Tuesday, December 18, 2012

We Lost the Culture War:
Since the election I have been trying to make sense out of my not getting one of my candidates elected to anything. Not even school board. I lost every election that I voted in. Not a single win.

As I have looked at what this means I have come to the following conclusions ;
  1. Simply; We lost because we (what has been called conservatives) are no longer the majority. We are now the minority.
  2. The loss of the majority view has been happening over a long time but is slowly but surely been happening.
      As I think about how the progressive movement has become the majority we only have to look at how we became the welfare state. How our thinking about government has gone from “I am an individual with with responsibilities and obligations and a social contract with my government. That government can not nor should not intervene in my daily living. That I have inalienable rights to include all the the rights guaranteed us in the constitution and the individual pursuit of happiness, and individual freedoms which used to be at the heart of our society have been replaced.
      3. What has replaced the notion of freedom is a societal norm that first asks what can the government do for me. It is not my fault it is somebody else. It is the governments problem to make laws and enforce them. Call a cope, call welfare, call the school, call the city, call the county, call the state, call the States Attorney, call the federal government, call a lawyer. We now look to government to mediate, solve, enforce, make and change our moral, inter and intra relationships by making and enforcing rules and regulations. We now have rules and regulations that say who I can associate with, how I have to speak in the public square. I can not even advocate competition and winning as a good thing to have as a goal. We now have a culture that has no losers and no winners.
      4. The major problem is in how we discuss the problems with our society and government in particular. For example: all you need to know about government at this point is that we barrow $.46 of every dollar the government spends and we can not seem to stop doing this. The problem comes when government uses our own personal special interests, what I call “good ideas” against us to get us to vote for them. We take sides and have been told that the Reps/Dems can fix the problem and then the problem never gets fixed. Since those in power only give us the two choices then we only have the other side to blame. It can not be my side that is wrong. How has this been working for them?.

There is nobody that thinks we can spend borrowed money day in and day out to the tune of Trillions of dollars with out destroying our selves. Yet that is what we are doing. Why: because my side has a “good idea”. Every idea that our government pays for was somebodies “good idea” That is why we continue to argue about a particular idea when in fact the problem is not the good idea the problem is we borrow $.46 of every dollar spent on all the good ideas.
    With 4 million Federal, 3 million state and 11 million local public employees all with lifetime benefits at some level, do we think there can ever be a change by voting in a one man one vote system. Every person votes their own special interest. The problem is not the 18 million public employees, or the 47% who only take but do not pay or the 4 million on welfare or the 47 million on food stamps. The problem is we have given up our way of life to a government that can not get out of its own way and to a majority of well meaning people with “good ideas” that are borrowing $.46 of every dollar we spend to support all the “good ideas”. Gov. Huckabee said yesterday about the shooting in Ct. “the shooting happened because we have systematically removed God from the classroom”. He will be publicly attacked for such a politically incorrect statement. Why??
      If he is saying that Government can not and will not be able to pass on a moral code to this countries children. I agree. Government can only pass laws. Just wait for the gun control fascist to come out from under a rock. The moral code is not the responsibility of Government and you can not replace a moral code with laws and continue to have a society that functions. If a person is a student or has just a casual acceptance of Christian Philosophy you will notice that we are once again living in old testament times. How did that work out for our ancestors. The Early Peoples, Greece, Rome, Chinese, Germans, English, Africa etc. and any other peoples that used man made laws, that, by the way, laws are always changed to support the latest “good idea” by the latest dictator. All previous societies have failed because the people rose up at a point because they saw the corruptness of the government that governed them. Every ancient civilization had “good ideas”. Some modern societies have had good ideas, they all failed because they all used man made laws that government misused for their own interest, instead of a society wide morality brought on by and enforced by social forces . Now in the beginning of the rise of man He/She only had their own wits and beliefs. It worked for them for a bunch of years. Modern civilizations have only been around for about 7000 years. We have had a lot of “good ideas” and not one has worked, over the long haul, to date. As in the old testament man is permanently flawed.
        America started with” good ideas” by men and women who had seen what corrupt people and government could do to the majority of people if those given the power miss used that which was in trusted to them. They started with an attitude of suffering for the greater good and a vision of liberty not seen in the world at anytime before. We even put in place some very different “good ideas”. Balance of power, bill of rights, guaranteed protection from an overreaching government, strong state rights, freedom of speech, voting rights, limited government rights, civilian power over the military etc. It has only taken 200+years to overcome most of the limits of government envisioned by the “good ideas” of our founders.
          I am now in the minority. I truly believe that the government has over-reached its legitimate authority as envisioned by the our founding fathers. I also now believe that the progressive thinking “good ideas” is in the majority. We lost. Therefore everybody lost. The only hopeful notion I can come up with is that this can not last. This form of government only leads to a consolidation of power by a few and eventually a revolution against that power.  So be it. 

