Saturday, December 21, 2013

From an article at

                                              About Sarah Palin

"I have been wondering how to respond to the  comments that she is not ready for prime time. I finally found an insightful researched editorial with evidence of her readiness not what the Lame Stream Media says. Most will not read this because they have read or heard from ABC, MSNBC, NBC, CBS and most major print media that she is not very bright and she has a not so bright kid. If you have the time and are willing to see what a few facts will do for you read this it will take a few minutes because it is a comprehensive and well researched study. Maybe we can get beyond what the President of MIT recently said. That is “Sarah Palin was right”. He also said “He did not generally agree with Palin but she got this right” that is: that who we elect today is a just a puplic relations event run by the advertisers and major media that we all participate in.

Is she “unqualified” or “unprepared”? What is her actual record? The media demanded and got unprecedented access to the emails she wrote as governor. No other national or state politician has been more open and transparent. We can know this woman if we just take the time to investigate.
I did, and I discovered a record of relentless reform and fiscal leadership that goes beyond “drill, baby, drill” and is more complex than selling an expensive state jet.
Today everyone likes to call himself a deficit hawk, but it’s easy to be a budget cutter when you’re broke. Palin was a serious deficit hawk at a time when her state was flush with a massive oil revenue surplus. It takes discipline and strong conservative principles to rein in spending at a time like that. Palin cut spending by nearly 10% during her tenure while reforming government, attracting more energy companies to do business in her state and adding jobs.
In the days of credit downgrades in states across the country and for the country as a whole, Alaska has seen its credit upgraded twice since 2006 due to Palin’s reform of the state employee pensions and Alaska’s oil valuation tax. 
While the nominees for both political parties have implemented health care mandates on some level, Palin proposed repealing bureaucratic mandates for health care facility development and enacted patient-centered, market-driven health care reforms.
Though she is unabashedly a woman of faith, Palin’s message and governing style garnered her approval ratings as high as 93% in the second least religious state in the country. This was no uneducated, geographically-challenged “Bible Spice.” 
By any objective standard, this woman was and is more than qualified to be vice president or president. Her record is arguably better than anyone on the national scene today. The facts bear this out.
I’ve assembled just a brief and partial glimpse of Palin’s record. Much more could be written. Whole films have been made about it (see Steve Bannon’s “The Undefeated”). I’ve chosen to focus primarily on fiscal and energy issues because that’s what Palin focused on.
After reading the following you should ask yourself a few questions:
Why haven’t we heard about all of this before? Why didn’t Steve Schmidt highlight this record during the 2008 campaign? And why is the GOP establishment attacking this woman instead of praising and emulating her leadership?

Executive Authority and Success
Palin was the first female and youngest governor to be elected in Alaska, which is tied for the second most powerful governorship in the United States, according to Thad Beyle, a political scientist at the University of North Carolina.
Palin's approval rating average from the time of her inauguration until John McCain selected her as his running mate was 77.38%. Her consistently high approval ratings reached their zenith in May of 2007, at 93%. Alaska pollster David Dittman said at the time, "Her strength is her independence. She distanced herself from the old boy Republican regime and has been completely non-partisan.” Alaska Democratic Party Chairman Jake Westbrook gave Palin credit for “working across party lines on issues where there is agreement."

