Yesterday, today, tomorrow: Just remember this
I’ve been setting here the past few weeks and watching the world go by. Summer is about over in Minnesota. 29 degrees last night. One more trip to the cabin and then closed for the season. I was at the cabin for 2 and a half weeks at the end of August. My kids and families came and we had a typical cabin family holiday. Fish, swim, fish, eat, swim, fish, eat, bed. No TV, radio, phone, and no Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, no cable 26 hr. coverage of nothing but talking to each other. I got home and nothing had changed. Glee reruns are ok but the other reruns are just that. The world was still going to come to an end in the near future. The Republicans seemed to find a savior, Gov Perry. Romney still is in the lead and Obama’s polling had continued to decline. Bachman does not want any shots given to kids. Ghadafi had not been caught and the first 8 boots were on the ground in Libya. Everybody is now talking and is afraid that the extremist Islamists in Libya will now take over. “DA”, Harry Reed thought that the bike trails were an excellent use of the tax payers money and the Solar company that Obama had backed went broke. However everything is still Bush’s fault. Did you know that Barbara. Walters ask President Bush if “he were a tree what kind of tree would he be.” Then president Bush pointed out to her that he was already a Bush The Dow is still up and then down then up again. Europe is going broke and the banking system will or may collapse or maybe not. Dow down 300 pts. In a few minutes. If you are interested in something very serious please go to It will blow your mind. I know her and she is an excellent writer. The most honest look at her issues you could imagine. Wouldn’t it be nice if the politicians that we elected did the same type of honest look at their issues, and not feel compelled to lie to us. For example.
The BIG TRUTHS not spoken by many politicians and few citizens:
- We are broke as a country, state, county, city and or township. So am I.
- The economy in free societies goes up then it comes down, then it goes up then it comes down. That is the cost of freedom. It cleans out the deadwood in the sysytem. If we continue to support the deadwood this can not happen and we can not have a recovery. 3 years of unemployment. Idiots. Get a job. Steal is not coming back. Cars are not coming back.
- Term limits is the only way to stop the corruption in DC and else where. It is a simple answer and it would work in a few years.
- Who in there right mind thinks that spending 1.5 trillion dollars that we do not have and will borrow from foreign sources, China, GB, Germany, Canada, Japan, Arabs etc., will some how get our economy going. Hey idiots. We do not make anything that we export other than phones, jobs , money and lately anarchy to Libya, Syria, Jordan, Yemen, and a host of other Eastern countries..
- This change is here for a long time to come. I tell my kids all the time to keep their day job. Keep doing what they can afford and stay out of debt that is not business related. Of course most businesses are now staying out of debt and are accumulating cash. Which angers the redistributors (progressives, Liberals,Dems), and they think this is a bad business practice. They think business should hire persons they do not need just to give somebody and job and spend the cash they have accumulated. Sounds like Russia a few decades ago. 20 persons to change a light bulb but zero unemployment.
- China is a backward country that continues to oppress its people with violence. They will not give us a problem anytime soon. They will have a revolution before they start a war with us or anybody else. They are building a working class not a middle class. They lie about what they are doing all the time.
- Tell the oil producing countries, that we send billions to, to “get a life” and then start drilling here.
- No more political wars. If we fight a war blow them up and if necessary use tactical nukes. Enough of this BS about fighting limited wars. War is war and if it is not a war leave the military at home and send the politicians to do their own dirty job. Then leave and let them figure out what to do next. Get out of their way.
- Get rid of at least half of the cabinet level posts in government, cut the salaries to a stipend level in congress, cut staff and get rid of the selling of votes. We all know they do it. Blogovich was convicted and sent to jail for just thinking about doing it.
- This is what passes today for Journalism:
“Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has complained in the past about liberal bias in the mainstream media, calling it the “lamestream media.” But much of that media is coming to her defense amid negative portrayals of her in a new book and documentary film, Politico reports.
The book, “The Rogue” by Joe McGinniss, and the British documentary “Sarah Palin: You Betcha!” have been panned by reviewers, and newspapers have declined to run Doonesbury comic strips with excerpts of the book.
The book represents “caustic, unsubstantiated gossip” with accusations that are “indefensibly reckless,” Janet Maslin wrote in a New York Times review. “‘The Rogue’ is too busy being nasty to be lucid.”
As for the movie, it’s “a sarcastically toned, strategically timed character assassination” that “lacks sufficient humor and insight to make it a must-see for anyone outside the Brit muckraker’s fan base,” Variety wrote.”
The book, “The Rogue” by Joe McGinniss, and the British documentary “Sarah Palin: You Betcha!” have been panned by reviewers, and newspapers have declined to run Doonesbury comic strips with excerpts of the book.
The book represents “caustic, unsubstantiated gossip” with accusations that are “indefensibly reckless,” Janet Maslin wrote in a New York Times review. “‘The Rogue’ is too busy being nasty to be lucid.”
As for the movie, it’s “a sarcastically toned, strategically timed character assassination” that “lacks sufficient humor and insight to make it a must-see for anyone outside the Brit muckraker’s fan base,” Variety wrote.”
McGinniss is the idiot that moved next door to Palin in Alaska. They built a 20ft high wall so he could not see in to Bristol’s bedroom.
The political spin by both parties is in high gear. We need some politicians that just say it like it is and vote accordingly. I no longer care what is said with out a vote to back it up and verify the policy.

Republican establishment that was in bed with big oil for years.

Just remember: Palin actually hunts, shoots guns, owns guns, and commercial fishes and is a small business owner.
Just remember: Palin has taken every unreasonable hit from the Dems and mainstream Reps and the media that could be levied against her and she is still here. No man has taken what she has taken as far as being vetted and Journalistically abused. .
Just remember: She is as conservative as any, and votes and lives her conservative principals.
Just remember: Her family is fully American with a Native husband, a veteran son, a handicapped son, and two daughters.
And especially Just remember: She can see Russia on a good day and Paul Revere did warn the British.
Just remember: The major media has a massive financial stake in selecting candidates. The presidential candidates alone may spend over 1 billion dollars to just to loose. The major recipients of the billions are those in advertising i.e. TV, Internet, print etc.
Do not let the media decide for you who should run, and who should be elected. How has that been working for us the past few decades or so. Since the Kennedy/Nixon debates the TV has become way to influential in selecting the candidates for us. For example; Jim Lehrer points out in his latest book “Tension City” the fact that Nixon did not use “make up” for the debate and that Kennedy did probably cost Nixon the first debate and maybe the election. It was no longer what you said, wrote, etc but how you looked. That continues today, with the blatant sexism in the reporting on female candidates for high office as well as having a double standard for Conservatives and Liberals as to the toughness of the questions and the depth of the vetting process.
Hi Uncle! Thanks for the compliment and the plug for BR! I'm slightly afraid to admit this here, but i'm still a liberal. Our low temps just got below 70! Emily