          Monday, October 29, 2012

          I’m Back 
          You will not believe this video:   

          I am back from the cabin.  4 months of no TV, no radio, no paper, no political lies and re-visionary history.  Refreshed and ready to blog again.  Even though not much has changed in the political realm I have changed in spite of the election.  I lost 60 lbs and swim ½ to 1 mile 3 time per week.  This kept me from throwing things at the TV.  I will now hold my nose and vote for Romney simply because he is the lesser of 2 looser candidates.  I guess we shall see. 

          Some disturbing thoughts since returning to the disinformation age of the cable channel  24/7 lies and misinformation. . 

          1.      If Romney is elected Israel has an incentive to bomb Iran before he is sworn in as president. Conversely if O is elected Israel can wait to bomb Iran at their leisure. 

          2.      The rise of Radical Islam will continue until the Muslim community at large puts a stop to it.  They have to police their own.  A Christian nation can not possibly produce long term continued peace and acceptance in a muslim dominated country.  Witness the past 1000 years.   This is nothing new just the latest version.  We can only act defensively and then get out of the way.  Not all Muslims are nuts, lunatics or radicals.  But they have not stepped up as a people.  Individuals and small groups have, but not the over whelming majority.  They remain virtually silent.  I guess radical Islamic terrorism works on mainstream Muslims as well as with non Muslims.  I know, not politically correct but true none the less.  

          3.       Romney will raise user fee’s, which are a form of tax even though he will not raise income taxes.  Revenue has to increase and expensed have to be slashed.  I think he will do both.

          4.      If something does not happen in the next few months, years; it will not be the anarchists in the streets but the middle class.  They have been hit the worst, during this massive transfer of wealth to the so-called 3rd generation of the poor.  (multiple generational poor is to say lifestyle).  Most of the world would be happy to change places with our so-called poor.  Also the 47 percent who do not pay income taxes will start to pay something and not just be takers in the economy. I no longer care who started this.  Johnson, the 16th Amendment, Lincoln or what or who ever; the notion that the government should be the ultimate decider of who has what, has to come to and end or we shall loose what liberties we have left. 

          5.      All experiments in Socialism have failed.  All. 

          6.      Big Media is at the heart of our political problems.  They are at the heart of our loss of liberties; they have commercial incentives to have continued crises and disasters.  Simply it sells.  The rise of the Media/Political/Election cabal is more dangerous than the Military/Industrial complex.  Palin has been the most obviously effected political figure in recent times.  However this past spring it was the entire conservative movement and all its favorite sons (Gingrich etc.) that were disenfranchised by major media, all in the name of add revenue.  Keep the lie going.  There are but a handful of individuals who control the major lamestream media (Murdock etc.) outlets along with a handful of major money PAC’s (GOPAC, Rove) who control spending in the political system.  This only guarantees that you and I have very little to say about national politics.  I am not sure which is worse.  15 pieces of snail mail, or 400 Spam emails, each saying the same thing.  SEND MONEY.   

          Reality is being sold out for dollars in the major media outlets. Major media editors say: 

          1.      lets not vet major office candidates we would lose add revenue.

          2.      lets not take on the hard stories unless we can sell on them wwlar

          3.      lets avoid doing our story due diligence.  Just find the emotional triggers and use them to sell with. This adds to add revenue.

