests that somehow he had found a way around this $2,000 a year limit, that you and I have,  to contributions as there is no way contributing $2,000 a year could ever grow to $20 million in one's lifetime, much less $100 million, regardless of how good an investor one is.
One method Mitt Romney may have employed is to have made his initial investments in a 401(k) plan on a pre-tax basis because 401(k) plans allowed up to $30,000 a year in annual contributions back in the 1980's without the payment of ordinary income taxes. But even with making $30,000 contributions each year, it is hard to see how a $20 to $100 million fortune could be amassed in such a short time.
This suggests, and the Wall Street Journal article hints at this, that Romney was not making cash contributions to his IRA but rather parking equity shares of his companies' investment funds there, or quite possibly putting shares of private companies that his firm bought into his 401(k).

If this happened, we need to know at what valuation Romney made these contributions as it is very easy to claim a low stated value for shares of private companies or investment funds that have no publicly available market price. If Romney purposely understated the true value of the shares he contributed to his retirement plan he could be held criminally liable.
But Romney did not stop there with his tax avoidance scheme. It appears (and appearances are all we have at this point since Romney refuses to release his tax returns until the Republican nominating process is effectively over in mid-April) that Romney then at some time, possibly at his retirement, converted his 401(k) plan into an IRA and thus permanently avoided the contribution limits on IRAs.
But, as the WSJ reports, "Under current tax law, anybody investing an IRA in a private-equity fund, as Mr. Romney did, would likely incur a hefty special tax on 'unrelated business income,' also known as UBIT. This tax, (is) assessed at a maximum 35% rate..." There is no indication that Romney paid this tax.

And, according to the WSJ, Romney also may have made use of offshore tax havens like the Cayman Islands to further avoid paying his taxes. Romney's company, Bain Capital, made liberal use of offshore vehicles and one way to avoid paying the UBIT tax referenced above is to claim that Romney was not investing in a private equity fund, but rather in an off-shore corporation that itself invested in the private equity fund. ABC News reports that Bain Capital has set up over 138 secretive offshore funds in the Cayman Islands.

Romney has reported recently that his actual effective tax rate is around 15% per year. Robert Reich, as reported in the Huffington Post, suggests that Romney and his private equity funds most likely made ample use of the carried interest rule that allows hedge funds, LBO funds and private equity funds to compensate their managers at capital gains rates rather than ordinary income rates, an advantage only available to wealthy Wall Street insiders.

But Romney was not happy paying 15% per year. By bastardizing the intent of IRA legislation meant to help working Americans save for retirement, Romney has succeeded in shielding $20 million to $100 million of his staggering personal wealth from all taxes to date, an effective tax rate of 0%.”

No wonder he does not want to have the Reps look at this taxes.  He wants to wait tell he  has the nomination and then it is to late for us to change our minds.  Once again “we the people” would lose out to the moderates and the good old boys who do not care who is in power as long as they stay in power. 
We have an opportunity to change the nature of the balance of power in DC.  Lets do it and elect the man who will beat Obama in the debates. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Term Limits

Newt is Surging: He can help to fix this. 

I was sent a great video by a friend who has a great deal of Government experience.  He thought it was funny to suggest that I may vote as the individual in the video.  I doubt that I would vote as did the actor in the video but he does point out a number of issues that need to be addressed in the next election. I completely by in on his commitment to his view on gun control.  I should be able
to have and own not just a gun but I should be able to own all the guns I want to own and the government should have nothing to say about this.  Remember the reason we have the 2nd amendment (A well regulate militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed on.) is so we can challenge the government if and when they get out of control and take our collective liberty away from us as did the English.  The I want to hunt is not the central argument for Gun freedoms.  It is our ability to hold our government accountable even if it requires a gun.  Maybe this sounds far fetched; That in our country this could never happen.  That our government has at its base the best interest of “we the people” at heart.  That the government has a certain morality to it that would ultimately stop the government from taking our liberty away to the extent that we may need a gun to protect us from that same government. 

