Saturday, March 26, 2011


Just read this from Bill Cosby and thought we should post this for all to read. 

Four boxes to be used in the defense of liberty:

Soap, Ballot, Jury and Ammo. ...Please use in that order.

Bill Cosby has a great way of "distilling" things  
...Looks like he's done it again!    


(1). Any use of the phrase: 'Press 1 for English'  is immediately BANNED!!!.    English  is  the official language;   speak it or wait outside of our borders until you can. 

(2). We will immediately go into a two year isolationist  attitude in order to straighten out the greedy big business posture in this country. America will allow NO imports,  and we'll do no exports.     We will begin using Wal-Mart's  policy,  
'If  we
  ain't got it, you don't need it.' We'll make and sell it here! 

(3). When imports are allowed, there will be a 100% import tax on it coming in here. 

(4). All retired military personnel will be required to man one of the many observation towers located on the southern border of the United States  (six month tour).
 They will be under strict orders not to fire on SOUTHBOUND aliens. 

(5). Social Security will immediately return to its original state

If you didn't put nuttin in, you AIN'T getting nuttin out.  Neither the President nor any other politician will be able to touch it. 

(6). Welfare. -- Checks will be handed out on Fridays, at the end of the 40 hour school week,
 AFTER the successful completion of a urinalysis test for drugs, and passing grades. 

(7). Professional Athletes -- Steroids?  The FIRST time you check positive you're banned from sports ... for life

(8). Crime -- We will adopt the Turkish method,
  i.e.,  the first time you steal,  you lose your right hand.  There is no more 'life sentences'.  If convicted of murder, you will be put to death by the same method you chose for the victim you killed: gun, knife, strangulation,  etc. 

(9). One export of ours will be allowed: wheat; because the world needs to eat.  However, a bushel of wheat will be the EXACT price of a barrel of oil. 

(10).  All foreign aid, using American taxpayer money, will immediately cease and the saved money will help to pay off the national debt and, ultimately, lower taxes.  When disasters occur around the world, we'll ask The American People if they want to donate to a disaster fund, and each citizen can make the decision as to whether, or not, it's a worthy cause. 

 The Pledge of Allegiance will  be saidEVERY day at school and every day in CONGRESS. 

 The National Anthem will  be played at allappropriate ceremonies,  sporting events,  outings, etc. 

My apology is offered if I've stepped on anyone's toes .... nevertheless......




Sincerely,  Bill Cosby  


Please forward this to everyone you know, no matter which side of the fence they're on.  


When God takes something from your grasp, He's not punishing you, but merely opening your hands to receive something better.

In God We Trust!!ALWAYS !!

Friday, March 25, 2011


The War Powers Resolution of 1973
(50 U.S.C. 1541–1548) was a United States Congress joint resolution providing that the President of the United States may commit into action abroad only by authorization of Congress or if the United States is already under attack or serious threat any armed forces. The War Powers Resolution requires the president to notify Congress within 48 hours of committing armed forces to military action and forbids armed forces from remaining for more than 60 days, with a further 30 day withdrawal period, without an authorization of the use of military force or a "declaration of war" by congress.

If you can read this makes sense. What is our country doing with Libya. There may or may not be a humanitarian need. That is not the point. Our armed forces are not the private army of the presidents. Bush had used the war powers act and had been to the UN 3 times before he committed troops. I do not want to here about the broad coalition. It does not matter if you can read. We committed an act of war against Libya with out congressional approval. I do not what to here about the UN. This is the USA not some Global nation. If the president does not have to follow the law, as King George did not, then why should I or any other individual or country in the world. Lets just pick out another country and attack them. That is with Japan did to start WWll and Germany, and the Soviet Union did for years. Holy cow what is going on. I do not recognize this country.