Budgeting and Spending
Palin cut state spending between 2007 and 2010 by 9.5% while also reducing federal earmark requests by more than 80% during her tenure. She used her line-item veto to cut more than a quarter billion in superfluous spending in both 2007 and 2008. In 2009, she instituted a temporary hiring freeze, while at the same time reducing spending by more than 33% between FY2009 and FY2010.
But she didn’t just cut spending; she saved, reformed, and prioritized like a good fiscal manager. She invested $5 billion in state savings, overhauled education funding, paid down debt, invested $2.6 billion in an education fund for the future, and funded a Senior Benefits Program to provide support for low-income Alaskan seniors. 
Her recently released emails prove that she did indeed kill the "Bridge to Nowhere." In fact, Palin wanted to redirect the federal funds to Minnesota after the bridge there collapsed in 2007, as she indicated in an email to her staff. Palin also rejected much of President Obama's "stimulus money" in 2009.
Fiscal Management
Long before state pension fund liabilities became a topic of national debate and crisis, Palin reformed Alaska’s pension program by ensuring a successful transition from defined benefits to a defined contribution program to address the $8 billion unfunded liability in the program, making it more solvent and leading to a decrease of 34.6% in state liabilities during her tenure. 
In stark contrast to President Obama and other governors whose fiscal records are dogged by credit downgrades, Palin left Alaska with an improved credit rating during and following her tenure as governor.  Standard & Poor’s raised Alaska’s credit rating from AA to AA+ in April 2008. Then in 2010, both Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s upgraded Alaska to AAA for the first time in the state’s history due to policies enacted by Palin that made the state’s finances more than solvent.  
Palin’s record on outstanding debt is especially impressive compared to the President’s and many prominent Republican governors’:
Governor/President (tenure)
Beginning Debt Outstanding
Ending Debt Outstanding
Cumulative Increase/Decrease
Average Annual Increase/Decrease
Palin (FY07-FY10)
$2.246 billion
$2.531 billion
Romney (FY03-FY07)
$15.963 billion
$23.026 billion
Pawlenty (FY03-FY10)
$3.474 billion
$5.768 billion
Perry (FY01-FY10)
$12.561 billion
$35.692 billion
Christie  (FY10-present)
$33.878 billion
$65.049 billion
Obama (2009-present)
$10.627 trillion
(on 1/20/2009)
$15.624 trillion
(as of 4/26/2012)

*The Indiana Finance Authority was not formed until Governor Mitch Daniels took office, so I was unable to get a complete picture of his debt overview. 

Under Palin’s leadership, Alaska was 2nd in job growth, and 3rd in the change in its unemployment rate, compared to the other states. Alaska also saw a record number of oil jobs in both 2008 and 2009, while natural resource and logging jobs increased 13.7% during Palin’s tenure.
In fact, Palin’s record on jobs compared to the country as a whole was stronger than the President’s and other prominent governors’ during their respective tenures:

Unemployment Rate

Employment (millions)


Periodic Difference

Nation ±
Annualized Difference

Palin (AK)



Romney (MA)



Pawlenty (MN)



Perry (TX)



Daniels (IN)



Christie (NJ)







† State unemployment rates and employment numbers were retrieved from Local Area Unemployment Statistics program at the Bureau of Labor Statistics
± National Unemployment Rate and Employment numbers were retrieved from the Current Population study at the Bureau of Labor Statistics 

Business Growth
Alaska was an opportunity society under Palin. Alaska moved up from the 4th most business tax-friendly state to the 3rd most business tax-friendly state during her tenure. 
Palin was a firm believer in tax cuts. In addition to lowering unemployment insurance tax rates, she cut business license fees in half, suspended the state motor fuel tax, and signed legislation, allowing Alaska-based businesses the same opportunities as out-of-state businesses. All of this was consistent with her record as Mayor of Wasilla, where she eliminated small business inventory taxes and cut property tax mill levies every year she was in office. Her business-friendly policies and infrastructure projects as mayor made Wasilla the fastest growing city in her state, and her policies as governor allowed Alaska’s exports to grow to a record-high in 2006 and 2007.

