Here I set again having a thought that
causes me to write another blog. The thought goes like this.
There is nobody who would tell you,
you can not have a gun to kill an animal that is about to kill you or
is threatening to kill you (self defense). We have a
natural right to survive period. There maybe some far
left wacko's, PETA types, who would gladly lay down their lives and
become a meal for an animal but most would not think that was a good
idea. The whole history of man has us killing animals and eating
them, not just for sport but for our Self Defense and
therefore survival of the species. So the history of killing animals
and exercising our natural right to survive (self defense) has
enjoyed broad support through out history. If it had not we would
not be here now. This activity (self defense) has roots in
the beginning of our species and our DNA.

Since the days of Rome there has been a tenuous relationship between our natural right to self defense and the governments monopoly on rule-making forcible compliance. They, the government, want to have the exclusive power to set and enforce rules and law. Since the earliest of times Government has always wanted to take as much of the self defense natural right away and replace it with their exclusive right to use force. The fact that there is a natural right to self defense is a fact of history and is embodied in our very existence. We do not survive without the natural right of self defense.
Now the next thought has to do with
the current push for gun control and the governments push for
limiting the exercise of the individuals natural right to self
The same basic reasoning that supports the self defense argument (an individual act by an individual at a time when the collective, government can not or will not protect him from the threat) also supports gun ownership. So, why then do the anti gun lobbies, the pro government control lobbies, want us to loose the individual right and replace it with an exclusive regulation by government ? It is simple. All governments are threatened by an armed civilian population. The only real threat to any government , as many have noted in history (Jefferson, Hamilton, Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin) is the populists ability to take away the governments power by force. Therefore, we the people have a truly important place in our form of democracy. They, the government rule only with our support. They do not govern by the exercise of unlimited power or by devine right. It is this relationship of government of the people that is at the heart of our freedoms. It is also embodied in the individuals right to act in a persons own best interest (self defense).
It is obvious that gun control is an
attempt to lessen the individuals right of self defense with a
promise that the government, with its exclusive right to force, will
be able to protect you in all situations. But why would
anybody in their right mind support what is factually antithetical to
our own natural right to self defense which is based on our natural
right of survival. It is not factual that a government can
protect in all situations. Governments are much better at
legislating after the fact, and investigating after the fact. A
government can not stand between you and a rapist, you and a murder,
you and a thief, you and a pedophile, you and a suicide bomber, you
and anybody who is determined to harm you. The fact is the government
can not legislate away any given human behavior. The fact is the
only person who can act, in real time, in your self defense, is you.
So how is it that, with all the
facts, historical as well as well as natural, do we find our selves
in this argument. This is a question that has escaped my
understanding since I became aware that their was a serious attempt
at reducing the right of the individual to self defense. So
recently, it has occurred to me that the process in the current
political discussion is to co-opt the individuals right to
self defense based on fear not on fact.
Now the action of self defense is at its heart an action based on fear. The fear of loss, harm death, survival. The fear of guns by those who would take them from you is based on fear as well. Fear for their own survival, and based on a promise by the government that can not possibly be true. The governments promise, that the government will protect you is false on its face. So the government must scare you into believing that the gun world needs to be controlled by them.
Now the action of self defense is at its heart an action based on fear. The fear of loss, harm death, survival. The fear of guns by those who would take them from you is based on fear as well. Fear for their own survival, and based on a promise by the government that can not possibly be true. The governments promise, that the government will protect you is false on its face. So the government must scare you into believing that the gun world needs to be controlled by them.
Schooling Theory
The fear of guns is central
emotion that motivates gun controllers.

The recruiting lie is that the school
(government) “can do for you what you can not do for yourself. Is
all you have to do is to join the school (vote for us) and we will
reduce your risk of being eaten by” ___%. It seems reasonable on
its face. Replace your fear and individual natural reaction
to the fear, with the fear of not doing what the school does
when the school does it. The school recruiting lie is supported by
arguments that are emotionally compelling, with the aid of in
your home based images (TV) of dead and dying children, sick and
dying elder, homelessness, disease and filth. Projecting a macro
view of a hostile environment and a local view that the next gunshot
maybe in your home. This of course is the product of the wedding of
media, money and progressive thinking.
