Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Term Limits
The only answer for the Long Term
 Simple but do able. 

No Tenure / No Pension, Term Limited.  Reasonable pay while in session.

Congress (past, present & future) participates must participate in Social Security

Congress can purchase their own retirement plan, just as all Americans do

Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise or any special privileges that the US citizen does not have.

Congress loses their current health care system and they must participate in the same health care system as the American people

Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the American people.           

Congress will completely reform the tax code to a simple flat rate for all with no exclusions.

Congress will do a way with the federal statues that allow for double jeopardy.  You can only be tried by one court.
One law for all.  Indian sovereignty shall be abolished

Congress will do a way with the federal statues that allow for double jeopardy.  You can only be tried by one court, onetime.

No collective bargaining in the public sector.  

This is a doable list that all congressmen should sign on to.  This would give us back the power and liberty we the people have lost.  It is time to take this back and stop listening to those who would campaign to the right and govern to the center.  Or campaign to the left and govern to the center. You are what you are.  Let us all be conservative in running our government.  Our history has taught us that it should not be a plaything for the political class or the social engineers.   Not all good ideas should be made into law and in some cases into a cabinet position.  Think about what the political class has given us just in cabinet level regulation and laws. 

Department of State
Secretary of State:

Hillary Clinton

The biggest global welfare in history.  We pay whole countries to do our bidding as seen by who ever is in power at the time and by what their special agenda is. 

Department of Treasury
Secretary of the Treasury:

Timothy Geithner

If this was just the accounting department that would be ok but it is the borrowing, and printing department as well.  4+ trilliion borrowed, 4 trillion printed, 8 trillion of our wealth gone. 

 Department of Defense
Secretary of Defense:

Robert M. Gates

We can not nor should not be the worlds policeman especially with an army.  If we fight we should use all means to win.  We should not be in the business of prosecuting forgien policy for the state department.  We should fight and win wars and then leave. 

Department of Justice
Attorney General:

Eric Holder

They system is broke.  Ruby ridge, giving guns to the mexican maffia, leaving ACORN alone.  We now have selective political prosecution.

Department of Interior
Secretary of the Interior:

Ken Salazar

This is a lobby for Global Warming, and other lobbies that interferr with the economy of this country.  Oil, gas, coal, why are we dependent on any body

Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Secretary of Agriculture:

Tom Vilsack

This is the farm lobby and that is all.  We pay farmers to not grow anything.  The farmers not only pick crops but pick our pocket as well. 

NOTE:   Todd  Palin endorsed Gingrich yesterday.  I support Sarah Palin.  I am sure she and Todd discussed this and I see this as her surrogate making the announcement.  She may personally wait for some time to announce.  Smart.  Gingrich is still my guy.  He can beat Obama in the debates hands down. 

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