The Dick Morris Poll (dickmorris.com)
They support many aspects of the proposal by significant numbers:
• By 74%-18%, they back making state employees pay more for their health insurance.
• By 79%-16%, they support asking state workers to contribute more toward their pensions.
• By 54%-34%, Wisconsin voters support ending the automatic deduction of union dues from state paychecks and support making unions collect dues from each member.
• By 66%-30%, they back limiting state workers’ pay increases to the rate of inflation unless voters approve a higher raise by a public referendum."
I was listening to the Jefferson Hour (jeffersonhour.org) on public radio out of Fargo, ND and was impressed with a number of answers that the actor playing Jefferson gave as he responded to the audiances questions: For example: what do you think of the "professional politicians" of today. His response was very negative. He did not think that there should be any. His reponse to the simulus etc.: He indicated that Government should not give money away to the people. He indicated that what is give can be take away. He also indicated that there should be no Obama care or anything like it. Even to the point of dying. He indicated that Government should not be in the business of taking care of us.
All of what was portrayed on the show came and was consistant with what Jefferson wrote in the Federalist papers and other Jefferson correspondence. Nice to see on Public Radio a Jeffersonian Show that is accurate regarding what he did say.
The CBO released the figures regarding the stimulus money. $225'000.00 per Job. Way to go congress. This money like all the other money was nothing more than political patronage from a democratic controlled congress. The unions, teachers, auto industry, state, county and federal unions were once again bought and sold. If we do not stop the money trail by term limiting our representative in our government none of this will stop overtime. All politicians over time will vote to be reelected if it means more money and power. It is a human frailty and flaw. Jefferson and the founding fathers say this as essential in the government that we have civilian representations not professionals.
Make no mistake that term limits is the key. It will stop in its tracks: Speical Interest: The Election Money Flow, National Elections that last 2 years; The use of tax payer dollars for political special interest; reduce the size of government over time; allow politicians to work across the isle in our interests; stop making Millionaires out of politicians ( Oberstar MN 35 years in congress and left worth at least 7 million, came to congress with nothing, Clintons came with little and now are worth over 100 million and many others to include Republicans etc. This level of political corruption is no different than in Europe when the Duke, Counts etc had all the power and all the money because the King let them. We fought a war to stop it and I hope we will once again fight a political war to stop it here. Term Limits would go a long way in stopping this. The politicians know this and therefore it is not high on their list. They have no self regulation therefore we need to regulate them and how they spend our money.

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