This is Our Land Not Your Land
You know this notion that Unions have that this land is MY land and equating this with what is happening in Egypt and else where is ridicules at best. This land is not there land. This land is the land of the free and the land that is ruled by the rule of law not the mob. Not intimidation to get what we want. My emotional reaction to the union’s noise is to get all the more set in not bending. I wonder if this is not the effect it is having on the silent majority that is paying the public employees wages, benefits, etc, and who are currently suffering many more job losses, less pay for similar jobs, lack of health care and no lifetime benefits. Unions have had a great run and have done great things for their membership and have had a need to be there but they have forgot that occasionally the opposition votes and they loose. If there reaction to this is to equate this loss with that of oppressed people of the world, that are being killed, maimed, staved, in slaved etc., diminishes their meaningful gains in the past.
"We the people" have said in a number of states (37) that public unions have gone to far and "We the people" have pulled back some of the collective bargaining agreements just as "We the People have a constitutional right to do. My suggestion is to unseat all the persons who voted for what ever it is that the unions do not like. That is the way it is suppose to be done. For the Democrats to leave the state and for the Unions to take over the "we the peoples" house is beyond reasonable and I believe that "we the people" have come to the end of tolerating this from corrupt public officials whose vote is for sale and the public unions that by the votes. "We the people" in fact have the right to control. Unions themselves have no constitutional protections, but they have acted like they do. They have bought votes and have participated in the corruption of our public institutions. To the extent they have participated in the corruption of the elected officials they are themselves corrupted. It is time for this to stop.
If we had not had such a deep recession, I think most of the way it was would still be going on and "we the people" would still be buying the spin, keeping our heads in the sand, adding more un-funded benefits to public workers and continuing to increase debt with out a possible way of paying it back. The cry that these are negotiated, contractual benefits through the collective bargaining is to say that the Mob should keep the money they stole, extorted, killed for etc. and not go to prison because they had a DEAL. If the basis of a negotiation is corrupt the outcome of the negotiations are corrupt. I say let the politicians whose vote was bought by the union pay the debt. Seems to me to be reasonable restitution for selling the country and the taxpayer down the toilet.
I do not care what party did this to us but we need to stop it now and attempt to move on from here with new relationships that are not corrupt at heart. If we do not we will just rebuild the same old, same old. As I said earlier money is at the heart and is all we have to do is to follow the money. Term Limits, Reduction of Money in the Campaigns, Aggressive prosecution of politicians and Staffers who use there power to in rich themselves. Prosecution of Special Interests who buy votes. Democracy should not be for sale but we have allowed a system to develop that supports the notion that not only is our country open for business but so are our politicians and others of power and influence
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