However, if we do not look to history to educate us;  if we can not see what the professional class of politicians  have as their main goal.  Then we will set back and do nothing and at some point this will happen to us.  The entire 20th century has changed the way we govern.  For example, no income tax.  No IRS.  Strong state government and weak federal government.  Small federal government employees not counting the Military.  The start of the building of the middle class lead by Corporate America not Lead by the Federal Government.  The creation of industries that lasted for a century.  And on and on. 
Just in the past 40 years we have seen our government take on most of the constitution as we knew it.  For example the Feds sued IBM.  They had become to big for their pants.  That would be the Fed wanted to control them.  Other than wars, we saw the government begin to borrow with out collateral.  No other entity in the US can do this.  We say other major corporations that spawned new industries Sued, broke up etc.  Microsoft, ATT.  We have seen the removal of decision from a local basis to the federal government.  The federalization and criminalization of just about everything you do from the bedroom to the boardroom.  There is a regulation enforced by a federal bureaucracy that is beyond we the peoples control.  As Gingrich and others have pointed out that the judiciary has participate with the making of laws as they in their 9 person judgment, not elected see fit.  As Justice Borke indicated in his US Senate Supreme court hearings, which he lost, “that there is no provision in the constitution for the right to an abortion or for that matter the right to privacy.”  The court has made up more laws than can be counted.  They have stepped way away from what was the courts behavior at mid century.  The most recent reality is the federalization of your Medical Care.   Guess who is going to decide this question.  The Supreme Court.  Not only do I distrust them but it should not be in the Court in the first place.  The government in its wisdom, or grab for power, has decided they can run our medical decisions like they have run the Pentagon with $ 200 hammers, GM with $200000 per unit Volts and on and on.   
Anybody who does not see the massive problems in DC and the congress, presidency, and the judiciary is blind.  They  count on this so they can not be caught grabbing more power. 
I submit that most if not all of the  problems we see in our government can be fixed by the simple act of term limits.  If government officials are term limited they can not consolidate personal power with our money and therefore there first thought maybe what would be best for the government not what do I need to do or get in order to be reelected.  I do not agree with Obama, but I do know that in 8 years max I get to make another choice.  However the 2ND , and 3rd most powerful person in government not counting the VP and the next 9(the supreme court which are life appointments.),  I have to deal with as long as they can use my money to buy votes.  This has to change if we want anything to change over the long haul.  

Sunday, January 15, 2012

South Carolina a test for Term Limits and Conservatism

Gingrich can and will beat Obama;

It has become clear and is Mitts best friend that the conservative vote will be split by those who cannot win but want to have there name in the news.  This should be a race between The conservative who can beat Obama, change the very way we govern, decrease the size of government, govern as the constitution demands, give us a vision for greatness, get out of the way of business, balance our budget, (he has done 4 time in the last 15 years), stop the liberal consolidation of power in DC (Obamacare, bailouts, special interest rule, a committee and a department for everything:  and Moderate centrist Mass Mitt who appoints liberal judges, past MittMassCare, Johnnie  come lately to gun control, abortion and other social issues.

At present no other candidate can possibly beat Obama in a national election.  Between /Romney and Gingrich only Gingrich can beat Obama in the debates.  Anybody who argues that the debates should not be important does not understand the way we currently elect national politicians.  The only things Kennedy had going for him was Nixon's poor performance on TV.  Face it the TV and the media bias has a great deal to do with how and who is elected.  Newt has the demeanour, off the cuff intelligence, the hours of being interviewed by the liberal media, the intelligence to deal effectively with the lame stream media and get his message out to the people.  Newt only has the experience in maintaining the party line, talking  points etc.  They will let Obama get away with that but not the presidential candidate that is a republican. 

We need to set back and look at the big picture.  BEAT OBAMA. 
RON PAUL can not do that even though some of his ideas I agree with.  Most of the financial issues.  Limited Government etc.  Huntsman not a chance, SANTORUM and his family values and small government are very appealing ideas but he does not have a chance in a national election against the likes of Obama and 1 billion dollars of advertising.  These guys have had their time in the sun and have attempted to use the votes in Iowa, and New Hampshire to catapult them to the national stage.  It has not happened.  So what is the best thing to do for the big picture of electing a conservative and defeating Obama.  Get a grip.  I do not think and believe everything that comes out of Gingrich's mouth.  But he has what it takes in assets, (knowledge about governance, personnel intellect, speaking off the cuff, and being able to not just stay with Obama but being able to put him in his place.  Newt does not have to read a TelePrompTer to talk on any subject in the government, for hours.  Obama does.  Gingrich will be able to out Obama for the socialist he is what his hidden agenda is and, how unequiped he was to lead.  After 3 years of on the job training is all he has done is to spend us into oblivion, buying special interest votes (unions, energy alternative, increased welfare) and weakened our military. He has done this by using our money, executive orders, and partisn politics.  His major policy has been to blame Bush or congress.  He is responsible for 6 trillion in new debt and that is with out Obamacare being implimented.  He is devicieve and is the bigget promoters of class warfare.

Remember;  The goal of the Primary is to get the best canidate that CAN BEAT OBAMA.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Term Limits
The only answer for the Long Term
 Simple but do able. 

No Tenure / No Pension, Term Limited.  Reasonable pay while in session.