Just this week we have a Judge who will allow for Shria Law in a Florida state court. Unbelievable.
We have a president who just uses his private army where he thinks he should.
We have a congress who can not add. 1.5 TRILLION DEFICIT THIS NEXT YEAR.
We have 12 million illegals who use our education, welfare, police etc. free.
We are spending, more acurate, borrowing 100 million a day to bomb people that we have no idea what were are doing this for. Who is the bad guy and who is the good guy in Libya. I have not a clue
We have unions who want to be a special class of people in the country and live off the rest.
We have moved toward socialism in a major way.
We send 85 new congressman to DC and still can not get anything done to stop this government from ruining this country. They just continue to write worthless checks that will never be paid.

If we had term limits this would help because the idiots in power would have to leave and we could have a change in leadership every so often.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

One Law

Under One Law

This week a Florida case has reminded me that where I live we are subjected to two different sets of laws. I live on an Indian Reservation in Northern Minnesota. The Reservation has its own law enforcement department and has recently been given the authority to stop and arrest Non Indians on “what is called Indian Land”. Actually If I drive by the casino I am on a country highway that is funded and maintained by the county and state. Some federal funds help to build it. But because it is inside some political boundary and treaty “just a line drawn on a map” not only can the highway patrol, county sheriff and all federal law enforcement stop and detain me so can the Indian Police. How does this work with “under one law. The Florida case should be found in the favor of sharia law given this precedent. Here is there case.

TAMPA — The question of what law applies in any Florida courtroom usually comes down to two choices: federal or state.

But Hillsborough Circuit Judge Richard Nielsen is being attacked by conservative bloggers after he ruled in a lawsuit March 3 that, to resolve one crucial issue in the case, he would consult a different source.

"This case," the judge wrote, "will proceed under Ecclesiastical Islamic Law."

Indian Law, Islamic Law: I thought this was American and therefore American Law. What is the deal with all these special interest? The Indians claim “Sovereignty” and therefore do not have to live under one law one rule. The Islamists claim they are not bound by mans law and therefore do not have to live under one law one rule. The rest of the population of America, 290,000,000 millioin must live under one law one rule. What in the world has happened? These special situations have been negotiated with out any direct public input except by the demanding parties. The minorities that are involved in the two examples have lobbied there way to a separate set of rules for themselves. America is a big country that has at its heart a diversity of cultures but we have always believed that above the diversity of ethnic, and cultural differences was the one law one rule principal of democracy. We all have to abide by one set of rules set forth in law. Otherwise the entire system begins to break down. Just think, I can be arrested by an Indian Policeman working for His Indian reservation and even though I am an American Citizen he can detain and punish me. He able to do all this because we have gone nuts. There is not reasonable rationalization for a Sovereign country to be able to arrest me on American soil. I do not give a rats ass about the political BS and or the reasons historically that we must give the American Indian sovereignty over me. It just should not happen. It is wrong and it should be found to be against the constitution.
Enough is Enough. Tell the judge he is to sit and judge based on American law. And, tell the Indian Reservation their sovereignty does not exist and they have no more rights than any other citizen of the US.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Shut Up Media

Here we go again with the media that can not help themselves. Why don't they just shut up and stop asking question by using speculation about the future and just continue to report what is. I am so tired of the media making up news and then interviewing each other as if they a have anything important to say. The use of sensational language to ask questions and the ridiculous "what ifs" that a put forward should make all of us turn off the media.

The initial news about Japan was and is great but I am currently getting a lot better coverage from amateurs and bloggers regarding the continued issues related to the earth quake and the tsunami. I was listening to the talking heads on CNN, Fox, MSNBC as turned them off as the whip the wind with their constant scare tactic regarding the Nuclear problems with the reactors. Whole cities were destroyed. Less than 30 people have been killed in the reactor problems. Yet you would think from the coverage that the whole west cost of the US will be destroyed if the melt down does happen.

To lecture the Japanese on the problems with associated with a nuclear detonation is to lecture to the whale about the risks of whale hunters. Why would the media attempt to make a connection between a nuclear bomb and a nuclear reactor. There is no correlation other than one is a controlled nuclear reaction and the other is not. The explosions are not nuclear by hydogen and they do put out some radiation. The problem is the medial leaves you with the sense that the radiation put out by reactors is the same as that put out by bombs. Not so and they know it. They just say this to make people listen because it scares them. Not even good Carney. It is the worse bagte and switch one can do to people who trust you. That is to lie about something as important as this.