Energy issues are Palin’s forte, and her record proves it. In 2007, Governor Palin signed ACES—Alaska’s Clear and Equitable Share—a net tax on oil profits that was passed in a bipartisan and transparent manner. ACES replaced the corruption-tainted oil tax plan of the previous administration, which was passed in secret and ultimately lead to the federal indictment of several Alaskan state officials and oil company personnel. Furthermore, ACES provided oil companies with incentives to develop. The progressivity of the tax meant producers were protected when oil prices were low, but the interest of the resource owners—the people of Alaska—were appropriately protected as well to achieve a fair return for their resource. 
Most importantly, ACES led to jobs, increased development, and a huge surplus for Alaska. There were a record number of oil industry jobs in each year from 2007, when ACES was implemented, to 2009. And the number of oil companies filling taxes with the state of Alaska doubled between 2006 and 2009 while natural resources and logging jobs increased 13.7% during Governor Palin’s tenure, according to Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development data. Further, ACES contributed to Alaska’s credit upgrade by Standard and Poor’s and helped the state to put $12 billion into savings.
Perhaps Palin’s biggest energy achievement was spearheading the creation of the Alaska natural gas pipeline. After five decades of unsuccessful attempts by Alaskan administrations to bring a gas pipeline project into existence, Palin and her team introduced the Alaska Gasline Inducement Act (AGIA) in March 2007. AGIA passed the Legislature by a vote of 57-1 in May of that year. 
This groundbreaking legislation established the framework for what will be America’s largest private sector infrastructure project—an 800 mile natural gas pipeline from Alaska’s North Slope to the Lower 48 states. In August 2008, the Alaska Legislature authorized the Palin administration to award the AGIA license to TransCanada Alaska. In June 2009, Exxon Mobil signed an agreement with TransCanada to partner on the project.
Unlike the behind-closed-doors cronyism of past administrations, Palin’s AGIA legislation was conducted out in the open and made use of a genuine free-market competitive bidding process. Palin’s AGIA placed not only Alaska, but also the nation, further on the path toward energy independence.
Palin played hardball with the big oil companies in her state. According to the Alaska state constitution, Alaskans are the resource owners in their state; and it was Palin’s duty as their CEO to get the best deal for Alaskans while at the same time partnering with these oil companies for the mutual benefit of all. One particular bone of contention for Alaskans was the fact that a company was sitting on a lucrative lease instead of developing it. The lease in question was for the Point Thomson field, which contains one of the largest untapped and proven reserves of oil and gas on the continent. Exxon Mobil sat on that lease for more than 25 years while one Alaskan administration after another was either unwilling or unable to get them to move on developing it – even though Exxon was violating their lease agreement by not drilling. Palin told them to develop Point Thomson or else the state would revoke their lease and give it to a company that would drill. She got results. Exxon finally commenced drilling at Point Thomson.
Further buttressing her reformer credentials and her belief in environmentally responsible energy development, Palin also created the Petroleum Systems Integrity Office (PSIO) in April 2007 to ensure the environment compliance of the big oil companies.
Prior to becoming governor, Palin chaired the powerful Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission in 2003 and 2004, and was one of three commissioners who oversaw oil and drilling, development, production, and resource management within the state.

Ethics Reform and Transparency
Ethics reform was the hallmark of Palin’s governorship. She was swept into office on a reform message in a state with a serious corruption problem. Alaska at the time was undergoing a federal investigation that culminated in the indictment of various corrupt lawmakers. Palin had made a name for herself as an ethics crusader when she chaired the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservative Commission and blew the whistle on fellow commissioner and state GOP head Randy Ruedrich for doing party business on state time. This resulted in Ruedrich receiving a $12,000 fine—the largest civil fine for ethics in the state’s history. Alaskans respected the fact that Palin was not afraid of taking on the establishment of her own party. 
As governor, Palin fought for and signed sweeping bipartisan ethics legislation, which restricted lobbyists, improved disclosure laws, and improved executive and legislative branch ethics laws. In the face of corruption, she continued to take on her own party when it was necessary. She also increased transparency by releasing her oil tax bill to her constituents 17 days prior to the special legislative session, opening up natural gas pipeline deals to all potential parties, putting the state checkbook online, and not allowing lobbyists in her office.

Palin forward funded education to allow districts greater flexibility, supported increased vocational training and early education funding, opened up opportunity to Alaskan students to participate in regional medical schools, and increased overall funding for special needs education by 175% (before she herself became the mother of son with special needs). Believing that the best reform was close to home, Palin wisely also chose to monitor rather than participate in national standards for education.

