Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Very Difficult to See the Forest for the Trees: Keep the scandals coming so we can not see the fundamental change to our way of life.

The Trees: This is massive misdirection:
The IRS scandal:
Lost emails:
Lois Lerner did it all on her own: However all the emails to the White House have been lost.

Benghazi: The President of the United States Lied to the American People as a means to be reelected to the presidency. 4 dead Americans.
Fast and Furious: Does anybody even remember this. The Dept of Justice lied to congress and the American People in order to avoid be in prosecuted. 1 dead American.

VA. What can I say about this. It is just simply wrong and needs to get fixed even if the Administration and Democrats have to undo the largest Public single payer program run by the government. 40+ plus dead veterans due to neglect.
AP: The Justice Department spied on the Associated Press reporters’ phone records.
Obama Care: We should have read it before we passed it. The President has changed the law with out congressional approval on at least 30 times. He is a law unto himself.
The Fed. Nobody really knows what they do but they spend Trillions of dollars that we will someday have to pay back. It is kind of like taxation with out representation.
Terrorists for POW. The issue is not what Sgt Bergdauls status is. It is that we have a President that will do anything to get his way. He may have the authority to do what he did. 
Boarders: A crises on our southern boarder. OH apparently we have no boarders, at least no boarder enforcement. Hundreds of thousands with access to all the benefits the us can offer and we can not even treat our Veterans well.
Nationalized Private US companies. GM. Bailed out the Unions and not the Bond Holders.

12 rebukes to the President from the Supreme Ct. More to come.

The Forest:
Nationalized 1/6 th of the total US Economy with out reading the bill. Passed by a democratic congress, a democratic senate with not one Republican vote. Can not keep your Doc. Etc.

4 trillion in Stimulus and the last qtr the overall economy shrank at the rate of 3% per year.
  Unemployment at 12% after 6 years and 4 trillion dollars. The labor participation rate at a 50 year low. Most new jobs are part time.

Weak dollar internationally. Canadian dollar is now worth more than the US dollar. 8 years ago the US dollar was worth 2 times the Canadian dollar.

National debt up to 17,000.000,000. That is trillion

Gas has doubled. Food is expensive. Local Taxes have risen, State taxes have risen, Federal Taxes has risen.

50 Million on food stamps
Abortion is still the law of the land, no civil rights for the unborn. 70,000,000 plus babies aborted. 40% African American. That is a whole generation of Americans.
A massive cultural change
Have gone from the best in education to competing with 3rd world countries.
Shipped millions of jobs overseas.
Have gone from a producing society to a consuming society.
50% divorce rates. The norm is single parenting.
Massive increases in Mental Health issues with youth.
Cities grow bigger and have no sustainable plans. All the largest cities are broke. The legacy cost cannot be paid. Witness Detroit. Others are next
A permanent Political class aligned with the press, and educators with a progressive philosophy have transformed American society to a focus on the collective (government dependence) from individuals and individual freedom. Increasing central planning and consolidating power in the White House. The notion that the government can spend its way out of the hole with increasing taxes, and borrowed money is antithetical to a moral society.
The military industrial complex was the societal wart of the 50's . The progressive cabal of the press, education, labor and democrats is the scourge of the 60 70 80 90 and current social, and political life. In 2014 the progressives stole 1/6th of the entire US economy that they had nothing to do with creating but had gained the power to control it. I should have known, they tried with ATT, IBM, Microsoft and the past with big oil, big transportation, telecom and others. Remember that the cabinet is nothing more than institutionalized lobbyist with access to the highest levels of government.

Remember this. We know have a Government that is using Saul Alinsky style political actions to govern. Alinsky style political action is designed to bring down government. And that is what is happening right now.