Congress (past, present & future) participates must participate in Social Security

Congress can purchase their own retirement plan, just as all Americans do

Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise or any special privileges that the US citizen does not have.

Congress loses their current health care system and they must participate in the same health care system as the American people

Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the American people.           

Congress will completely reform the tax code to a simple flat rate for all with no exclusions.

Congress will do a way with the federal statues that allow for double jeopardy.  You can only be tried by one court.
One law for all.  Indian sovereignty shall be abolished

Congress will do a way with the federal statues that allow for double jeopardy.  You can only be tried by one court, onetime.

No collective bargaining in the public sector.  

This is a doable list that all congressmen should sign on to.  This would give us back the power and liberty we the people have lost.  It is time to take this back and stop listening to those who would campaign to the right and govern to the center.  Or campaign to the left and govern to the center. You are what you are.  Let us all be conservative in running our government.  Our history has taught us that it should not be a plaything for the political class or the social engineers.   Not all good ideas should be made into law and in some cases into a cabinet position.  Think about what the political class has given us just in cabinet level regulation and laws. 

Department of State
Secretary of State:

Hillary Clinton

The biggest global welfare in history.  We pay whole countries to do our bidding as seen by who ever is in power at the time and by what their special agenda is. 

Department of Treasury
Secretary of the Treasury:

Timothy Geithner

If this was just the accounting department that would be ok but it is the borrowing, and printing department as well.  4+ trilliion borrowed, 4 trillion printed, 8 trillion of our wealth gone. 

 Department of Defense
Secretary of Defense:

Robert M. Gates

We can not nor should not be the worlds policeman especially with an army.  If we fight we should use all means to win.  We should not be in the business of prosecuting forgien policy for the state department.  We should fight and win wars and then leave. 

Department of Justice
Attorney General:

Eric Holder

They system is broke.  Ruby ridge, giving guns to the mexican maffia, leaving ACORN alone.  We now have selective political prosecution.

Department of Interior
Secretary of the Interior:

Ken Salazar

This is a lobby for Global Warming, and other lobbies that interferr with the economy of this country.  Oil, gas, coal, why are we dependent on any body

Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Secretary of Agriculture:

Tom Vilsack

This is the farm lobby and that is all.  We pay farmers to not grow anything.  The farmers not only pick crops but pick our pocket as well. 

NOTE:   Todd  Palin endorsed Gingrich yesterday.  I support Sarah Palin.  I am sure she and Todd discussed this and I see this as her surrogate making the announcement.  She may personally wait for some time to announce.  Smart.  Gingrich is still my guy.  He can beat Obama in the debates hands down. 

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Term Limits is the Only Answer Not which Party is in Control

            I Say -- You Say:

FACTS not in evidence as of now:  We still think that - if I get my way, my party in power, the government will finally do the work it is suppose to do. 

We now borrow $.40 of every dollar that our government spends.

The first thought all politicians currently has (except those with term limited promises) is how does that (anything I say, vote for or is perceived buy the voter) affect my chance of REELECTION.

The politicians now think what should I vote for that will help me be reelected;  not what can we afford.  He then runs for cover  with all manner of lies, half truths, blame the other guy, and misdirection to not have to deal with he reality of his vote and the real motivation for his vote.  That is always reelection. 

The Small Picture Is: Misdirection

I say cut -you say new revenue;  Both of these notions are connected to special interest that vote. 

I say oil you say wind:  Both of these notions are connected to special interest that vote. 

I say federal mandates - you say local control: Both of these notions are connected to special interest that votes. 

I say cut welfare -you say cut cooperate welfare:

I say cut farm subsidies you say cut the pentagon.


I say, you say:  That is all that is going on and we the people are loosing out. We are loosing out no matter what party is in power.  We are being manipulated by the two parties.  We vote and nothing gets better.  We do not vote and nothing gets better.  Since the early sixties we the people have steadily lost control and power over our elected officials.  Jefferson and others said that congress should not ever get their personal hands on the public treasury for if that happened we would loose the notion of democracy and become exactly what we have.  Serfs in our own land with a professional politician that has as his only interest his own reelection and self interest.  How do we know this?

            Most congressman who have been in office for any length of time leave as rich men with all kinds of money making opportunities that were lined up during their watch.

            Most congressmen only work part-time on legislation and full time on there own reelections.  They begin to raise money for their reelection as soon as the election ends.  We are now spending in states like Minnesota 10 million and more for a Senate seat.  A governorship can be worth as much as 100 million.  Now why in the world would a person spend that kind of money to make $180,000 per year?