Health Care
Palin introduced health care transparency legislation that established an Alaska health care information office to give consumers factual information on quality and cost to help them make better-informed health care decisions. Recognizing that health care must be market-and business-driven, rather than restricted by government, Palin proposed repeal of Certificate of Need—a layer of bureaucracy that prevents medical facility development. She established the Alaska Health Strategies Planning Council, reduced Medicaid assessments by 83%, and expanded Alaska’s SeniorCare benefits program for low-income seniors.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Term Limits, Progressives feet held to the fire over Lies. Big and Small

We need to Fight Back,

Been thinking about a blog for sometime. I have been disheartened since last years election. I am now coming back. Hope springs eternal that we the people can stop this insanity that we call the federal government, its abuse of power and the over reach in to our personal lives. I want to thank Anthony Wiener Eliot Spitzer and others for reminding me  how absurd our politics have become. This absurdity has also reminded me that the solution is not in electing better people, it is not in having the courts overturn things. The solution is not in treating the symptoms of the destruction of our culture but it is the taking away what feeds the beast. If the beast can not be fed the beast dies. Thus, I suggest there are at least 3 major changes that can accomplish change .

Term Limits: I think exercising our right to vote is the natural way to enact term limits. However I also think that a constitutional amendment, similar to the one restricting Presidents to 2 terms, would help a great deal to putting a permanent stop to “government by special interest”.
All laws passed by congress and or the administration should also be the law of the land for congress and all of government. NO exceptions to this rule. Today we all know that we have created a political class of jobs and people that by law are elite. Just look at what they get, paid for by us, that we do not get.

Pay: They are in the top 3 % of salaried persons in the US.
Pension: Way better than the middle class who has to work till they are 67. In only 20 years a pension is due
Health care: A Cadillac plan paid by the government for life.
Allowance for housing: That builds equity and ownership at our expense. It is an investment paid for by the tax payer.
Travel perks: Overseas travel on the tax payer.
Insider trading on insider information that is legal for congress and not for the tax payer.

Public Unions:
This has been a disaster created by a president who needed the votes of unions to get elected. unions had been held out of the public sector for good reason until a president needed help to be elected and promised the unions that he would allow the unionization of the public sector. The great President Kennedy sold, “we the people” down the tube in order to be elected. He held good on his promise and in 1963 public sector Unionization became a reality. Guess what. Today,in fact since 2009, more than half off all union workers are in the public sector. Now working in a public sector union would be the same as if Henry Ford was on the Union board while the negotiation with Ford took place. Everybody but the public union members, the democratic party and the national union offices know that the relationship between the politicians, union members and pay is the most corrupt special interest in the land. 97% of all union donations go to Democrats.
You can not fire, layoff, a government worker.

The tax payer is on the hook for these losses. This is the corruption of the legislators and the unions and how the have frauded we the people.

When we say “government is to big” we are saying that the cost of supporting all these workers, programs, and good ideas is not any longer affordable. 

Cut the budget and take away the simple power of the size of government.  It is out of control.  

The progressive philosophy has begun to crumble in on itself from the shear weight of corruption. The most glaring example is the Obama care Health care law. The socialization of medicine is 1/6 of our total economy and the government wants to run it. What a joke. The government can not even get a website up and running.  The IRS is politically targeting us.  Benghazi has no answers yet.  The NSA is spying on us.    I think all the lies and misstatements are coming home to roost and the progressives are running for the woods. I am truly heartened to see real people finding out for themselves that they have swallowed a giant lie and it is not tasting very good. I am heartened to see the people fight back with facts not lies and that the people are holding government accountable even if the press did not for over 5 years.  The progressives are going to pay.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Abortiion: Where have we Gotten to?

Abortion: Somebody needs to say this:

Since 1973 I have sat and listened to the lies coming from the secular, pro choice, anti life, progressive, anti human being lobby, regarding social, emotional, economic, medical and political realities about abortion. This group has lied, misled, spun, and just made facts up as it suited them. Today I see the lies continued on social media, taught in schools, churches, and the public square as if they are in fact, facts.

