The War Powers Resolution of 1973
(50 U.S.C. 1541–1548) was a United States Congress joint resolution providing that the President of the United States may commit into action abroad only by authorization of Congress or if the United States is already under attack or serious threat any armed forces. The War Powers Resolution requires the president to notify Congress within 48 hours of committing armed forces to military action and forbids armed forces from remaining for more than 60 days, with a further 30 day withdrawal period, without an authorization of the use of military force or a "declaration of war" by congress.
If you can read this makes sense. What is our country doing with Libya. There may or may not be a humanitarian need. That is not the point. Our armed forces are not the private army of the presidents. Bush had used the war powers act and had been to the UN 3 times before he committed troops. I do not want to here about the broad coalition. It does not matter if you can read. We committed an act of war against Libya with out congressional approval. I do not what to here about the UN. This is the USA not some Global nation. If the president does not have to follow the law, as King George did not, then why should I or any other individual or country in the world. Lets just pick out another country and attack them. That is with Japan did to start WWll and Germany, and the Soviet Union did for years. Holy cow what is going on. I do not recognize this country.
Just this week we have a Judge who will allow for Shria Law in a Florida state court. Unbelievable.
We have a president who just uses his private army where he thinks he should.
We have a congress who can not add. 1.5 TRILLION DEFICIT THIS NEXT YEAR.
We have 12 million illegals who use our education, welfare, police etc. free.
We are spending, more acurate, borrowing 100 million a day to bomb people that we have no idea what were are doing this for. Who is the bad guy and who is the good guy in Libya. I have not a clue
We have unions who want to be a special class of people in the country and live off the rest.
We have moved toward socialism in a major way.
We send 85 new congressman to DC and still can not get anything done to stop this government from ruining this country. They just continue to write worthless checks that will never be paid.
If we had term limits this would help because the idiots in power would have to leave and we could have a change in leadership every so often.
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