The experience of melt down facts are very sobering.

Chernoby: 4000 deaths, 35 at the reactor itself.

United Nations study : 5 September 2005 | Geneva - A total of up to 4000 people could eventually die of radiation exposure from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (NPP) accident nearly 20 years ago.

Chernoby: 4000 deaths, 35 at the reactor itself.

United Nations study : 5 September 2005 | Geneva - A total of up to 4000 people could eventually die of radiation exposure from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (NPP) accident nearly 20 years ago.

Three Mile Island: O deaths

In the aftermath of the accident, investigations focused on the amount of radiation released by the accident. According to the American Nuclear Society, using the official radiation emission figures, "The average radiation dose to people living within ten miles of the plant was eight millirem, and no more than 100 millirem to any single individual. Eight millirem is about equal to a chest X-ray, and 100 millirem is about a third of the average background level of radiation received by US residents in a year.”

Based on these low emission figures, early scientific publications on the health effects of the fallout estimated one or two additional cancer deaths in the 10 mi (16 km) area around TMI. Disease rates in areas further than 10 miles from the plant were never examined.

The 24-hour news cycle has really put a need to fill time with nonsense that is passed off as news. The babble that is sent out of the airwaves should not be listened to but the talking heads and their producers and directors have learned that you need to use psychology so you do not turn the channel. Tickle them, get them emotional, show them something that no body else will show you, and continue to raise the bar so that we now see 100's of deaths, dead body and even have great TV that is nothing but cut up bodies. This type of scare even happens in Minnesota with the changing of the weather to talk about wind chill. Apparently they do not realize that we all go outside and have some idea how to deal with the cold. But for the old people that have heard regular Fahrenheit temps for 80 years now here that the temp is -40 when the temp is only -2. That is scary for them. But it sure gets them to listen to the weather.

I wish the media would just give us the news and then switch to some replay of Top Gun or something.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Wacko Fringe takes advantage of Tragedy

I think I will start another discussion for those who have nothing else to do till spring. Today is a day in Minnesota that is a practical joke. The sun is out it is 45 degrees and the thoughts of spring and summer are on our mines. The problem is we still have at least 8 weeks to the opening of fishing season and the ice being off the lakes. Till then I will probably keep blogging and causing some trouble. So the anti nuke people or all over the Japan tragedy. Can't wait I guess. They are proud that we have not built a reactor in the US for many years and will use this incident of proof that they were right. Just one more of the wacko fringe elements that practice the "tyranny of the minority over the majority". Gun control is front and center with the shooting at AZ. The oil wacko's are active do to the oil spills. So in order to move forward in energy policy and production, we have to pay homage to a wacko minority: we can not even drill a will, mine coal, build a reactor, add wind turbines to farm land, but we can use corn and up the per bushel price to 5-7$ per bushel (2 to 3 times what it should be, allow gas to go to $4 so that will make wind and bio fuels more reasonable, continue to by oil from countries that would just as soon we were all dead. But for heavens sake do not put up wind, change to nature gas, add a hydro dam,(MAY BE A FISHY THERE), drill in the AnWar, (that is the size of New Jersey). Drill off shore, mine shale in North Dakota, Put wind turbines up and down our great prairie or do anything that could help us get to energy independence again. The political correctness of government policy making has not lead us to a time of greatness. We need to make some hard decisions that are not popular and may not get the public officials reelected. But that would be the right thing to do.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

This is "We the People's Land"

This is Our Land Not Your Land

You know this notion that Unions have that this land is MY land and equating this with what is happening in Egypt and else where is ridicules at best. This land is not there land. This land is the land of the free and the land that is ruled by the rule of law not the mob. Not intimidation to get what we want. My emotional reaction to the union’s noise is to get all the more set in not bending. I wonder if this is not the effect it is having on the silent majority that is paying the public employees wages, benefits, etc, and who are currently suffering many more job losses, less pay for similar jobs, lack of health care and no lifetime benefits. Unions have had a great run and have done great things for their membership and have had a need to be there but they have forgot that occasionally the opposition votes and they loose. If there reaction to this is to equate this loss with that of oppressed people of the world, that are being killed, maimed, staved, in slaved etc., diminishes their meaningful gains in the past.

