Politicians have been taken over by the lobbyists,” Trump said. “China and Chinese companies have big lobbyists – OPEC [Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries], too. It has to be the lobbyists.”
Our country isn’t respected anymore, he said. “It has the potential to be great, but it’s not great now. China will take over as the No. 1 economy in 12 years.”
Another great reason for term limits. Our congress no longer does the work of the people it does the work of the special interest that can benefit the congressman or women personally. These benefits are not usually criminal although they should be but it always enriches at least three elements in a congressman’s life. Reelection contributions or free travel or something that is immoral but not illegal; His pocket book directly; or power that can be brokered. They make no decisions that do not help them get reelected. There is an old saying in law enforcement when trying to find out who done it. “Follow the money”. In the case of the lobbyist we should say “follow the lobbyist” or “what good did this or that vote do for the congressman”. Instead we are left with lies, spin, and misdirection, which are the major tools of modern politicians.
The 50’s brought us Relief from War and Ike and Baby Boomers; The 60’s brought us the Military Industrial Complex and the growth of military power; The 70's brought us Better Ideas Through Chemistry and the downturn of Religion; The 80’s and 90’s brought us Banking by Government Guarantees and the Fed and no Foreign policy; (these paid off in the 2000’s costing $250,000 per job). At each of these special interests rise to power there was a backlash led by opponents to the deals being made, the $350 hammer: home mortgages for all the poor even though they could not pay; the saving and loan collapse, the recessions, and the rise of terrorism for 40 over years now. The government constant in all this is they printed money and raised taxes, during each of the rises, as a means to fund whatever interest that was popular at the time. The governments answer to all problems is money because that is all they can do. They collect and spend. That is it. You would think the could have figured out that spending more than they collected was wrong and eventually damaging to America. They knew and did not care. They all have sold us down the river and have turned our country into a debtor nation, which may not be able to return as a world leader if this is not turned around now.
One major difference between now and the last 60 years of special interest rule, is that the special interest that is now making noise is not just the unions, military, banks, poor, minorities, or others. It is the American People, the actual rulers, saying enough. Enough of the lies, enough of politicians doing as they please and not what we please. This is the only way we can turn this around. The Wisconsin stand off is not just against the unions (special interest group who want to be treated special) but attempting to make our government responsive to "we the people". The people want government to live with in a budget that is covered by cash not by promises of better times. We want government to get out of our lives. If you read the founding fathers comments our current realities are similar to the reality of our relationship with Kind Edward 350 years ago. He wanted for himself only just as the politicians want today. The only way to end this permanently is to term limit politicians now.
We have a new philosopy of who we elect. We do not want people who are smart, belong to a minority, who have enough money to buy a seat, who have great ideas for the future, who will turn around education, cut the military, take on the entitlement programs, reform election and all the rest of the empty jargon. We now want what we can demand. We need not to ask but demand our government officials take care of the government and not everybody else. That they make decisions base on a few and simple principles that should be inherent in all political decisions in this country. No more deficits, no more special interests, term limits for all legislators, strong states rights, smaller government, get away from social justice as the rule of law and back to equal justice as the rule of law. Most of all get government out of our individual liberties.
Trump also said;
Question: So what would Trump do about it if he were president?
Answer; Trump “I would tell the Chinese that, if you don’t straighten out the manipulation of your currency fast, we’ll tax your products 25 percent. We’d be making our own products immediately.”
This is the simple answer to a seemingly big problem. Why is this a big problem anyway. It should be as simple as Trump says. It once was. Who cares what the Chinese think of us, we should care what we think of us. Who cares what the world thinks. They are just jealous. It is time for people who will use the own common sense to make decisions for America and not for their own personal gain.

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