Q-What is an abortion? Lie-The safe simple medical procedure to remove the products of conception.
Truth: The killing of a human being
Q-Does life exist? Lie-No, life exist at birth and not before.
Truth: Life exists at conception and continues with food water and protection for about 75 years.
Q-Is this a baby? Lie-No this is a mass of cells not life. The fetus feels no pain.
Truth: This is a human being by all biological, ethical and religious standards.

Abortion is the intentional killing of a human being and is morally wrong. No women should have that moral or legal right. No doctor should have that moral or legal right and no other human being should have that moral or legal right to kill another. Oh, we do not, except in the case of abortion.

I am truly ashamed of the latest idiotic decision by our government to allow the unrestricted purchase of the the Morning After Pill by 15 year old children, over the counter, with out parental permission, guidance or advise. Oh I forgot “it takes a village.” How is that working. More sex ed more pregnancies 1.3 million abortions last year. About 1.5 million abortions per year and therefore 60 million since 1973 that should blow you mind. No wonder our culture has lost its way and may never get back to ground zero. We are civilized, you have got to be kidding me. We are the most dangerous people on earth. We kill our own at a rate not know to man or any other animal in history.

Our President said in 2009 regarding what he would do if one of his girls “Made a mistake”. He said he would “not punish them with a baby.” There it is. He should be ashamed of himself instead of wearing that statement as a badge of courage that will get him votes. He is black, abortion has killed close to 20 million black babies since 1973 and if one of his daughters made a mistake he would have them kill one more black baby. How does he reconcile this with his position on slavery. Got me.

Our country, as a society, has allowed a few selfish immoral persons, to replace immoral and unacceptable behavior with legal and therefore, acceptable behavior. As President Clinton said. “It all depends on what is is.” The law allows for the killing of the most innocent. The unborn. Christian Morality says abortion is wrong and is shameful. We are now a country of laws not morality.

Our society has lost sight of our moral absolutes. (for example freedom is not given by the law, it is an inalienable right given by our creator) We have attempted to replace societal shame with a institutional law, or a regulation that should act as a deterrent to immoral behavior. We have then given government exclusive power to enforce legal infringements. We all know how that is going. Boston bombing, make a new law. Newtown shooting, make a new law, and on and on as if a new law does anything. The net effect is to disenfranchise societal power at large and to give a monopoly of what is legal/moral to the government. How is that working for us. ?? There is a law against darn near everything and we have millions in jail, 12 million illegal immigrants who are just playing the game and a political class who have been treasonous in their stewardship of the government.

The major differences between the law and morality are where they come to play. The law only comes to play if you get caught. And then it may only partially play because there may have been mitigating circumstances. Meaning that you only have partial responsibility for your misdeed. That is the devil made me do it defense. I was radicalized and Americans are hateful people defense. Morality on the other hand lets you know you are acting immoral before, during and after. . Simply, because your moral sense comes from with in you. The law on the other hand comes from outside you.

I think the well intentioned have been used by the truly evil doers. For example, the sell for legalized abortion was that it was not fair that the poor had to go to the “back allies” and the rich could by from a local Dr. On its surface this argument seems to hold some water. Nobody wants to be unfair. So 1973 all the poor went to the abortion Dr. in New York. About 350000 the first year abortion was legal. Today about 41% of all pregnancies in NY city are terminated. However the facts do not mean anything because people are getting what they want from the law that morality will not give them. Morality will hold the individual responsible for the killing of their unborn child the rest of their life but the law will completely absolves them or any guilt. At least that is their hope. The true evil doers know that you will not escape the personal moral crises of abortion unless you just displace the law for personal morality. That is the true progressive end game. They want to set what is right and wrong based on what they want today. No absolutes just utility in morality.

I here from the politicians all the time about the our counties most beloved treasure. Our Children: Liars. They have legalized the killing of 60 million of our unborn children and because of this I believe our country is truly lost. We have replaced societal ideals of family, children, church, neighborhood, hard work, individual responsibility, self fulfillment, moderation, and a hole lot of outdated ideals for a society that as we watch now reveres such things as a President advocating his child kill another child based on the utility of the killing. Where in Gods name have we gotten to?