          4.      lets bury reality in the “more press” (200 cable channels 24/7) is better than quality press.  More press more Money.  The press is not journalism any longer.  It is commercialized “$”, rumor mongering at its worst.  It is not about finding the truth or even the varieties of truth.  It is as Clinton said  “"It depends on the meaning of what "is  is”.  Utilitarian Ethics not absolute truths.  This new and damaging philosophy simply means you can now say and justify anything you want anytime you want and it will be reported as fact at the time of the report.  I know nobody who today thinks that the press reports fact.  Congress and the Major Media have the same illness.  They lie all the time to everybody.  They both have lost credibility with the public.  Less than 50% approval rating.  However, if we are to vote only with emotion then the monitization  of elections, (selling scandal, salaciousness, sex, vulgarity etc) is winning.  As in winning add revenue and elections.  If the only activity that is to be measured in an election is winning, then we the people have lost.  We have watched TV, football, the world series, advertisements, popular shows, movies and the like and have given the election the same status as a football game which has relegated the voter to cheerleader only.  Of course the outcome of a football game has no impact on our culture, society, life, liberties, and the pursuit of happiness.  Who we elect should not be the same as picking a favorite player or a favorite team.  The press coverage should not be the same as announcing, calling or reporting on the various colleges, shows etc.  In the grand scheme of things all the media hyped anything’s is only designed to make money not pick a good person to make decision that effect our very well being.  Maybe we should use the same model to pick our wives, husband as we do to pick our elected officials.  How do you think that would work out.  With a 50% divorce rate maybe that is what we are doing.

          After my rant on the media read the following and see if you have any rational answers for this:  By the way this is not an endorsement for voting for O.

          1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.

          2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.

          3. The government cannot give to anybody, anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.

          4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it!

          5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work, because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation. 

          6.  The average cost of the welfare programs in the US in 2011 was $60,000 per household.  Why not just give them the money and get rid of the bureaucracy. 

          Go and Vote

          Wednesday, April 25, 2012

          Canada and the Cabin:

          I have been very quiet in the past few months.  I watched what the major media did and how the mainstream media and the mainstream Reps decided who would be the Rep nominee.  I was hopeful that the conservatives would actually have a reasonable shot at a true conservative representing the Reps party in November.  It does not look as if the Carl Roves of the party will allow this to happen anytime soon.  When Fox News went in the tank I knew it was all over.  Since I cannot stand Romney and I cannot stand Obama I am moving to the Cabin in Ontario until late Sept.  Therefore, since the cabin is water access only and you get up with the sun and go to bed with the moon I will not have to endure the battle between a Moderate liberal and a Liberals Liberal.  I will not have to hear it (the lies, attacks, and more lies) that we call a campaign, until sometime this fall.  Then I will come home and vote for Romney.  Not with out  trepidation, angst and disappointment with America’s choice to continue to move toward bigger government, less individual liberty, higher taxes, congressman that do nothing, senators who can not even put up a budget, an activist supreme court, class warfare, a full out war on Capitalism, the American dream, and a full out attempt to redistribute the wealth of the country by the government not by individuals.  Lobbying, no term limits, and political power will remain in the hands of a few and the mainstream media, who have there own agendas and a continued erosion of the power of We The People as envisioned by Jefferson and others. 

          Palin, Gingrich, Perry, and others should be proud to call themselves conservatives and to take credit for pushing the conservative ideas as far as they could.  I still wish Palin would have given it a shot but she knows what is best for her and her family.  Maybe later.  In my dreams and only in my dreams I see the Rep convention coming apart at the seems and drafting Palin.  As I said, in my dreams.  

          At least I know in Canada what is available for healthcare, (not much if you are sick), taxes, 7% Federal tax on all purchases and an 8% provincial tax on all purchases total 15% tax on all good and services,  yes services.  Property taxes that are as high in the wilderness as in most US towns.  No services for taxes (fire, police etc) just taxes.  Super high food costs, Cigarettes at $12 per pack, beer at $65 per case, fishing license at $80 and on and on.  The nearest Dr. to me is 100 miles.  I am only 80 miles north of the US border.  However I do know what to expect.  Socialized Medicine, Socialized Trains, Socialized Banking (there are only 5 banks in Canada), Native policies that are 50 to 100 years behind ours and that is not saying anything.  A rule and a law for everything.  There is a saying in Canada, “everything is illegal in Canada;  the point is to know which law they are currently enforcing”  Gun control, no army or navy to  speak of, and no constitution at this time.  Two provinces are seriously interested in leaving Canada to the point of actually voting and coming close to getting out.  The one thing they have is good fishing and beautiful views and the people are “Canada nice”.