"We the people" have said in a number of states (37) that public unions have gone to far and "We the people" have pulled back some of the collective bargaining agreements just as "We the People have a constitutional right to do. My suggestion is to unseat all the persons who voted for what ever it is that the unions do not like. That is the way it is suppose to be done. For the Democrats to leave the state and for the Unions to take over the "we the peoples" house is beyond reasonable and I believe that "we the people" have come to the end of tolerating this from corrupt public officials whose vote is for sale and the public unions that by the votes. "We the people" in fact have the right to control. Unions themselves have no constitutional protections, but they have acted like they do. They have bought votes and have participated in the corruption of our public institutions. To the extent they have participated in the corruption of the elected officials they are themselves corrupted. It is time for this to stop.

If we had not had such a deep recession, I think most of the way it was would still be going on and "we the people" would still be buying the spin, keeping our heads in the sand, adding more un-funded benefits to public workers and continuing to increase debt with out a possible way of paying it back. The cry that these are negotiated, contractual benefits through the collective bargaining is to say that the Mob should keep the money they stole, extorted, killed for etc. and not go to prison because they had a DEAL. If the basis of a negotiation is corrupt the outcome of the negotiations are corrupt. I say let the politicians whose vote was bought by the union pay the debt. Seems to me to be reasonable restitution for selling the country and the taxpayer down the toilet.

I do not care what party did this to us but we need to stop it now and attempt to move on from here with new relationships that are not corrupt at heart. If we do not we will just rebuild the same old, same old. As I said earlier money is at the heart and is all we have to do is to follow the money. Term Limits, Reduction of Money in the Campaigns, Aggressive prosecution of politicians and Staffers who use there power to in rich themselves. Prosecution of Special Interests who buy votes. Democracy should not be for sale but we have allowed a system to develop that supports the notion that not only is our country open for business but so are our politicians and others of power and influence

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Term Limits Render Special Interests Impotent

Term Limits Render Special Interests Impotent

The Unions are reeling from the votes in a number of state legislatures over the past few months. The AFL/CIO president has said the this is "War". The Wisconsin votes have been the best publicized of all but it is not the only vote to accomplish the limiting of Union power in the decisions state governments have recently made. See the chart below.

Not backing down to the union strong arm, with all its money, and ability to reek havoc for a periond of time, will in the long run take power away from this particular special interest and away from the politicians who are aligned through money and purchased votes. It is unconscionable to support a system that allows for the direct purchase of votes, political contributions, (1.8 million too Wisconsin Democrats, 97% of all political giving in Wisconsin), on one hand and to prosecute Blogovich for thinking about selling an appointment. The only way to limit this systems’ continued cheating of “we the people” is to limit terms.

Term limiting of politicians can be done in two ways. Elections, and Legislatively. The election term limiting is what we are seeing in the recent election of 85 new congressman and women to the federal house and the change of power in a number of state legislators this past election cycle. The unions are betting the “we the people” will find the error of their ways and return to politics that are controlled by the unions, in the next election cycle. More power to them. That is how it is suppose to work. Politicians govern and make the tough decisions, which are not always the politicall correct or polled decisions but they are the best for the county, city, state or nation at the time. Then after a short period of time go home and stay. The system as it is currently constructed would have power bought with political money and thereby the vote. That system is practiced by both major parties as of now. That system has to stop if we are to return to a system that represents “we the people” and not special interests.

The only leverage that a special interest has on a politician is the Special interests ability to get them money and to turn out the vote in the politicians’ reelection campaign. Turning out the vote is only done for the candidates that have promised to vote a specific way in an election that would benefit the special interest and not “we the people”. The special interest has only its ability to raise money and maintain power by using that money to keep them in power through vote purchasing. The longevity of a politician should never be a consideration as to how he/she will vote. But with the system as is, it is always the first consideration. The very basis of a legislator’s decision making has been how his vote will help him raise more money and to stay in power, not how will his vote effect the common good based on the principles of democracy.

