Rhetoric Ain’t the Issue: Spin Ain’t the Issue,
"In 30 minutes, 18 state senators undid 50 years of civil rights in Wisconsin. Their disrespect for the people of Wisconsin and their rights is an outrage that will never be forgotten," said Democratic Senate Minority Leader Mark Miller. "Tonight, 18 Senate Republicans conspired to take government away from the people."
With the passage of the bill in Wisconsin today and the behavior of the Unions we are in for the larges and most aggressive rhetoric, lies, spin, verbal attacks, character assassination, flaws in logic, death threats (written and verbal), use of the “f”bomb on a regular basis and general emotional hysteria. Most of the published pictures, written word, video, one on one interviews and pundits speak with be completely party line. Demos pro union (Wisconsin Reps have violated the law of man, have committed a moral murder, have overturned what has been fought for with American blood).
"You are cowards!" spectators in the Senate gallery screamed as Wisconsin lawmakers voted.
The Reps (this is what American voted for, Unions have unfair advantage, the cost is unsustainable in today’s budgets, they negotiate with those they give money to). The problem with all this is that we loose the essence of what is happening in Wi, Fl, Oh, In, and many other states as well as the US Congress. That is we are broke and we can not continue business as usual. The public dollar has to have some limits put on it and it will be a fight to see what limits will be place on it by our politicians. That is providing they have the courage the political will and the willingness to term limit themselves.
"I applaud the Legislature's action today to stand up to the status quo and take a step in the right direction to balance the budget and reform government," Walker said
Some of the politicians that make the tough decisions will loose there seats. That is exactly what needs to happen. Example, after the WWII who lost his Job. Churchill and Truman. They had made the tough decisions and the country was interested in another direction. That is the way it should work. Show up, serve and leave.
A crowd of 5,000 union protestors swarmed the state Capitol in Madison shattered windows and barricaded themselves inside amid calls for a “class war” after news got out that Senate Republicans had circumvented a Democratic blockade of a bill curbing state union power.
Authorities eventually gave in and allowed the mob to reoccupy the Capitol without resistance; setting the stage for a melee today as the state Assembly reconvenes to consider the Senate proposal.
Today I have seen the same protester removed from the Wisconsin Capitol building at least 25 times. I have seen out of control anger by protesters directed at the legislator. I have seen and heard at least 15 times that the legislature has been threatened with death threats. I have seen the Union AFL CIO president say the “Union is not about children or jobs it is about power and the money we get from union dues that is at stake. (Interesting) At least the Union leadership is willing to tell it like it is. I have been saying all along that it is about the money and the rest is a smoke screen designed to distract us from what is really at the heart of the argument in Wi. and all over the country.
From here on out it is potentially a dangerous situation in Wisconsin and dangerous to be a Republican Legislator. The outside agitators the union have brought to Wisconsin are not helpful. I am afraid that something very bad could happen in the Dairy State. I hope not but the emotions are being whipped to a frenzy during the protests and the protestors are acting as if this is a life or death situation in Wisconsin. With the media at every corner, with everybody having a video camera, with the nations attention on this Capitol, with the national unions engaged at the local level, with the determination of the Republicans to not be bullied by the protesters, with all the history of union organizing seemingly at stake, with the world protesting everything: I fear for the safety of persons who are trying to continue a democratic process. You do not have to like the outcomes, but if you choose to not participate in the process then you should not have anything to say about the outcomes. Democracy at the legislative level should never backdown to violence, the threat of violence, the mob, or any special interest. We need to govern by the well of the majority of people not the will of the mob. I don’t have to agree with what Wisconsin has done to respect the fact that they have and have the constitution right to do it. They have, with in the law of the land, done what they think is right. If “we the people” do not agree with them we should vote them out next time around.
I consider a legislature that is willing to risk reelection and loss of special interest support a brave and courages person. I would vote for him again. For at least another term then out. I think some of the legislators in Wi have term limited themselves and I think this is a better way to govern. Lets continue to get new persons who are not beholding to special interest in the mix. Look what can happen when you take the largest special interest in the US on. They should not have this amount of power. It is not healthy for democracy. Jefferson said:
Taxes should be continued by annual or biennial reenactments, because a constant hold, by the nation, of the strings of the public purse is a salutary restraint from which an honest government ought not wish, nor a corrupt one to be permitted, to be free. ... We must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. We must make our election between economy and liberty, or profusion and servitude. ... The multiplication of public offices, increase of expense beyond income, growth and entailment of a public debt, are indications soliciting the employment of the pruning knife." Thomas Jefferson