          Company at the cabin this summer will consist off family and friends and some Canadians that can tolerate my conservative notions about government.  I even have a number of very liberal people that take the risk of a vacation with us at the cabin.     This year we will have people from Texas, the east coast, Arizona, The upper Midwest, the near south and the west.  From liberal to right wing fanatic.  Having all these people around will ease the pain of this election year.  I look forward to getting to the cabin and getting this election over so we can start the presidential cycle early in 2013.  At least Obama is done.  Maybe Hilary this time around.   

          Monday, February 27, 2012

          Jefferson Says

          Jeffersonian Facts:   
          -- Thomas Jefferson Says: 
          "When we get piled upon one another in large cities,  as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe."
          Reality of 2012;  82% of Americans live in urban areas.  50 million in the top 50 cities in the US
          -- Thomas Jefferson Says: 
          "The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
          Reality of 2012;  50% pay no taxes

          -- Thomas Jefferson Says:
          "It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes. A principle which if acted on would save one-half the wars of the world." 
          Reality of 2012;  15.5 Trillion in debt by feds.  More by states and counties.  Student loans 1 trillion. Unfunded debt 25 Trillion.     

          -- Thomas Jefferson Says: 
          "I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them."
          Reality of 2012;  The biggest Nanny state in the free world.  Obamacare, Social Security, General Welfare, Johnson Great Society.
                    Reality of 2012;
                         Spending                Revenue
                         1967 1 Trillion      Less than 1 Trillion
                          1993 2 Trillion   Less than 2 Trillion
                         2007 3 Trillion      Less than 2.5 Trillion
                         2012 4 Trillion       Less than 2.77 Trillion
                         $15 ,000,000,000,000 in debt

          -- Thomas Jefferson Said:
          "My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government."
          Reality of 2012;  3,000,000 Million Employees with Life time benefits and jobs for life. This does not include contractors or military.  . 

          -- Thomas Jefferson Said: 
          "No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms."
          Reality of 2012;  Continued legislative attempts to restrict gun ownership. We must remember that gun ownership is necessary to take on a tyrannical government at base. 

          -- Thomas Jefferson Said
          "The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."
          Reality of 2012;  Un declared wars, taxes with out representation, corruption, searches and seizures and detentions with out court orders.  A law for everything and the attempt to legislate human behavior.    

          -- Thomas Jefferson Said:
          "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
          Reality of 2012; Liberty is paid for with blood not negotiated away in deals, political correctness, turn the other cheek, redistribution of world wealth, socialism, communism, radical Islam or compromising of principals.

          -- Thomas Jefferson Said: 
          "To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical."
                         Reality of 2012;  Obamacare and abortion and contraception.  We have no say in where our tax dollar is spent. Is all I know is that taxes, local, state, federal always go up over time and over time there are less people paying the tax. 
          Why can we not see as a country what is happening to us.  Is it the media and the money?  Is it the power elite who do not want us to get involved and discover that their only interest is in getting reelected?.  That, they will do anything to be reelected.  Maybe we the people have just given up on congress.  The problem is that is just what they want.  They want to have their power uncontested.  They want to do as they wish not as we wish. 

          Sunday, February 26, 2012

          The BIGS

          The BIGS,
          It has been awhile since I posted to my blog.  I find that it is hard to get cranked up about anything right now.  Obama is what he is.  We are stuck with him till next Jan at the earliest and till 2016 at the latest.  In my late years in life (65) I may have to live to 95 to see a conservative elected to the Whitehouse.  I was just to young to vote for Goldwater but not to young to know he was right.  I have a hard time understanding why the majority of Americans at this time in our history think that it is ok for the government to spend money they do not have, tax us more for less, move further away from the constitution, add rights to the law that are just privileges, take constitutional rights away, mandate that every individual in the country, some 300,000,000, buy a product that only a few congressman and senators voted for.  I know it was the majority vote in congress. But, when fewer than 300 votes in the congress mandate something that 300000000 people have to buy, it seems a bridge to far in the governments reach to control our lives.

