Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Canada and the Cabin:

I have been very quiet in the past few months.  I watched what the major media did and how the mainstream media and the mainstream Reps decided who would be the Rep nominee.  I was hopeful that the conservatives would actually have a reasonable shot at a true conservative representing the Reps party in November.  It does not look as if the Carl Roves of the party will allow this to happen anytime soon.  When Fox News went in the tank I knew it was all over.  Since I cannot stand Romney and I cannot stand Obama I am moving to the Cabin in Ontario until late Sept.  Therefore, since the cabin is water access only and you get up with the sun and go to bed with the moon I will not have to endure the battle between a Moderate liberal and a Liberals Liberal.  I will not have to hear it (the lies, attacks, and more lies) that we call a campaign, until sometime this fall.  Then I will come home and vote for Romney.  Not with out  trepidation, angst and disappointment with America’s choice to continue to move toward bigger government, less individual liberty, higher taxes, congressman that do nothing, senators who can not even put up a budget, an activist supreme court, class warfare, a full out war on Capitalism, the American dream, and a full out attempt to redistribute the wealth of the country by the government not by individuals.  Lobbying, no term limits, and political power will remain in the hands of a few and the mainstream media, who have there own agendas and a continued erosion of the power of We The People as envisioned by Jefferson and others. 

Palin, Gingrich, Perry, and others should be proud to call themselves conservatives and to take credit for pushing the conservative ideas as far as they could.  I still wish Palin would have given it a shot but she knows what is best for her and her family.  Maybe later.  In my dreams and only in my dreams I see the Rep convention coming apart at the seems and drafting Palin.  As I said, in my dreams.  

At least I know in Canada what is available for healthcare, (not much if you are sick), taxes, 7% Federal tax on all purchases and an 8% provincial tax on all purchases total 15% tax on all good and services,  yes services.  Property taxes that are as high in the wilderness as in most US towns.  No services for taxes (fire, police etc) just taxes.  Super high food costs, Cigarettes at $12 per pack, beer at $65 per case, fishing license at $80 and on and on.  The nearest Dr. to me is 100 miles.  I am only 80 miles north of the US border.  However I do know what to expect.  Socialized Medicine, Socialized Trains, Socialized Banking (there are only 5 banks in Canada), Native policies that are 50 to 100 years behind ours and that is not saying anything.  A rule and a law for everything.  There is a saying in Canada, “everything is illegal in Canada;  the point is to know which law they are currently enforcing”  Gun control, no army or navy to  speak of, and no constitution at this time.  Two provinces are seriously interested in leaving Canada to the point of actually voting and coming close to getting out.  The one thing they have is good fishing and beautiful views and the people are “Canada nice”.

Company at the cabin this summer will consist off family and friends and some Canadians that can tolerate my conservative notions about government.  I even have a number of very liberal people that take the risk of a vacation with us at the cabin.     This year we will have people from Texas, the east coast, Arizona, The upper Midwest, the near south and the west.  From liberal to right wing fanatic.  Having all these people around will ease the pain of this election year.  I look forward to getting to the cabin and getting this election over so we can start the presidential cycle early in 2013.  At least Obama is done.  Maybe Hilary this time around.   

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