Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Fact or Fiction


As I sit at home and contemplate the state of the US people and the US government, I continue to come to the same conclusion. That is FACTS MEAN NOTHING. That the psychology of elections is now more directed at creating a perception that can sell to the masses. If that is the case the looser in that process is REALITY. I now believe that reality has lost and that he who can create a sell-able spin whether based in reality or not, wins. I do not believe the Dems have the corner on this market they just found an alternate reality that sold to the mass. They created and sold a perception that worked. What would happened if we dealt with fact instead of manufactured realities??

FACT: 11 trillion( current obligation), or 16 trillion (including Social Security Promises) or 30 trillion (including all promises and monies owed by the government now or in the future.) as confirmed by Bernanke today in Senate Hearings, is an unsustainable amount of money that will bring this country down if something is not done. $1.5 trillion borrowed this year alone. That means we were unable to pay our obligations to everybody with out borrowing money.

POLITICAL SOLUTIONS and PUBLIC BELIEFS; The rich did this to us and the rich should pay more to get us out of this problem. Apparently, there are now more than 50% of the voting public that actually think this is the how it happened (the rich) and the what needs to be done to fix it (Tax the Rich). Some how by taking money from the rich we will be able to pay down the debt.

FACT: Government spending continues to increase every year including this year even with the sequestration. The sequestration is only .05% of GDP. It is a grain of sand on the beach. We now borrow about $.45 cents of every dollar we spend. We borrow because we do not have the $ money and can not afford everything that has been promised. If we took all the wealth of all the rich in the US it still would not pay down the debt to $0. Then what?

POLITICAL SOLUTIONS and PUBLIC BELIEFS; We must tax the rich and raise taxes on everybody above a certain level. If we do not and allow the sequestration to happen, houses will burn, because of laid off fire fighters, crime will go way up because of police laid off., planes will crash and old people will be cut off medicare. So we need to tax more so government will have the money to continue all programs or face devastating problems especially with the elderly and children. The social net will collapse, the poor will starve, minorities will become second class citizens again and the RICH will get RICHER and the poor with GET POORER. We want ours and we want it now.

FACT: If I do not have enough money to pay my bills I have to suffer the consequences at some point. Smaller home, smaller car, less cars, no nights out. And so on. I can not continue to borrow to live my life. If I can not pay off my debt I am in effect broke. I am unable to continue in the same life style I had become accustomed. My life style changes even if I do not want it to.

POLITICAL SOLUTIONS and PUBLIC BELIEFS: the government can continue to borrow as long as somebody will loan us the money. All governments do this to some degree. There is Greese and others that have borrowed 2.5 to 3 times their GDP and the interest alone is the single most expensive item in their budget. So we have a long way to go and of course we need to tax the rich to get more of their money. We will be able to borrow our way out of this mess. This is only a short term borrowing and as the economy grows we will then be able to pay off the debt. We should not cut any expenses because to do so would cost us an increase in unemployment and then there would be less money in the economy to spend. The government says if we tax and cut spending then we will be ok. Just do not cut any essential programs.

FACT: we are a country founded on individual rights and individual responsibilities. Private property and free enterprise.

POLITICAL SOLUTIONS and PUBLIC BELIEFS; we need to redistribute the wealth. The rich are to rich and the poor our to poor. There is a widening wealth gap and this is not fair. It takes a village to do anything. There are certain rights that citizens have. Universal health care provided by the government. Universal fairness in all activities. I should be paid based on my intrinsic human value not on my production in the workplace. I should be allowed to take under taxation, wealth that he made and redistribute that to me.

It seems to me that the question that was asked in the last election was simple. What type of culture do we want. A culture that will take care of my basic needs (food, clothing, shelter, education, health care, protection), cradle to grave or a culture that allows for us to make our own way with out others or governments undue interference.

It seems to me the answer was not a vote for FACTS or for individual rights but a vote for building a massive government run collective. Anybody who has not read Ayn Rands books should take a look at what one philosopher saw in the early 1950's and what she warned against.

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