                       Individual rights are being lost to the governments need to control all our behavior, personal , economic, religious as well as social.  It will not be long before those who pay no tax out number those who do.  What happens then.  I guess we become Denmark.  I am so fed up with the likes of Carl Rove and all the power brokers in the repub party that can have their way just because they can raise money and use the media to spin lies just to get their guy, who will be bought and paid for by them, elected.  No difference between repub moderates and dem moderates.  They keep the status quo.  What runs government now is Big Money, Big Media, Big Labor, Big Lobbies.  Who pays for this.  We the people.  Who has the major benefits for government run by the BIGS.  Not me.  Buy the way it is not the rich either.  They do not benefit but they are the scapegoat for the Dems.  The only group of people who benefit our the power elite who control the purse strings of the US government.  Mircosoft, Apple, IBM, GE and other Giant corporations still have to pay a congressman to vote a specific way.  If they do not get paid they, the power brokers whose only interest is in their own nest, just sick the Justice department on them and punish them with investigations that you and I pay for.  The Government did break up ATT, IBM, Mircosoft , Railroads, Energy, Oil, Coal, Agriculture and others in the past 50 years.  They took on the great robber barrons at the tern of the century and won.  They used the unions to beat them.  Remember “fair share”.  They broke up ATT and Microsoft.  They tried to break up IBM and failed but not after they had lost market share and had spent 10 Billion on a 10-year lawsuit.  They have given life time pensions to public employees and bought their loyalty and votes.  They have allowed unions to take money from private persons with out there permission all in the name of fairness.  Now they want to break up Medicine by socializing the process and payment they control.  By the way if you control payment  you control medicine and we have lost more freedoms again.  Ask the Canadians who cannot get treatment for chronic cancers after 65.  No bang for the buck. 

          Remember I am talking about power not money.  Just because you are wealthy or rich does not me you have power.  The real power in this country is with elected officials from all sides.  National, State, local and even Labor.  When you here a legislator talk about the rich as if they are the problem that is misdirection and it is a red herring.  It is in fact those doing the finger pointing that are the problem.  It is the powerful who need to be rained in. 

          There is no where I can find in the founding of this Republic that it was intended to be run by a few with so much power.  That was what we fought a war with Britain about.  A few with a lot.  We now have the equivalent of 1700’s Britain and France,  in our professional class of politicians  who sell votes to the BIGs. It does not matter whether it is the unions who us money legally stolen from the membership or grants to Solyndra for campaign contributions, or a lying campaign surrogate like Ann Coulter, who says “Romney is the only candidate who has kept his focus on Obama not on the other candidates”.  Liar, He has out spent in negative attack adds the other 3 candidates combined adds 15 to 1.  Close to 40 million dollars so far.   Maybe Coulter is vying for the Communications Directors job.  Who knows.  The point is Government has become way to powerful.  Way to secretive.  Way to expensive.  Way to big.  Way to intrusive in personal lives.  Way to legalistic.  Way to demanding of we the people.    I am not interested in any more demands from Washington until they meet some of my demands.  Not just make promises but meet my demands. 
          1.      Term Limits; this will stop big money from running the congress.  It will stop the ability to corner power over 40 years in congress. 
          2.      Smaller government:  get out of running ever bodies business from DC.  Close the Dept of Ed, close the Labor relations Board, fire 100 Czars, especially the car Czar, fire half of the Post office,.  Make government smaller.  Less employees.
          3.      Congress needs to live as we do.  Same insurance, same retirements, same laws.
          4.      Paid when they work .  Congress is a season job. 
          5.      No more 2 million dollar gifts to run the office of a congressman.  That only makes the process more complicated.  Iacoca fired most of the VP’s at Chrysler and the company developed a new line of cars that bailed them out. 
          6.      Open up our energy,  drill, mine, refine our own resources. 
          7.      Use the military only to win at all cost.  No more reading people their rights.  And for Gods sake no more apology for burning some Religions materials and having our military killed on the same day. 
          8.      Freedom of political speech should not mean you can just lie and lie and then lie some more.  Freedom must be tempered with with character, trust, honesty, not just the ability to by air time.  The public air waves should not support the continued lying by the superpacs and others. 
          Get  back to under one law for all.  No more federal and state and Indian laws for special people.  One law.  

