Liberals will not want to read this because they would not want facts to get in there way.
As J.D. Foster of the Heritage Foundation points out: “...the President proposes a budget that keeps the federal government on a thoroughly irresponsible and unsustainable course.” Please read the Heritage Foundation article and understand the $775 million in proposed cuts noted above are what the White House’s budget director Jacob Lew identified as reflecting what they perceive as some “tough calls.” Yet, as noted, they are a drop in the bucket; and the White House’s total proposed cuts for this year are still not at all enough to make us solvent.
How can the WH with a straight face say they are cutting the budget and that they are the new conservatives in town.
Palin gets it right :
The fine print reveals a White House proposal to increase taxes by at least $1.5 trillion over the next decade. If you want to know how minuscule their proposed $775 million-a-year budget “cuts” really are, please look at this chart. The proposed cuts are so insignificant – less than 1/10 of 1% of this year’s $1.65 trillion budget deficit – that they are essentially invisible on the pie chart. That speaks volumes about today’s budget. See this chart to see how stupid the budget really is in terms of reducing deficit etc.
We have got to watch it closely because the WH routinely uses words that can not be based in fact or they make explanations that have no bases in reality or the just plain lie because if the lie is said often enough it can become the perception of reality not reality.
I am so thankful for all the realtime media that is available today to us so we can keep an eye on our government Republicans, Democrats, Indep, and others and get the information out in a timely manner. We need to keep our eyes on the newly elected to make sure they do not vote with the majority if the vote compromises the basic reasons they were sent to congress in the first place. If there are compromisers who just said what we wanted to here they need to be called out in the public square so all can see who they are. This is not the time to sit back and to just hope they will do as they said. We are at risk of loosing our way of life and adopting a way of life that is second rate. I am not ready for that. We elect to have representation. In the past 30 years we have elected so the elected can be reelected. No more. They need to do what is right for the country and not what is right for their reelection.

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