"Walker wants to remove all collective bargaining rights, except for salary, for roughly 175,000 public employees starting July 1. Any requests for a salary increase higher than the consumer price index would have to be approved by referendum."

We pay them why shouldn't we (the taxpayer have something to say about it. It is our money not the elected officials, and besides, the elected officials have a clear conflict of interest in the negotiations. You give me money (contributions) I give you money (pay increase, benefit increase )
I have had some interesting comments on the last blog. I guess it would help if people knew that Walker wants to remove the collective bargaining rights for the health and retirement benefits that have become extraordinary for Public Employees. In Minnesota the legislature has pass legislation under a democratic major with a democratic Governor that does not allow by law the state to change any collective bargaining agreement even if the state is broke the public employees in Minnesota will get paid. Somebody is going to have to print the money but it would be breaking the law to not a pay them in Minnesota. The unions are afraid, that the people paying them, not the legislators, will take will see the grab for the pie for what it was. The legislators needed votes so the gave the store and the land and their sole to the unions with all the money and benefits they wanted. Is all the legislators and other public officials wanted was their vote. Even if the the elected officials knew the reality of the cost of such they did not care because all they wanted was to be reelected. And until recent times they were. We are broke as a town, county, state, or union. Are elected officials of old sold us down the river and the unions grabbed just as the rest of the greedy grabbed for all they could get not for what was reasonable. Therefore the unions were complicit in the deceit of the elected official and should pay some of the same price. 87 congressman were thrown out of office because we can no longer live in a society that spins everything towards the end of reelection as the ultimate goal. Voting blocks such as the unions, and other special interest, have grown so powerful they think they can stop government and the work that needs to be done just to survive.
So what have we now. The unions, supported by Obama, are protesting in the capitol of a number of states. The legislatures of two of the states have the Democrats leaving their responsibilities and hiding in another state. Do you think there is an unholy alliance between the unions and the democrats. The unions are looking out for themselves, the dems are looking out for the unions, the unions vote for the dems and the dems vote salary and benefits for the public employees union. WHO IS LOOKING OUT FOR THE PERSON WHO PAYS THE MAJORITY OF MONEY TO MAKE ALL OF THE ABOVE HAPPEN.
This is not a battle over child labor, railroad or auto or steel fairness and safety in the work place. This is about an industry that is in decline (government) because we are broke and we only have access to borrowed money to pay the governments current and future obligations. When the steel industry was in the same shape it moved overseas because it was cheaper to produce steel their. The same has been true for all other industries. The industry has found ways to move forward with less cost and innovation. Not the public employees however. They just want to be paid no matter what and they want to be paid and taken care of for life no matter what. If I could sue the elected officials that did this to us I would but we can not. But we can stand up and right the ship no matter. If the dems want out they should leave the legislature or they will be replaced next cycle with citizens that do not need the union vote and are term limited anyway.
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