To have the state collect money from me even though I do not agree with how it is spent by my union bosses seems to me to be a silly as giving money to congress so they can reelect themselves. There needs to be some term limits in the Unions as well as in congress. If you had term limits in the unions you would not have the corruption that is currently and historically been a integral part of union business. Not the business of the constituents but the business of the leadership. Sounds just like congress to me. They take your money and use as they see fit. That is they use your money as they see fit. They do not use your money as you see fit or for what it was originally intended. Sounds like congress. Maybe the unions and congress have some of the same agenda's namely getting reelected. Not service to the people but to keep the offices in Washington DC and to have the perks that come with the job especially the power to do as you please with others money.
I guess I have two question to ask today: How many poor working class congressman do you know. Maybe they need to walk a mile again. Two, how many poor working class union bosses do you know beyond your local reps. If you answer is similar to mine then maybe it is time for term limits in the unions. Then maybe the work of the people can once again be done with out the hidden agenda of just getting reelected.
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