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Keep it Simple Stupid (KISS)

Keep it Simple Stupid (KISS)

There is a 24 hr 7 day a week news cycle on more stations than I can count. 1 billion hours of Net flix viewed last month, billions of tweets, 1 billion users of facebook. Billions of smart phones, more communication in one day than all of humanity had had in its life time. We are now at a point where we have so much information at our finger tips that it is not just difficult but actually impossible to now know what is a lie and not a lie. We have gotten distracted with looking at bits of information and reacting to the bit instead of seeing where the bit plays on the whole. For example: Bit “I want my welfare”, Whold “we are broke and have to borrow the money from China”. Bit “I want my military hardware”, Whole “we are broke and have to borrow the money from China”. We now have 10's of thousands of hours of discussion, argument, and fair and balanced reporting on the Money issues. What has the government done. Nothing but borrowed more money.

There are simple solutions to all the major issues in front of this country but we continue to get lost in the minutia. The strategy of minutia arguing is simple. Keep everybody confused and watching.

Simple ideas and solutions that lead to resolutions:
Money issues:

KISS: No borrowing money. Cut the size of Governments Spending. Cut the jobs, the hardware, the waste, the very size by what ever it takes to get back to a balanced and smaller government. Cut it by 10%, 20% what ever it takes. No more bailouts for anybody. No more cutting the rate of the size of growth. No more not deciding. No more needing a certain party to do the right thing. The fact that you are an American is all you need to be, to do the right thing.

We the Peoples Solution: Stop paying taxes till this gets fixed.

Social Problems:

We now have a culture that thinks that welfare, government support and tax support programs are an inalienable right. The are not.

KISS: Gut all the welfare programs. We should only have safety nets. The government has taken the motivation to participate in society away by government supported food /clothing/ shelter. Food, 50 million citizens on food stamps. Clothing, 100 million not including Social Security and Medicare receive some form of welfare from the federal government. We now have a class of citizens who provide nothing to our society. 18 million Cell phones bought by our government for the poor. 1 trillion in student debt that will never be paid back. They take, not give to society but live off it. The social experiment of the 60's (President Johnson's Great Society) has failed and socialism is a fail idea and a failed political and economic system world wide. Shelter, subsidized housing is another word for ghetto and everybody knows it. The ghetto provides for crime, drugs, violence and a life style that leaves us with a Detroit, Chicago, Washington DC and others. The housing crises was a direct result of home purchases and subsidized lending to those who could not afford it.
If I have food, (food stamps), shelter (HUD housing), monthly cash and a cell phone, a government subsidized education, pay no tax, why would I want to stop this. I am not motivated.

We the peoples solution: Stop paying taxes till they stop welfare


KISS: There are 18 million jobs currently taken by illegal immigrants. I am tired of hearing that Americans will not take these jobs. Why would they when they have enough food, clothing and shelter and cash income to get by. Stay poor and you also get free medical contrary to all the Obama care statistics. What a lie. So free medical, enough food, fee housing. Work for cash, no tax. There is no motivation to take a job that pays a small wage. The job would have to pay at least $20 per hour to even come close to welfare, unemployment and other subsidizes. Add the medical in and we are closer to $30 per hour. No wonder we have unemployed and no jobs. No motivation to work. Just survive on government subsidizes.

We the Peoples Solution: Stop Paying taxes till they go to work.

The size of Government:

KISS; Chop the size of government by what ever it takes. If the chop is big enough taxes would be cut, spending would be cut, the the economy would grow, motivation to work and become productive would return, values and morality would guide us in decision making not a set of ever-changing laws and the current utilitarian ethic (ME).

