Hey, another day another spin and the attempt to change reality to the preception not the fact:
Here we sit once again listening to spin not information regarding the uprisings in the Middle East. O says that he did it. The social network people say they did it. The Muslim brotherhood say they did it. Some say they should not have done it and others say they did not do enough. The only thing I am interested in in the political world are two of the most important things in our history. One, we need term limits so we can return some sense of reality to our political process. and second we need to cut, cut, cut. Our countrys defficit has been an issue for years but it has always been kicked down the road. The road is at a dead end. If the congress and the president can not break the ways of old then we need to take a lesson from the Egyptions and take charge of our government until they decide it is not there government but it is ours. I was hopeful with the tea party this past fall. But I am affraid it is to little to late. The powers to be will not let go of there power. I believe that the powers to be will do anything to maintain their potions of power. They will lie, steal, spin, even cause crises to keep the focus off of them. we need to not loose site of what our country needs to do overr the next elections cycle.
It is hard to believe that our President just suggest a Budget that has another 1.5 T dollar deficit with increased taxes and increase spending. What reality is he living in. He is still speaking to his base and not at the least interested in what is really happening in the real would of housing, education and health care.
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