Lately we have seen a few politicians be elected who have given their pledge to term limit themselves and to push in congress for term limits. This push would effectively bring down the special interest ability to own a large portion of the elected officials. With out the longevity of legislators the special interests influence could not have the leverage of reelection. The ability of the special interests to own legislators through contributions and votes is at the heart of the corruption of power by the individual legislator. To want to hold on to power and to accumulate his own assets wealth is as human as can be. Jefferson and the founding fathers new it and so do we. This human characteristic leaves the legislator at the mercy of special interest that can, in effect, guarantee his continued access to his own riches. This all stops if there are reasonable term limits. If the legislator cannot be reelected, at a point, then he is free to vote his conscience not his pocket book. He is free to vote for “we the people” not special interest. He is free to deal with reality and not to spin according to special interests needs. He is free to vote across party lines because the party line becomes blurred when the influence of special interest has waned.

Term limits have been placed on 15 state legislatures, eight of the ten largest cities in America adopted term limits for their city councils and/or mayor, and 37 states place term limits on their constitutional officers.



Assembly: 3 terms (6 years)
Senate: 2 terms (8 years)

House: 1996
Senate: 1998



House: 4 terms (8 years)
Senate: 2 terms (8 years)

House: 1998
Senate: 1998



House: 4 terms (8 years)
Senate: 2 terms (8 years)

House: 2000
Senate: 2000

Louisiana **


House: 3 terms (12 years)
Senate: 3 terms (12 years)

House: 2007
Senate: 2007

Maine *


House: 4 terms (8 years)
Senate: 4 terms (8 years)

House: 1996
Senate: 1996



House: 3 terms (6 years)
Senate: 2 terms (8 years)

House: 1998
Senate: 2002



House: 4 terms (8 years)
Senate: 2 terms (8 years)

House: 2002
Senate: 2002



House: 4 terms (8 years)
Senate: 2 terms (8 years)

House: 2000
Senate: 2000



Unicameral: 2 terms (8 years)

Senate: 2008



Assembly: 6 terms (12 years)
Senate: 3 terms (12 years)

House: 2010
Senate: 2010



House: 4 terms (8 years)
Senate: 2 terms (8 years)

House: 2000
Senate: 2000



12 year combined total for both houses

State Legislature: 2004

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Rhetoric Ain’t the Issue: Spin Ain’t the Issue,

Rhetoric Ain’t the Issue: Spin Ain’t the Issue,

"In 30 minutes, 18 state senators undid 50 years of civil rights in Wisconsin. Their disrespect for the people of Wisconsin and their rights is an outrage that will never be forgotten," said Democratic Senate Minority Leader Mark Miller. "Tonight, 18 Senate Republicans conspired to take government away from the people."

With the passage of the bill in Wisconsin today and the behavior of the Unions we are in for the larges and most aggressive rhetoric, lies, spin, verbal attacks, character assassination, flaws in logic, death threats (written and verbal), use of the “f”bomb on a regular basis and general emotional hysteria. Most of the published pictures, written word, video, one on one interviews and pundits speak with be completely party line. Demos pro union (Wisconsin Reps have violated the law of man, have committed a moral murder, have overturned what has been fought for with American blood).

"You are cowards!" spectators in the Senate gallery screamed as Wisconsin lawmakers voted.

The Reps (this is what American voted for, Unions have unfair advantage, the cost is unsustainable in today’s budgets, they negotiate with those they give money to). The problem with all this is that we loose the essence of what is happening in Wi, Fl, Oh, In, and many other states as well as the US Congress. That is we are broke and we can not continue business as usual. The public dollar has to have some limits put on it and it will be a fight to see what limits will be place on it by our politicians. That is providing they have the courage the political will and the willingness to term limit themselves.

"I applaud the Legislature's action today to stand up to the status quo and take a step in the right direction to balance the budget and reform government," Walker said

Some of the politicians that make the tough decisions will loose there seats. That is exactly what needs to happen. Example, after the WWII who lost his Job. Churchill and Truman. They had made the tough decisions and the country was interested in another direction. That is the way it should work. Show up, serve and leave.