We the Peoples Solution: See the big cultural picture. History proves this assessment.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Schooling and Gun Control

Individual Behavior (Self Defense) or Schooling Behavior Regarding Gun Control
Here I set again having a thought that causes me to write another blog. The thought goes like this.
There is nobody who would tell you, you can not have a gun to kill an animal that is about to kill you or is threatening to kill you (self defense). We have a natural right to survive period. There maybe some far left wacko's, PETA types, who would gladly lay down their lives and become a meal for an animal but most would not think that was a good idea. The whole history of man has us killing animals and eating them, not just for sport but for our Self Defense and therefore survival of the species. So the history of killing animals and exercising our natural right to survive (self defense) has enjoyed broad support through out history. If it had not we would not be here now. This activity (self defense) has roots in the beginning of our species and our DNA.

Since the days of Rome there has been a tenuous relationship between our natural right to self defense and the governments monopoly on rule-making forcible compliance. They, the government, want to have the exclusive power to set and enforce rules and law. Since the earliest of times Government has always wanted to take as much of the self defense natural right away and replace it with their exclusive right to use force. The fact that there is a natural right to self defense is a fact of history and is embodied in our very existence. We do not survive without the natural right of self defense.
Now the next thought has to do with the current push for gun control and the governments push for limiting the exercise of the individuals natural right to self defense.

The same basic reasoning that supports the self defense argument (an individual act by an individual at a time when the collective, government can not or will not protect him from the threat) also supports gun ownership. So, why then do the anti gun lobbies, the pro government control lobbies, want us to loose the individual right and replace it with an exclusive regulation by government ? It is simple. All governments are threatened by an armed civilian population. The only real threat to any government , as many have noted in history (Jefferson, Hamilton, Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin) is the populists ability to take away the governments power by force. Therefore, we the people have a truly important place in our form of democracy. They, the government rule only with our support. They do not govern by the exercise of unlimited power or by devine right. It is this relationship of government of the people that is at the heart of our freedoms. It is also embodied in the individuals right to act in a persons own best interest (self defense).
It is obvious that gun control is an attempt to lessen the individuals right of self defense with a promise that the government, with its exclusive right to force, will be able to protect you in all situations. But why would anybody in their right mind support what is factually antithetical to our own natural right to self defense which is based on our natural right of survival. It is not factual that a government can protect in all situations. Governments are much better at legislating after the fact, and investigating after the fact. A government can not stand between you and a rapist, you and a murder, you and a thief, you and a pedophile, you and a suicide bomber, you and anybody who is determined to harm you. The fact is the government can not legislate away any given human behavior. The fact is the only person who can act, in real time, in your self defense, is you.

So how is it that, with all the facts, historical as well as well as natural, do we find our selves in this argument. This is a question that has escaped my understanding since I became aware that their was a serious attempt at reducing the right of the individual to self defense. So recently, it has occurred to me that the process in the current political discussion is to co-opt the individuals right to self defense based on fear not on fact.

Now the action of self defense is at its heart an action based on fear. The fear of loss, harm death, survival. The fear of guns by those who would take them from you is based on fear as well. Fear for their own survival, and based on a promise by the government that can not possibly be true. The governments promise, that the government will protect you is false on its face. So the government must scare you into believing that the gun world needs to be controlled by them.

Schooling Theory
The fear of guns is central emotion that motivates gun controllers.
Try to follow this thinking. If I am a minnow in a school of minnows what is it that I fear most?. One would think that one would fear the enemy, the shark that would feed on me. However, that is not true because that fear would be an individual fear motivating subsequent self defensive behavior which would then be an individual behavior. The school does not tolerate individual behaviors. In fact the very thing the school says it will protect, is the collective mechanism the school uses to control the school. For example: The school requires you to turn left when the school turns left. If you do not turn left (a collective behavior) and turn right, you then get ate. So if I am a fish in a school my whole focus is on making the next move just as everybody else, because, I have bought into the collective thought that the school can protect me if I do exactly as it says, when it says. The obvious loss of self , in the school, is the loss of the choice to act in self defense (a natural right). Now lets consider what the school ultimately does to protect itself. The fact is the more members of the school the less likely you get ate. So the school is constantly recruiting new members. It is this recruitment that is at the heart of today's political and media hype.
The recruiting lie is that the school (government) “can do for you what you can not do for yourself. Is all you have to do is to join the school (vote for us) and we will reduce your risk of being eaten by” ___%. It seems reasonable on its face. Replace your fear and individual natural reaction to the fear, with the fear of not doing what the school does when the school does it. The school recruiting lie is supported by arguments that are emotionally compelling, with the aid of in your home based images (TV) of dead and dying children, sick and dying elder, homelessness, disease and filth. Projecting a macro view of a hostile environment and a local view that the next gunshot maybe in your home. This of course is the product of the wedding of media, money and progressive thinking.

