Negotiations are Not Fair, They are the Process of Fraud
Some of what is not said in the media about the doing away with collective bargaining is this: FDR gave the private sector the right to collective bargain (this simply means the union can take your dues with out your say so and spend them anyway they want). That really worked for the Mafia, Teamsters, AFL-CIO. Vegas was built with union money, the union bosses got rich and union corruption was and is the norm. The corrupt relationships have been with the private sector since the beginning of union collective bargaining.
FDR did not want and did not see that the public sector civil servants needed or would benefit from unionization. But the Camelot boy did. He needed the union vote to be elected or steal the election which ever. Remember the Chicago vote that put Kennedy over the top. He promised the public sector employees to the unions. Why did the unions even care? Money, they would be able to capture, with one fell swoop, another population of money givers. Not only that but the governments would collect the dues for them because it would come right out of their checks. As can be seen by the graph the increase of unionized workers has increased as the number of government workers has increased. Pre 1964 virtually no government workers were union now the local and state government employees are virtually everybody with the federal government about 2 in 4. Unionization sure took off. Congress has gotten it wrong ever since they sold their reelection to the unions. They no longer represented the people. The now represented their own reelection interests. They needed and used the union vote as a means to maintain power by the fraudulent process of negotiating with the unions, giving them what the wanted and having the people continue to pay even though all manner of good sense new this was not sustainable. That the benefits and wages they were making could not possible be paid. They did not care they had got theirs and the unions had got theirs. See this graph

Why are there persons who just can not see this. The union employee can not because he thinks he will loose something that he rightfully got. That he earned. I question the concept that it was earned just as the prosecutor questions and claws back the Madof earnings. If the money used was gotten fraudulently then the earnings are fraudulent. So it seams to me that the congress has a right to take back some of the earned rights, benefits, wages etc. If the congress (local, state, federal governments) enter into the conspiracy with the unions to dupe the public and to use the public money for individual gain then we have the moral and maybe the legal right to get some of it back. They have take hundreds of millions of Madof like scheme money back from those who thought the money was legit but turns out it was not. The negotiations were a scheme from the beginning to dupe the public.
We need to due a couple of things that benefit we the people. One we need to stop the negotiations, on a collective bases, when politicians in the mix. No more collective bargaining with public sector unions for wages, benefits, retirement, health or any other thing that costs the taxpayer money. To have as our negotiator a person or committee that does not have “we the people” at the uppermost in his mind is foolish at least and possible fraudulent at most. This would not even be called negotiation as in the NFL-Players Union, or the Auto Workers etc. It is called “lets make a deal” that benefits all of us and have “we the people” pay for it. Not a bad days work if you can get it. Maybe that has something to do with politicians at all levels of government starting in as a politician broke and ending years later as millionaires. Enough, this is not about workers rights, child labor law, equal wages. This is simply about attempting to maintain the gravy train that the Politicians and Unions have established over the past 60 years. “We the People” continue to Pay.
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