Lost the Culture War:
Since the
election I have been trying to make sense out of my not getting one
of my candidates elected to anything. Not even school board. I
lost every election that I voted in. Not a single win.
As I have
looked at what this means I have come to the following conclusions ;
We lost because we (what has been called conservatives) are no
longer the majority. We are now the minority.
loss of the majority view has been happening over a long time but
is slowly but surely been happening.
I think about how the progressive movement has become the
majority we only have to look at how we became the welfare
state. How our thinking about government has gone from “I
am an individual with with responsibilities and obligations
and a social contract with my government. That government
can not nor should not intervene in my daily living. That I
have inalienable rights to include all the the rights
guaranteed us in the constitution and the individual pursuit
of happiness, and individual freedoms which used to be at the
heart of our society have been replaced.
3. What
has replaced the notion of freedom is a societal norm that
first asks what can the government do for me. It is not my
fault it is somebody else. It is the governments problem to
make laws and enforce them. Call a cope, call welfare, call
the school, call the city, call the county, call the state,
call the States Attorney, call the federal government, call a
lawyer. We now look to government to mediate, solve,
enforce, make and change our moral, inter and intra
relationships by making and enforcing rules and regulations.
We now have rules and regulations that say who I can
associate with, how I have to speak in the public square. I
can not even advocate competition and winning as a good thing
to have as a goal. We now have a culture that has no losers
and no winners.
4. The
major problem is in how we discuss the problems with our
society and government in particular. For example: all
you need to know about government at this point is that we
barrow $.46 of every dollar the government spends and we can
not seem to stop doing this. The problem comes when
government uses our own personal special interests, what I
call “good ideas” against us to get us to vote for them.
We take sides and have been told that the Reps/Dems can fix
the problem and then the problem never gets fixed. Since
those in power only give us the two choices then we only have
the other side to blame. It can not be my side that is
wrong. How has this been working for them?.
is nobody that thinks we can spend borrowed money day in
and day out to the tune of Trillions of dollars with out
destroying our selves. Yet that is what we are doing.
Why: because my side has a “good idea”. Every idea
that our government pays for was somebodies “good idea”
That is why we continue to argue about a particular idea
when in fact the problem is not the good idea the problem
is we borrow $.46 of every dollar spent on all the good
4 million Federal, 3 million state and 11 million local
public employees all with lifetime benefits at some level,
do we think there can ever be a change by voting in a one
man one vote system. Every person votes their own special
interest. The problem is not the 18 million public
employees, or the 47% who only take but do not pay or the 4
million on welfare or the 47 million on food stamps. The
problem is we have given up our way of life to a government
that can not get out of its own way and to a majority of
well meaning people with “good ideas” that are
borrowing $.46 of every dollar we spend to support all the
“good ideas”. Gov. Huckabee said yesterday about the
shooting in Ct. “the shooting happened because we have
systematically removed God from the classroom”. He will
be publicly attacked for such a politically incorrect
statement. Why??

he is saying that Government can not and will not be able
to pass on a moral code to this countries children. I
agree. Government can only pass laws. Just wait for the
gun control fascist to come out from under a rock. The
moral code is not the responsibility of Government and you
can not replace a moral code with laws and continue to have
a society that functions. If a person is a student or has
just a casual acceptance of Christian Philosophy you will
notice that we are once again living in old testament
times. How did that work out for our ancestors. The Early
Peoples, Greece, Rome, Chinese, Germans, English, Africa
etc. and any other peoples that used man made laws, that,
by the way, laws are always changed to support the latest
“good idea” by the latest dictator. All previous
societies have failed because the people rose up at a
point because they saw the corruptness of the government
that governed them. Every ancient civilization had “good
ideas”. Some modern societies have had good ideas,
they all failed because they all used man made laws that
government misused for their own interest, instead of a
society wide morality brought on by and enforced by social
forces . Now in the beginning of the rise of man He/She
only had their own wits and beliefs. It worked for them
for a bunch of years. Modern civilizations have only been
around for about 7000 years. We have had a lot of “good
ideas” and not one has worked, over the long haul, to
date. As in the old testament man is permanently flawed.

started with” good ideas” by men and women who had seen
what corrupt people and government could do to the majority
of people if those given the power miss used that which
was in trusted to them. They started with an attitude of
suffering for the greater good and a vision of liberty not
seen in the world at anytime before. We even put in place
some very different “good ideas”. Balance of power,
bill of rights, guaranteed protection from an overreaching
government, strong state rights, freedom of speech, voting
rights, limited government rights, civilian power over the
military etc. It has only taken 200+years to overcome most
of the limits of government envisioned by the “good
ideas” of our founders.
am now in the minority. I truly believe that the government
has over-reached its legitimate authority as envisioned by
the our founding fathers. I also now believe that the
progressive thinking “good ideas” is in the majority.
We lost. Therefore everybody lost. The only hopeful
notion I can come up with is that this can not last. This
form of government only leads to a consolidation of power
by a few and eventually a revolution against that power. So be it.
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