They just do not get it. We are broke and she is a reason for term limits. As you can tell in her letter to me she just wants to play the same old games. Commissions, Long term debt, working for a solution etc. No votes to stop the maddness and no guts to stand up and name the issues, Social Security, Defense, To big of Government, Unions and other special interest etc.
Here is an email exchange between
Amy Klobuchar Senator Minnesota and myself over the past to days.
This is my response to here email back to me.
Feb 17
Dear Senator
Please look below to your return letter for my comments.
Thanks for a substantive response that I can respond to. My comments will be in Blue. As I watch what is happening in Wisconsin, Michigan and else where I am reminded that this is a new age of information. The powerful and rich are not the only ones to have real-time information. Please remain an honest politician. Spin does not go as far as it use to. Our politicians need to make decisions and quit talking about what they think they should do. The only special interest I hope you have is the welfare of the majority of Minnesotans
Yours truly
Terry Selby
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 4:39 PM
Subject: Responding to your message
February 17, 2011
Dear Terry:
Thank you for taking the time to contact me about fiscal responsibility in these tough economic times. I appreciate hearing your thoughts about how we can encourage economic growth while remaining fiscally responsible.
Like you, I am very concerned about our long-term fiscal situation. That's why one of my major legislative initiatives has been to create a bipartisan commission(Honestly we do not need another commission. The deficit is at 14 trillion, what else do you and the congress need to know. We can not pay our bills. Please stop politicing and just vote to reduce the deficit and reduce the actuall size of Government. to fast-track recommendations to reduce our long-term deficit. Last year, I worked with 14 senators to block a statutory increase of our national debt limit until the Senate agreed to set up the bipartisan National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility(no need for a bipartian anything. You are required by the constiution and good common sense to make decisions that are in our best interests not the best interest of the congress).—a commission tasked with reining in the nation's debt. While I do not agree with every single recommendation included in the final report, I believe it provides a good starting point for the difficult debate we must have. In the next year, I will continue to push for legislation that promotes sound tax policy (please reduce our taxes.), eliminates unsustainable spending,(please have the courage to take on Social Security and the Defense budget) and puts in place a long-term plan to responsibly reduce the deficit.
Since I came to the Senate I have also worked to reform the way Congress conducts its own business – opposing pay raises for members of Congress, (I am sure your are aware of what Jefferson and Hamilton said about professional legislators) fighting for appropriations project reform, and working to restore pay-as-you-go rules in our budget process to ensure that we're only funding new programs if outdated or duplicative programs are cut. I worked with Senate leadership to strengthen this principle by giving Pay – Go budget restrictions the force of law (the latest budget from the President then is not going to pass with out smoke and mirrors..
As we work to get our economy back on track, I will continue to insist on fiscal restraint and oversight. As we debate the budget this year I will push for targeted and cost effective initiatives that will spur job creation and economic growth,(you and congress have already with the fed spent 3 trillion dollars and sold that debt to China. It has not worked you need some new ideas please) while at the same time insisting we make the hard choices needed to reduce our government debt in the long-term( if our debt is not reduce now there may not be a long term) What on earth makes you think this republic can barrow its way to properity.). That is why I have advocated for directing support to those that will use it most effectively. In this country, small businesses are the engines of job growth, providing 64 percent of net new jobs and employing more than 50 percent of American workers. That is why I have voted for tax credits and other initiatives to support small businesses.
There are ways to take action to help middle-class families and build a stronger, more prosperous America while still being fiscally responsible. I look forward to putting partisan differences aside to work on an agenda that creates jobs, strengthens our economy, and promotes fiscal responsibility.
Again, thank you for taking the time to contact me. One of the most important parts of my job is listening to what the people of Minnesota have to say to me. I am here in our nation's capital to do the public's business and to serve the people of our state. I hope you will contact me again about matters of concern to you.
Amy Klobuchar
United States Senator