            Most congressmen have special privileges and laws that are written just for them.  They use the taxpayer funded mail system to send free mail.  They use your money to travel on.  They use information gained in the course of their work to enrich themselves in the market place.  These are all legal because they say they are.  However if a private citizen did some of  these they would be felonies and jail time would be in order.  Oh yeh, they have a great retirement, for life, after only limited service to this country and the best healthcare in the world free.

Little Known Fact: 

Congress loves gridlock.  Yes they love and depend on it.  Gridlock gives each side (fair and balanced) access to the airwaves to spin their specific lies and thereby keep us focused on the small stuff.  I say, you say. 

The larger picture is that congress is broke fiscally, and morally, simply because of the nature of man.   Jefferson and others spoke about the nature of man in the federalist papers and concluded that if congressmen saw what they were doing as a job not a calling or an obligation the next logical move is for the congressman to make his job secure.  I would say that congress has made there jobs secure.         

We actually thought that we would be able to fix some major problems if we only changed the party that was in control.  What a mistake and what a political strategy by those in power.  They got there and nothing has changed. Congress will not change, become not deadlocked etc. until the notion of, what a congressman is, once again becomes a calling not just a job. 

We all have a special interest and as long as we do congress will not come to grips with the fact that; we are broke and can not continue to buy votes with taxpayer money just to get reelected.  We the people have not yet figured out that it is not that, I want my special interest enacted and not the other guys that is the solution.  It is not the solution to the problem. That type of thinking just perpetuates the existing mess.  You say I say.  The result is thinking that Now I have got mine and I have to pay back to those who voted for this in order to get reelected.  If I do not they may not vote for me. 

All special interest are a great idea for someone; 

Farm subsidies, Milk subsidies, welfare, money for the poor, food for the poor, shelter, clothing for the poor, bailouts for banks, mortgage holders, car companies, alternative energy, foreign countries (EU), wars in foreign countries with out declaration of war, unions, free franking for congress, our money used to support social policy, abortion rights, ACORN, voters rights, congressional travel to foreign countries, water quality, air quality, quality of life, zoning, land use, private sexual behavior, Indian tribes with their own laws, drug use, school lunches,  mowing grass along highways, military type cops, the central bank, gun control, border issues, not prosecuting illegal aliens, prosecuting illegal aliens, special interest groups.  It goes on and on and there seems to be no end in sight.  We have a massive government that has bought votes for reelection by attempting to become the center of the world for all peoples good ideas.  We look to government to take care of us and they love that relationship with the voters, because, that puts them in the power seat. Otherwise why would anybody vote for Barney Frank.   I have what you want and you should vote for me.  The problem is that each good idea that becomes law or a regulation  has a cost to our liberty.  Not to the powerful but to we the people.  Term Limits has the power to return power to the people.  Which is to say return liberty as well. 

Remember this election if they are not for term limits for congress then vote else where or you are just a part of the problem not the solution. 

Here is some information from

Limited: terms
(total years allowed)
Year law
takes effect
Voting Yes
House: 4 terms (8 years)
Senate: 4 terms (8 years)
House: 2000
Senate: 2000
House: 3 terms (6 years)
Senate: 2 terms (8 years)
House: 1998
Senate: 2000
Assembly: 3 terms (6 years)
Senate: 2 terms (8 years)
House: 1996
Senate: 1998
House: 4 terms (8 years)
Senate: 2 terms (8 years)
House: 1998
Senate: 1998
House: 4 terms (8 years)
Senate: 2 terms (8 years)
House: 2000
Senate: 2000
Louisiana **
House: 3 terms (12 years)
Senate: 3 terms (12 years)
House: 2007
Senate: 2007
Maine *
House: 4 terms (8 years)
Senate: 4 terms (8 years)
House: 1996
Senate: 1996
House: 3 terms (6 years)
Senate: 2 terms (8 years)
House: 1998
Senate: 2002
House: 4 terms (8 years)
Senate: 2 terms (8 years)
House: 2002
Senate: 2002
House: 4 terms (8 years)
Senate: 2 terms (8 years)
House: 2000
Senate: 2000
Unicameral: 2 terms (8 years)
Senate: 2008
Assembly: 6 terms (12 years)
Senate: 3 terms (12 years)
House: 2010
Senate: 2010
House: 4 terms (8 years)
Senate: 2 terms (8 years)
House: 2000
Senate: 2000
12 year combined total for both houses
State Legislature: 2004
South Dakota
House: 4 terms (8 years)
Senate: 2 terms (8 years)
House: 2000
Senate: 2000
Wyoming ***
House: 6 terms (12 years)
Senate: 3 terms (12 years)
House: 2004
Senate: 2004
AVERAGE % of Vote