Thursday, March 5, 2015

"Who Is John Galt" Anybody who supports capitalism

     So, here we are.  2% growth in our economy.  The slowest growth in our republics history, post recession.  The work participation rate at its lowest in modern times.  Wages not advancing.  Wall Street getting richer at the expense of the tax payer and the Fed lending us into bankruptcy.  The Cuba deal who cares.  The Iran deal, everybody should care.  Iran the worlds most prolific state sponsor of terror and, come to find out, a special relationship with Isis.  Further, the deal does allow for a nuclear weapon in 10 years.  Are you kidding me.  Race relations being directed by Al  Sharpton the  Sharleton.  The trampled constitution, IRS, Obamacare, the nationalization of General Motors, Keeping Buffit wealthy with more train transport of oil,  Executive overreach, immigration, "remember I have a pen" who needs congress.  Remember co equal branches of government.  Journalists more interested in money and celebrity and picking winners than doing the special job they had Intrusted to them by the first congress.
                                                        WHO IS JOHN GALT

     If I re read my last blog from last year I would see that nothing has changed it is just worse.  Therefore what is the solution.  We all need to find out what has happened to our society.  As Ayn Rand suggests in her 1950's book Atlas Shrugged,  which was a predictive novel based on her concerns about government growth, control, overreach and what she saw happening in our future.  She was a philosopher, "Objectivism" was the name of her new philosophy.  She also wrote novels ,   essays and was an economist. She was a Jew from pre Second World War Europe.  She believed, that America was special in the way it had come into existence and was special because of the constitution and the constitutions value in our national decision making.  That is to say:  Keeping government out of our individual, day to day lives.  She saw the beginnings of government over reach in the 50's just as it had happened in Fascist Europe.  The tensions between government the individual and industry ends with big government wining the power struggle, both in her book and in Europe.  How ever the unintended consequence of the governments win is the complete destruction of our economy which then destroys our social structure which then leads to civil breakdown.  When you are dependent on government to feed, provide clothing, provide housing, daycare, education, and and the rest of our basic needs to include a job then we have become the government of Atlas Shrugged.

Government has in fact, demonized the very engine of the American dream.  Capitalism has saved more lives in the USA and around the world,  more than any other system in the history of the world.  Capitalism has brought more people out of poverty than any other economic system in the world.  Capitalism has given life to a multigenerational  chase for the American Dream.  That chase is fueled by innovation and implemented based on individual liberty.

So , if you want  a country that limits individual liberties based on the notion of individual entitlement then we are on our way.  So, if you want a society that uses class warfare, the demonized  the engine of the American dream,  and uses the above as a reason to re distribute wealth  we are well on our way.  So, if the American Dream is just a myth, then innovation is dead, if innovation is dead, the rise of capitalism is dead, if the capitalism is dead then we are dependent on some other system to take care of us.  There are lots of systems that would promise us everything we need.  They have all failed in the past (kings, cults socialism, communism, dictators, emperors.  The only economic system that has been successful, has decreased world poverty, has given us unbelievable growth in all sectors of living, medicine, technology, education, industry.  It gave us the moon.  Capitalism has only been around since the  beginnings  of this great land.  What unbelievable progress for mankind in such a short time.  Civilizations have all come and gone over the last 6000 years, with very little change in the way real power is consolidate with a few.  Capitalism has changed that unless we allow a few to steal we the people's liberty and personal power given to us by the constitution.

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