The 24/7 constant news cycle playing the (join the school lie) has led to a wide acceptance of these lies as fact, and has put at risk our natural right of self defense and is at the same time placing an imbalance on the possibility that the government could govern by the exclusive use of force. One of the most telling of the collective lies about violence is the behavior from the early 70's on Airplanes during a hostage take over. The lie was the passengers were to do nothing in a hostage situation because it would in danger the rest of the passengers. So hostage passengers sat by while they waited for the government to save them. We had as a society given away our freedom to act independent from the government . We had given away our freedom to act in our own self defense. On 9/11 this notion took a big hit with the passengers taking back the United Flight the crashed. Subsequently passengers have acted, since 9/11 in their own best interest on many occasions on airplanes have been able to stop terrorist in their tracks. The entire history of human society supports this conclusion. Of course, once the government obtains the exclusive use of violence, there is only one ending and that is after great suffering by the people. The people will rise to take back by force what is theirs in the first place. Just check out recent history. Of course the greatest lie of all is that this could not happen in America. The fact is it is already happening.

This is the question that brings to mind a school of fish. Now schooling theory as a defensive means to staying alive has its place. It is even effective for the mass majority of the schools members. However, for a percent of the school it is devastating as in death. Now the schooling theory is based on a couple of notions. The contract with you has some of the following elements: The school will provide for basics. Food, Clothing, Shelter, and Safety. For the provision of the following you only have to follow a few simple rules. The closer we stay together and do not break ranks the better our chances are at not being selected by the hunter for dinner. Of course, a corollary to this notion is the greater the number in the school the less the chances are of being selected. Further it is important to the school that behavior be consistant. Group movement is required. So, Closeness together, number of members in the school, group behavior, and chance seem to be some of this theories basic elements.
Not only does the school theory of survival have direct requirements for membership it also has some unintended requirements. For example, you not only join the school but you also have to give up an number of personal liberties prerequisite to belonging. These are never stated..You also have to change your view of the world and have major changes in how you will conduct yourself in this world as a member of the school. At each stage of belonging you give up major individual natural rights (freedoms) that will not be returned to you. The freedom of individual action. The freedom of self defense. The freedom of individual thought. The freedom of association with who you like. The freedom to confront the powers to be. The freedom to move freely in your society and many more.
No matter what your actions were before joining the school your actions will now be governed by the actions of the school. Even if you want to turn left you will not be allowed to unless the school turns left. You give up, in order to join the school, all your instincts, wants, desires, wishes, hopes, dreams, and every part of being and individual. You become only a small insignificant part of the whole collection of members. Remember the promise is to provide Food, Clothing, Shelter, and Safety. And, why in the fish world would you do this. Simple, your belief system is completely based on the fear that the school knows best on how to keep me alive and will provide for all my needs. Therefore, I become willing to give up all my individuality just for the promise that my chance of dying (survival ) is less if I belong to the school. Of course if my chance of dying is 1 out of 100 then 1 out of 200 is even less. So the bigger the collective the better my shot at survival. 

Conclusion; Today I believe that there are more in the fish ball (school) than ever before in American History. The countries founding philosophy based on individual freedom and freedom from governments interference in our daily lives, has been given over to participation in the School (collective) for the free Food (food stamps), Clothing (welfare) , Shelter (subsidized housing) and Saftey (take the remaining natural rights away), subsidized everything. Pull down the top and pull up the bottom (redistribution) and end with one class. The School.

Quotes of the Year
"The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed, lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again learn to work instead of living on public assistance."
Cicero, 55 BC