A crowd of 5,000 union protestors swarmed the state Capitol in Madison shattered windows and barricaded themselves inside amid calls for a “class war” after news got out that Senate Republicans had circumvented a Democratic blockade of a bill curbing state union power.

Authorities eventually gave in and allowed the mob to reoccupy the Capitol without resistance; setting the stage for a melee today as the state Assembly reconvenes to consider the Senate proposal.

Today I have seen the same protester removed from the Wisconsin Capitol building at least 25 times. I have seen out of control anger by protesters directed at the legislator. I have seen and heard at least 15 times that the legislature has been threatened with death threats. I have seen the Union AFL CIO president say the “Union is not about children or jobs it is about power and the money we get from union dues that is at stake. (Interesting) At least the Union leadership is willing to tell it like it is. I have been saying all along that it is about the money and the rest is a smoke screen designed to distract us from what is really at the heart of the argument in Wi. and all over the country.

From here on out it is potentially a dangerous situation in Wisconsin and dangerous to be a Republican Legislator. The outside agitators the union have brought to Wisconsin are not helpful. I am afraid that something very bad could happen in the Dairy State. I hope not but the emotions are being whipped to a frenzy during the protests and the protestors are acting as if this is a life or death situation in Wisconsin. With the media at every corner, with everybody having a video camera, with the nations attention on this Capitol, with the national unions engaged at the local level, with the determination of the Republicans to not be bullied by the protesters, with all the history of union organizing seemingly at stake, with the world protesting everything: I fear for the safety of persons who are trying to continue a democratic process. You do not have to like the outcomes, but if you choose to not participate in the process then you should not have anything to say about the outcomes. Democracy at the legislative level should never backdown to violence, the threat of violence, the mob, or any special interest. We need to govern by the well of the majority of people not the will of the mob. I don’t have to agree with what Wisconsin has done to respect the fact that they have and have the constitution right to do it. They have, with in the law of the land, done what they think is right. If “we the people” do not agree with them we should vote them out next time around.

I consider a legislature that is willing to risk reelection and loss of special interest support a brave and courages person. I would vote for him again. For at least another term then out. I think some of the legislators in Wi have term limited themselves and I think this is a better way to govern. Lets continue to get new persons who are not beholding to special interest in the mix. Look what can happen when you take the largest special interest in the US on. They should not have this amount of power. It is not healthy for democracy. Jefferson said:

Taxes should be continued by annual or biennial reenactments, because a constant hold, by the nation, of the strings of the public purse is a salutary restraint from which an honest government ought not wish, nor a corrupt one to be permitted, to be free. ... We must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. We must make our election between economy and liberty, or profusion and servitude. ... The multiplication of public offices, increase of expense beyond income, growth and entailment of a public debt, are indications soliciting the employment of the pruning knife." Thomas Jefferson

Monday, March 7, 2011

Money is the Root

Money is the Root

Some simple facts to ponder as to the relationship between politicians (democrats especially) money and the unions. Now we can argue about the nickels and dimes but the overall relationship is built on money. Money that is collected from union members checks and in some states and districts from non union members checks. In Iowa there has been a “fair share bill” in the legislature for sometime. They want to have non union members be assessed 75% of the union members dues. It has not yet passed much to the disappointment of teachers unions. Their vote has already paid for and they want the elected officials to come through on what has been bought.

2008 Iowa State Education Association-Revenues($) Raised

Des Moines and others,
Total Revenue: $ 14,425,643 (IRS)

West Des Moines:

Total Revenue: $258,000

2008 Union State Level, Political Contributions

Total $1.8 million (13% kickback to politicians)