          Friday, February 17, 2012

          Money Money

          Billions, and Billions of dollars spent and borrowed But not one is Theirs

          Term limits will work nothing else will in the long term

          Just a short note that just has me in a tizzy.  It must be election year and everybody has forgotten about “we the people” and are now running and voting our money away so they can be reelected.  I am so tired I have just about decided to not pay anymore taxes until they, local, state and federal executive and legislative branches vote for and implement term limits.  If anybody thinks anything will change substantially in the next election or in our life time with out term limits they are completely diluted and have not seen what has happened with special interest, seniority, special government service deals, better health care, legal insider trading, self enrichment by the political class and the complete bilking of “we the people”. 

          Obama budget adds $10,000,000,000,000.00 to our deficit over 10 years.  That is the best estimate.  Others say it will add as much as $25,000,000,000,000.00 in ten years. 

          Boehner , and the boys of  “who’s a real conservative”.  They just added $100,000,000,000.00 to the deficit.  They said they had some offset and other accounting gimmicks that we have already borrowed money for.  They just can not tell it like it is.  I need to get reelected instead of making the hard choice I (the politic) choose myself.  Boehner is just full of it.  He wants to keep his power that is all that is happening and we pay.  By the way anytime a politician says “ I have to do this now because this is the best thing for the American people now, but I will work hard on it next term” is a liar.  Plan and simple.  He is doing what is best for himself that’s it. 

          The only industry that seems to be making any money on all this is Big Media.  Big Advertising.  When I was a young man the advertisers had only 3 TV stations.  Now there are hundreds of TV,  cable, radio, print, social media, the internet and many other.  The spending is out of control.  Nobody that is not a billionaire or who has access to a billionaire’s money cannot possibly run and win a national election.  

           I am absolutely convinced that in order to get elected, if we use the facts of the past, you have to lie, cheat, steal, attack, ruin, loose all sense of morality, have no conscience, be willing to do to anybody anything that gets you a vote.  Winning is the only outcome that matters.  For example lets think about this.  Ron Paul is not running for president.  He is splitting the conservative vote but is running for Rand Paul down the road.  Romney is running for president as a Moderate, Liberal, Conservative, Religious, Pro choice, pro life, single payer health, and anything anybody wants to here.  He is willing to do what ever it take to win.  Winning in his campaign  is all there is.  Santorum is running  for the future and is splitting the conservative vote.  He knows he can not win but will stay in it for the future not the present.  Gingrich has nine lives and tried to stay positive in Iowa and lost.  He turned it around with attack adds and won South Carolina.  He did not have and still is out spent by Romney 5 to 1.  In my way of figuring out who is the winner at this moment it has to be Romney.  Newt does not have the money.  So He who is the most immoral and has the most money wins.  Remember the most money means that Big Media then gets behind he who has the most money.  What a presidential candidate that makes.  It at least makes for good TV.  I tape everything so I do not have to watch the Attack Adds.  

          Thursday, January 26, 2012

          The Power Elite is alive and Well

          The Power Elite:
          As is seen in the above picture, the Power Elite is dependent on the Elite Media first and foremost.

          Here we go again with the Major Media deciding for us.  Even Fox has anointed Romney for the Florida win.  Why have we not seen on TV the following:

          Do not forget that the reason that we the people are spoon-fed a candidate that is a “moderate” (which means a shill for the power elite in government and business) is that nothing well change and that is exactly what they want NOTHING TO CHANGE.  THAT IS WHY WE THE PEOPLE HAVE NOT HEARD ANY OF THE FOLLOWING: 

                      1.  37  Florida Tea Party Leaders have endorsed Gingrich.  Not a word in the Major Media.   

