Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Abortiion: Where have we Gotten to?

Abortion: Somebody needs to say this:

Since 1973 I have sat and listened to the lies coming from the secular, pro choice, anti life, progressive, anti human being lobby, regarding social, emotional, economic, medical and political realities about abortion. This group has lied, misled, spun, and just made facts up as it suited them. Today I see the lies continued on social media, taught in schools, churches, and the public square as if they are in fact, facts.

Q-What is an abortion? Lie-The safe simple medical procedure to remove the products of conception.
Truth: The killing of a human being
Q-Does life exist? Lie-No, life exist at birth and not before.
Truth: Life exists at conception and continues with food water and protection for about 75 years.
Q-Is this a baby? Lie-No this is a mass of cells not life. The fetus feels no pain.
Truth: This is a human being by all biological, ethical and religious standards.

Abortion is the intentional killing of a human being and is morally wrong. No women should have that moral or legal right. No doctor should have that moral or legal right and no other human being should have that moral or legal right to kill another. Oh, we do not, except in the case of abortion.

I am truly ashamed of the latest idiotic decision by our government to allow the unrestricted purchase of the the Morning After Pill by 15 year old children, over the counter, with out parental permission, guidance or advise. Oh I forgot “it takes a village.” How is that working. More sex ed more pregnancies 1.3 million abortions last year. About 1.5 million abortions per year and therefore 60 million since 1973 that should blow you mind. No wonder our culture has lost its way and may never get back to ground zero. We are civilized, you have got to be kidding me. We are the most dangerous people on earth. We kill our own at a rate not know to man or any other animal in history.

Our President said in 2009 regarding what he would do if one of his girls “Made a mistake”. He said he would “not punish them with a baby.” There it is. He should be ashamed of himself instead of wearing that statement as a badge of courage that will get him votes. He is black, abortion has killed close to 20 million black babies since 1973 and if one of his daughters made a mistake he would have them kill one more black baby. How does he reconcile this with his position on slavery. Got me.

Our country, as a society, has allowed a few selfish immoral persons, to replace immoral and unacceptable behavior with legal and therefore, acceptable behavior. As President Clinton said. “It all depends on what is is.” The law allows for the killing of the most innocent. The unborn. Christian Morality says abortion is wrong and is shameful. We are now a country of laws not morality.

Our society has lost sight of our moral absolutes. (for example freedom is not given by the law, it is an inalienable right given by our creator) We have attempted to replace societal shame with a institutional law, or a regulation that should act as a deterrent to immoral behavior. We have then given government exclusive power to enforce legal infringements. We all know how that is going. Boston bombing, make a new law. Newtown shooting, make a new law, and on and on as if a new law does anything. The net effect is to disenfranchise societal power at large and to give a monopoly of what is legal/moral to the government. How is that working for us. ?? There is a law against darn near everything and we have millions in jail, 12 million illegal immigrants who are just playing the game and a political class who have been treasonous in their stewardship of the government.

The major differences between the law and morality are where they come to play. The law only comes to play if you get caught. And then it may only partially play because there may have been mitigating circumstances. Meaning that you only have partial responsibility for your misdeed. That is the devil made me do it defense. I was radicalized and Americans are hateful people defense. Morality on the other hand lets you know you are acting immoral before, during and after. . Simply, because your moral sense comes from with in you. The law on the other hand comes from outside you.

I think the well intentioned have been used by the truly evil doers. For example, the sell for legalized abortion was that it was not fair that the poor had to go to the “back allies” and the rich could by from a local Dr. On its surface this argument seems to hold some water. Nobody wants to be unfair. So 1973 all the poor went to the abortion Dr. in New York. About 350000 the first year abortion was legal. Today about 41% of all pregnancies in NY city are terminated. However the facts do not mean anything because people are getting what they want from the law that morality will not give them. Morality will hold the individual responsible for the killing of their unborn child the rest of their life but the law will completely absolves them or any guilt. At least that is their hope. The true evil doers know that you will not escape the personal moral crises of abortion unless you just displace the law for personal morality. That is the true progressive end game. They want to set what is right and wrong based on what they want today. No absolutes just utility in morality.

I here from the politicians all the time about the our counties most beloved treasure. Our Children: Liars. They have legalized the killing of 60 million of our unborn children and because of this I believe our country is truly lost. We have replaced societal ideals of family, children, church, neighborhood, hard work, individual responsibility, self fulfillment, moderation, and a hole lot of outdated ideals for a society that as we watch now reveres such things as a President advocating his child kill another child based on the utility of the killing. Where in Gods name have we gotten to?

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