97% went to the Democratic bank accounts 2.5%to Republican

**National Institute on Money in State Politics

The situation in Iowa is typical of what has happened to the unions and their relationship to legislatures and elected officials across the country. Some would say that the non union member benefits from what the union collectively negotiates with the state, school district, county, city etc. And that they therefore owe some money for the efforts, money etc that was expended during the negotiation. Seems like a fair argument if you believe that the collective can infringe on your personal freedoms in the name of fairness. I think we have lost the essence of the problem with unions and government. The problem is not with the union worker. It is with the money flow to the union that is collected, legislated and brought to the union leadership is baskets. In Iowa the teachers union collected $14 million in 2008 and returned to the legislatures and other elected officials $1.8 million in the same year. That, in other terms other than “union speak”, is a kickback and everybody knows it. Kickbacks are illegal except in the case of collective bargaining with unions. The payoffs are in the open and there is nothing anybody can do to stop the unions from buying elected officials votes. Of course the proponents of the unions invoke the “were only doing what the other side is doing”. But in the case of public sector unions the other side is “we the people”. The broker in the deal making is taking his cut (the politician) when in fact he is suppose to be working for “we the people”.

Our elected officals have sold “we the people” down the toilet for a few dollars from the unions. Our only recourse is to vote. However, that has become very difficult to remove a sitting elected official because of all the money, power, and media access the sitting elected official has at his fingertips.

This is precisely the reason I am an advocate of Term Limits for Elected officials. It is the accumulation of political power based on longevity that is at the heart of special interest vote buying. The longer a politician is in power the more money comes his way from special interests. The more the money, the higher the expectation for voting in a specific way. Buying votes is wrong. The question should not be what can a special interest do for me (politician) it should be what is the right vote for “We the People”. The right vote is never to bankrupt our future just for the short term personal gain of the politician.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Public Employee Union Negotiations are Frauds

Negotiations are Not Fair, They are the Process of Fraud

Some of what is not said in the media about the doing away with collective bargaining is this: FDR gave the private sector the right to collective bargain (this simply means the union can take your dues with out your say so and spend them anyway they want). That really worked for the Mafia, Teamsters, AFL-CIO. Vegas was built with union money, the union bosses got rich and union corruption was and is the norm. The corrupt relationships have been with the private sector since the beginning of union collective bargaining.

FDR did not want and did not see that the public sector civil servants needed or would benefit from unionization. But the Camelot boy did. He needed the union vote to be elected or steal the election which ever. Remember the Chicago vote that put Kennedy over the top. He promised the public sector employees to the unions. Why did the unions even care? Money, they would be able to capture, with one fell swoop, another population of money givers. Not only that but the governments would collect the dues for them because it would come right out of their checks. As can be seen by the graph the increase of unionized workers has increased as the number of government workers has increased. Pre 1964 virtually no government workers were union now the local and state government employees are virtually everybody with the federal government about 2 in 4. Unionization sure took off. Congress has gotten it wrong ever since they sold their reelection to the unions. They no longer represented the people. The now represented their own reelection interests. They needed and used the union vote as a means to maintain power by the fraudulent process of negotiating with the unions, giving them what the wanted and having the people continue to pay even though all manner of good sense new this was not sustainable. That the benefits and wages they were making could not possible be paid. They did not care they had got theirs and the unions had got theirs. See this graph

Why are there persons who just can not see this. The union employee can not because he thinks he will loose something that he rightfully got. That he earned. I question the concept that it was earned just as the prosecutor questions and claws back the Madof earnings. If the money used was gotten fraudulently then the earnings are fraudulent. So it seams to me that the congress has a right to take back some of the earned rights, benefits, wages etc. If the congress (local, state, federal governments) enter into the conspiracy with the unions to dupe the public and to use the public money for individual gain then we have the moral and maybe the legal right to get some of it back. They have take hundreds of millions of Madof like scheme money back from those who thought the money was legit but turns out it was not. The negotiations were a scheme from the beginning to dupe the public.