The 24/7 constant news cycle playing
the (join the school lie) has led to a wide acceptance of these lies
as fact, and has put at risk our natural right of self defense and is
at the same time placing an imbalance on the possibility that the
government could govern by the exclusive use of force. One of the
most telling of the collective lies about violence is the behavior
from the early 70's on Airplanes during a hostage take over. The lie
was the passengers were to do nothing in a hostage situation because
it would in danger the rest of the passengers. So hostage
passengers sat by while they waited for the government to save them.
We had as a society given away our freedom to act independent from
the government . We had given away our freedom to act in our own
self defense. On 9/11 this notion took a big hit with the passengers
taking back the United Flight the crashed. Subsequently passengers
have acted, since 9/11 in their own best interest on many occasions
on airplanes have been able to stop terrorist in their tracks. The
entire history of human society supports this conclusion. Of course,
once the government obtains the exclusive use of violence, there
is only one ending and that is after great suffering by the people.
The people will rise to take back by force what is theirs in the
first place. Just check out recent history. Of course the greatest
lie of all is that this could not happen in America. The fact is it
is already happening.
This is the question that brings to
mind a school of fish. Now schooling theory as a defensive means to
staying alive has its place. It is even effective for the mass
majority of the schools members. However, for a percent of the
school it is devastating as in death. Now the schooling theory is
based on a couple of notions. The contract with you has some of the
following elements: The school will provide for basics. Food,
Clothing, Shelter, and Safety. For the provision of the
following you only have to follow a few simple rules. The closer
we stay together and do not break ranks the better our
chances are at not being selected by the hunter
for dinner. Of course, a corollary to this notion is the greater the
number in the school the less the chances are of being selected.
Further it is important to the school that behavior be
consistant. Group movement is required. So, Closeness
together, number of members in the school, group
behavior, and chance seem to be some of this
theories basic elements.
Not only does the school theory of
survival have direct requirements for membership it also has some
unintended requirements. For example, you not only join the school
but you also have to give up an number of personal liberties
prerequisite to belonging. These are never stated..You also have to
change your view of the world and have major changes in how you will
conduct yourself in this world as a member of the school. At each
stage of belonging you give up major individual natural rights
(freedoms) that will not be returned to you. The freedom of
individual action. The freedom of self defense. The freedom of
individual thought. The freedom of association with who you like.
The freedom to confront the powers to be. The freedom to move freely
in your society and many more.
No matter what your actions were
before joining the school your actions will now be governed by the
actions of the school. Even if you want to turn left you will not be
allowed to unless the school turns left. You give up, in order to
join the school, all your instincts, wants, desires, wishes, hopes,
dreams, and every part of being and individual. You become only a
small insignificant part of the whole collection of members.
Remember the promise is to provide Food, Clothing, Shelter, and
Safety. And, why in the fish world would you do this. Simple,
your belief system is completely based on the fear that the school
knows best on how to keep me alive and will provide for all my needs.
Therefore, I become willing to give up all my individuality just for
the promise that my chance of dying (survival ) is less if I belong
to the school. Of course if my chance of dying is 1 out of 100 then
1 out of 200 is even less. So the bigger the collective the better
my shot at survival.
Conclusion; Today I believe that
there are more in the fish ball (school) than ever before in
American History. The countries founding philosophy based on
individual freedom and freedom from governments interference in our
daily lives, has been given over to participation in the School
(collective) for the free Food (food stamps), Clothing
(welfare) , Shelter (subsidized housing) and Saftey
(take the remaining natural rights away), subsidized everything.
Pull down the top and pull up the bottom (redistribution) and
end with one class. The
Quotes of the Year
budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public
debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be
tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should
be curtailed, lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again learn to
work instead of living on public assistance."
Cicero, 55 BC
Cicero, 55 BC
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