50 years of Social,
Political, and Economic Change
and the
Unintended Consequence of
Government Funded Families
This summer I will be going to my 50th
high school reunion at, Lincoln
High, Des Moines Ia.
This trip has got me thinking about where I came from, the values,
experiences, and just life in general that I have been a participant
in and a witness to.
Values: Behavior: What comes to mind
is the word change. We have seen, since the 60's, a major change in
American society and I am not sure the changes, (the solutions) to
our perceived social, personal, political, economic or religious
problems have produced as advertised. From a macro view I see we
have gone from Social forces governing our general behavior,
relationships, and private and public actions to a law and
regulations ruled society enforced and interpreted by government.
For example; If my dad did not work we did not eat, have a home, car
etc. Today we have government programs that will take care of those
basics. We also have multi generation welfare
families (GFF).
Primarily these social forces were
passed from church and family to the individual and later by society.
The formation of guilt and shame was a important part of what kept
our society from chaos. I currently believe that the chaos we
currently experience is a direct result of unintended consequences of
political overreach by government. In fact, I believe the
unintended consequences have been worse for our society than
the percieved problems they were intended to deal with and we
continue to try and solve the new problems, which are the unintended
consequences of the original problems, with the same actions,
programs, behavior etc. More tax money by the billions, new
government programs by the thousands, more power too the government
by new laws and regulation , and more government favor to we
who take and less for we
who pay.
The First Domino:
I remember as a teenager in the 60's I
was driven by two competing impulses. Life was simple. Sex, and the
reality of pregnancy. The competing impulses were so strong that
they could only be managed by the fear of what if she gets pregnant
and the prospect of guilt and shame. My fear, and the eventuality
of feeling shame, the impact on my family, friends, my own self
respect and self esteem shaped my own values, and morals. I was
shamed and guilted into being responsible for my actions and if there
was a pregnancy then I had taken the risk and deserved the
consequence. All that quilt and shame was removed from my
adolescents with the pill quickly followed by ROE v Wade. The first
lead to the second. The primary social problem, teen pregnancy gave
rise to increased sexual activity, that gave rise for the need to
avoid consequence and therefore use abortion(an unintended
consequence) as a means to fix sex without guilt or consequence..
The rise in STD, HIV, Post Abortion Stress, and oral sex being
described by our President as not having sex with that women. All of
this is an unintended consequence and we continue to poor billions
of dollars, ruined lives and ruined families into attempting to fix
that which was not broke. Government can not ever fix this type of
social problem. Is all they can do is make laws and spend money and
create dependency. The GFF
is here and makes up a very large portion of our general population.
Social: Teen pregnancy. It was a
problem and societies solutions were to shame, socially isolate, non
medical abortions, and single motherhood with out welfare or social
supports from the Government. With these social actions the notion
of shame was the controlling mechanism and the reality of not being
able to support, feed, house, cloth a child as a single mother, were
the regulating forces that were controlling factors in sexual
behavior and child bearing in the 60's.
As can be seen in the above chart,
during the 1960's something happened to our society. The change has
been consistent and dramatic dramatic. The very fabric of American
society which had been based on the Family has dramatically changed.
The family, as the central vehicle to moral development and the
maintenance of values and mores that are essential to avoiding social
chaos, has been dramatically undercut and has been replaced with a
utilitarian ethic that is promoted by the left and is supported by
Big Government. Today's 50% divorce rate, 50% of children being
raised in single mother homes, 1.3 million elective abortions, 50
million on food stamps, 14.5% real unemployment, 2% real economic
growth, the nationalization of 1/6th of the US economy,
17 trillion in debt, 4.5 trillion in bailouts and stimulus and much
more. All of the governments expansion since the 1960”s has caused
an explosion in number of Government Funded
Families(GFF), to include funding for food, clothing,
healthcare, childcare, work training, education and many other
federal subsidies.
In one generation we have
successfully defeated the nature of family, its responsibilities(to
have and raise children), its power,(to provide and protect), and its
rights(to be free of government intrusion). We have done what the
communist, socialists,and fascist could not get done because of the
US. And now here we are with no good solutions on the horizon. The
notions of personal freedom, freedom from government interference in
our life, taxation without representation, the bill of rights,
liberty, freedom of political speech, a government that does not have
to follow the law, lawmakers that become wealthy at taxpayers
expense, a smaller population of we the
people who pay and a growing population of we
the people who take.
The growth of
government has a direct correlation on the growth of the
we who take. They put and keep the government in power
to pass laws and regulations for those who
take. And take taxes and fees at an ever
increasing rate from those who pay.
Who is the largest employer in the US. GM, Verizon, ATT.,US steel,
Ford, DuPont, . Not even close. It is the Federal, State and Local
government. Not counting the military. 11 million: 1.8 million
civil servants, 870,000 postal workers, 1.4 million military
personnel, 4.4 million contractors, and 2.5 million grantees. Plus 3
million actual employees in government
Now we have young blacks roaming the
streets beating up white people just for the fun of it. We have the
gay activist finding 5 year old political donations by business
persons and bringing pressure to fire them because they did not agree
with their position. There excuse is they have been oppressed by the
white dominate culture, In fact they have been coddle by a nanny
state that has given them living basics for the price of
self esteem and self control. This is just one of 1000's of examples
of unintended consequences. The most glaring is the, Roe, V Wade
decision based on a woman right to privacy. What a great decision,
women now have abortions in private. We now kill 1.3 million babies
a year, in private. Just think if all those babies were here and
participated in the work force. What was sold to the public as a
woman's right to choose. The right to choose has become a selfish
behavior of convenience where the state chooses to not protect the
most vulnerable of societies members. All this for a made up right
to privacy, not in the constitution. This was the beginning of the
lefts willingness to do whatever they needed to do in order to get
government to do for them what they could not get done within the
society at large. At least not as fast as they wanted it done. In
order for the left to accomplish this they needed a much larger
government and they got it. Starting with President Johnson's Great
Society. This was the enabling legislation for the next 50 years of
welfare growth.
There are literally 1000's of unintended consequences and we could never deal with all the problems they have created. However, there is some small hope and that is this experiment in socialism will not work just as the other experiments in government funded families has not worked anywhere in the world. The original experiment (1776 to 1963) conservative constitutionalism, was working but maybe to slow for some but we have now been run over by all the helping promised by government.
oh could I comment! Thanks for thinking and posting. Right now there are bills in MN legislature that will take over all early childhood education "Early Learner Scholarships" which give money to the under 180% poverty rate to put their children in childcare...no work or educational changes required/expected to the family. We are now in the depths of taking over the cradle!