          Coalition members include:

          ·                                 Patricia Sullivan, Patriot Army founder

          ·                                 Karin Hoffman, DC Works for US founder

          ·                                 Karena Morrison, State Advisory Team for GOOOH in Florida

          ·                                 Tom Gaitens, former state director for FreedomWorks

          ·                                 Sharon Calvert, Tampa Tea Party

          ·                                 Tom Tillison Central Orlando Tea Party Council

          ·                                 Juan C Torres, Latino American Tea Party

          ·                                 Mike Hill, NW Florida Tea Party

          ·                                 Alan Berkelhammer, Gainesville Tea Party

          ·                                 Alice Beutien, Putnam County Tea Party;

          ·                                 Audrey Rumsey, Hernando County Tea Party coordinator

          ·                                 Bob Knox, American Citizens League

          ·                                 Carol Knighton, Leesburg Regional Tea Party co-founder

          ·                                 Charlie Perez, Gilchrist County Tea Party

          ·                                 Deanna May Keystone Heights Tea Party

          ·                                 Diane Leone, St. Johns Tea Party

          ·                                 Don Anderson, Sarasota 912

          ·                                 Don Eaton, Conservative Liberty Alliance

          ·                                 Donna Hoak, Conservative Liberty Alliance

          ·                                 Eli Knighton, Conservative Liberty Alliance

          ·                                 Jerry Bell, DC Works for Us Broward

          ·                                 Ruth Bell, DC Works for Us Broward

          ·                                 Jesse Phillips, Restore America

          ·                                 Kay Eaton, Conservative Liberty Alliance

          ·                                 Ken Rabideau, Conservative Liberty Alliance

          ·                                 Letha Fadeley, Tea Party Manatee

          ·                                 Nancy Haynes, Hernando County Tea Party

          ·                                 Peter Lee, East Side Tea Party Orlando

          ·                                 Steve Norflus, Conservative Liberty Alliance

          ·                                 Steve Vernon, Tea Party Manatee

          ·                                 Steve Williams, Lake Area Tea Party

          ·                                 Terry Beutien, Putnam County Tea Party

          ·                                 Tom Nelson, Fort Walton Beach Tea Party

          ·                                 Tony Ledbetter, vice president, Volusia 912 Inc.

          ·                                 Steve Williams, Lake Area Tea Party

          ·                                 Vance Jochim, North Lake County Tea Party

          ·                                 Steve Norflus, Conservative Liberty Alliance

          ·                                 Steve Vernon, Tea Party Manatee

          1. Nancy Reagan has said her husband had a close relationship with Newt Gingrich and that "Ronnie turned that (conservative) torch over to Newt and the Republican members of Congress to keep that dream alive”.  THIS IS IN A NANCY REAGAN VIDEO.
          2. Mike Reagan has endorsed Gingrich as the Politician in the field that best represents his fathers conservative views. 
          3. Florida Rep. Rivera: Gingrich Only Candidate With Track Record.  Endorsed Gingrich while making comments at a Latino, Cuban meeting in Florida.
          4. The ethics problems in Congress were all found to be false and he did not pay a fine but Romney and his SuperPac continue to say so as if this is true. 
          5. Druge has been attacked as attempting to take Gingrich out of the mix and painting him with a Romney brush. 
          6. This mornings comments by Doocy on Fox and Friends were so blatantly Romney that he must have been told by the powers in Fox to get on the Romney band wagon.  I expect Palin to leave Fox soon. 

          I said that in my last blog.  Scorched Earth would be the policy.  The power elite  can not afford in terms of loss of power and money.  But manly power; to have a true conservative in power.

          What is the power elite: ??

          The Power Elite is a book written by the sociologist, C. Wright Mills, in 1956. In it Mills calls attention to the interwoven interests of the leaders of the military, corporate, and political elements of society and suggests that the ordinary citizen (this is we the people) is a relatively powerless subject of manipulation by those entities.  A major new piece of the Power elite puzzle has been the growth of the Multi National News Corp.  He did not see that coming.  He did not see that TV News would and in fact eclipse the influence and power of the old power elite.  He did not see the global reach of the TV news and now the advent of social media. 

          The point is that they will do what ever they have to to have their way with we the people unless we the people one at a time do not do as we are told and do the right thing for a change. 

          Remember power is dependent on stability.  Dictators, politicians, professors, and anyother person who weilds power knows that their power is completely dependant on chaos, tenure, and unlimited access to the media.  As long as Romney and other surragots can continue chaos in the primary, and have unlimited access to the Media we the people have a hardtime getting our thoughts, ideas, and votes to matter.  Remember Mills --"we are relatively powerless in this fight"".       

