Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Consitutional Is Constiutional Not Negotialbe

Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution, states: “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government:

What in the world does President Obama think he is doing in Wisconsin. He has a constitutional requirement to support and protect the Constitutional government of Wisconsin. He is suppose to make sure the government in Wisconsin is able to function. Even thought he is not using American troops to stop the Legal, constitution functioning of the WI government he is using his office and its prestige to interfere with the Constitution functioning of a State Government. Anybody who supports the cowardice of the Dems in Wisconsin that have taken it on the lamb should have there head examined. This is what causes anarchy and we look, and are acting no better than the governments of the world that we call third world. When, a number of years ago, the Texas Dem did the same thing, the cost was high. The financial cost to WI for this behavior alone is enormous. The loss of the ability to Govern is catastrophic. Everyone of the Dems that have left town should be recalled now. The Governor should speak directly to the President and tell him to butt out. He has enough problems with his own constitutional duties. Just take a look at the world. Foreign policy is his constitutional job, and what a job he is doing. Their is rioting and rebellion all over the middle east and China with, murder, nuclear proliferation, pirates, corruption and two wars. I guess he wanted to take some time out to support his liberal base and the unions and not pay attention to what he was supposedly elected to do.

If we had term limits most of this would not be happening. The White House could pay attention to what it is suppose to be doing and not have to attend to a special interest (unions). The unions could not bring a state to a political standstill because they would not have the support of one branch of our federal government that is financially owned by the unions.

The Obama, Pelosi, Reid connection to what is happening in WI is beyond belief. WE ARE BROKE. They think they, who do not even represent that state, should have a whole lot to say about what is happening there. Like the President, Pelosi and Reid must not have enough of the peoples business to do. They seem to want to spend way more political capitol, time and money in doing the bidding of those who have bought and paid for them. The unions are only requiring them to do what is bought and paid for. It was a bargain made in hell but a bargain is a bargain no matter what the cost is to this country as a whole. Term Limits would solve all these problems. We would get rid of the ruling political class (Duke Reid, Duchess Pelosi, and our Sovereign Obama. If we had a citizen controlled congress not a union controlled congress then we may get the peoples work done once again.

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