Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Term Limits, Progressives feet held to the fire over Lies. Big and Small

We need to Fight Back,

Been thinking about a blog for sometime. I have been disheartened since last years election. I am now coming back. Hope springs eternal that we the people can stop this insanity that we call the federal government, its abuse of power and the over reach in to our personal lives. I want to thank Anthony Wiener Eliot Spitzer and others for reminding me  how absurd our politics have become. This absurdity has also reminded me that the solution is not in electing better people, it is not in having the courts overturn things. The solution is not in treating the symptoms of the destruction of our culture but it is the taking away what feeds the beast. If the beast can not be fed the beast dies. Thus, I suggest there are at least 3 major changes that can accomplish change .

Term Limits: I think exercising our right to vote is the natural way to enact term limits. However I also think that a constitutional amendment, similar to the one restricting Presidents to 2 terms, would help a great deal to putting a permanent stop to “government by special interest”.
All laws passed by congress and or the administration should also be the law of the land for congress and all of government. NO exceptions to this rule. Today we all know that we have created a political class of jobs and people that by law are elite. Just look at what they get, paid for by us, that we do not get.

Pay: They are in the top 3 % of salaried persons in the US.
Pension: Way better than the middle class who has to work till they are 67. In only 20 years a pension is due
Health care: A Cadillac plan paid by the government for life.
Allowance for housing: That builds equity and ownership at our expense. It is an investment paid for by the tax payer.
Travel perks: Overseas travel on the tax payer.
Insider trading on insider information that is legal for congress and not for the tax payer.

Public Unions:
This has been a disaster created by a president who needed the votes of unions to get elected. unions had been held out of the public sector for good reason until a president needed help to be elected and promised the unions that he would allow the unionization of the public sector. The great President Kennedy sold, “we the people” down the tube in order to be elected. He held good on his promise and in 1963 public sector Unionization became a reality. Guess what. Today,in fact since 2009, more than half off all union workers are in the public sector. Now working in a public sector union would be the same as if Henry Ford was on the Union board while the negotiation with Ford took place. Everybody but the public union members, the democratic party and the national union offices know that the relationship between the politicians, union members and pay is the most corrupt special interest in the land. 97% of all union donations go to Democrats.
You can not fire, layoff, a government worker.

The tax payer is on the hook for these losses. This is the corruption of the legislators and the unions and how the have frauded we the people.

When we say “government is to big” we are saying that the cost of supporting all these workers, programs, and good ideas is not any longer affordable. 

Cut the budget and take away the simple power of the size of government.  It is out of control.  

The progressive philosophy has begun to crumble in on itself from the shear weight of corruption. The most glaring example is the Obama care Health care law. The socialization of medicine is 1/6 of our total economy and the government wants to run it. What a joke. The government can not even get a website up and running.  The IRS is politically targeting us.  Benghazi has no answers yet.  The NSA is spying on us.    I think all the lies and misstatements are coming home to roost and the progressives are running for the woods. I am truly heartened to see real people finding out for themselves that they have swallowed a giant lie and it is not tasting very good. I am heartened to see the people fight back with facts not lies and that the people are holding government accountable even if the press did not for over 5 years.  The progressives are going to pay.

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