We need to due a couple of things that benefit we the people. One we need to stop the negotiations, on a collective bases, when politicians in the mix. No more collective bargaining with public sector unions for wages, benefits, retirement, health or any other thing that costs the taxpayer money. To have as our negotiator a person or committee that does not have “we the people” at the uppermost in his mind is foolish at least and possible fraudulent at most. This would not even be called negotiation as in the NFL-Players Union, or the Auto Workers etc. It is called “lets make a deal” that benefits all of us and have “we the people” pay for it. Not a bad days work if you can get it. Maybe that has something to do with politicians at all levels of government starting in as a politician broke and ending years later as millionaires. Enough, this is not about workers rights, child labor law, equal wages. This is simply about attempting to maintain the gravy train that the Politicians and Unions have established over the past 60 years. We the People” continue to Pay.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Special Interests Include Countrys-Term Limits

Politicians have been taken over by the lobbyists,” Trump said. “China and Chinese companies have big lobbyists – OPEC [Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries], too. It has to be the lobbyists.”

Our country isn’t respected anymore, he said. “It has the potential to be great, but it’s not great now. China will take over as the No. 1 economy in 12 years.”

Another great reason for term limits. Our congress no longer does the work of the people it does the work of the special interest that can benefit the congressman or women personally. These benefits are not usually criminal although they should be but it always enriches at least three elements in a congressman’s life. Reelection contributions or free travel or something that is immoral but not illegal; His pocket book directly; or power that can be brokered. They make no decisions that do not help them get reelected. There is an old saying in law enforcement when trying to find out who done it. “Follow the money”. In the case of the lobbyist we should say “follow the lobbyist” or “what good did this or that vote do for the congressman”. Instead we are left with lies, spin, and misdirection, which are the major tools of modern politicians.

The 50’s brought us Relief from War and Ike and Baby Boomers; The 60’s brought us the Military Industrial Complex and the growth of military power; The 70's brought us Better Ideas Through Chemistry and the downturn of Religion; The 80’s and 90’s brought us Banking by Government Guarantees and the Fed and no Foreign policy; (these paid off in the 2000’s costing $250,000 per job). At each of these special interests rise to power there was a backlash led by opponents to the deals being made, the $350 hammer: home mortgages for all the poor even though they could not pay; the saving and loan collapse, the recessions, and the rise of terrorism for 40 over years now. The government constant in all this is they printed money and raised taxes, during each of the rises, as a means to fund whatever interest that was popular at the time. The governments answer to all problems is money because that is all they can do. They collect and spend. That is it. You would think the could have figured out that spending more than they collected was wrong and eventually damaging to America. They knew and did not care. They all have sold us down the river and have turned our country into a debtor nation, which may not be able to return as a world leader if this is not turned around now.

One major difference between now and the last 60 years of special interest rule, is that the special interest that is now making noise is not just the unions, military, banks, poor, minorities, or others. It is the American People, the actual rulers, saying enough. Enough of the lies, enough of politicians doing as they please and not what we please. This is the only way we can turn this around. The Wisconsin stand off is not just against the unions (special interest group who want to be treated special) but attempting to make our government responsive to "we the people". The people want government to live with in a budget that is covered by cash not by promises of better times. We want government to get out of our lives. If you read the founding fathers comments our current realities are similar to the reality of our relationship with Kind Edward 350 years ago. He wanted for himself only just as the politicians want today. The only way to end this permanently is to term limit politicians now.

We have a new philosopy of who we elect. We do not want people who are smart, belong to a minority, who have enough money to buy a seat, who have great ideas for the future, who will turn around education, cut the military, take on the entitlement programs, reform election and all the rest of the empty jargon. We now want what we can demand. We need not to ask but demand our government officials take care of the government and not everybody else. That they make decisions base on a few and simple principles that should be inherent in all political decisions in this country. No more deficits, no more special interests, term limits for all legislators, strong states rights, smaller government, get away from social justice as the rule of law and back to equal justice as the rule of law. Most of all get government out of our individual liberties.

Trump also said;

Question: So what would Trump do about it if he were president?

Answer; Trump “I would tell the Chinese that, if you don’t straighten out the manipulation of your currency fast, we’ll tax your products 25 percent. We’d be making our own products immediately.”

This is the simple answer to a seemingly big problem. Why is this a big problem anyway. It should be as simple as Trump says. It once was. Who cares what the Chinese think of us, we should care what we think of us. Who cares what the world thinks. They are just jealous. It is time for people who will use the own common sense to make decisions for America and not for their own personal gain.