Billions, and Billions of dollars spent and borrowed But not one is Theirs
Term limits will work nothing else will in the long term
Just a short note that just has me in a tizzy. It must be election year and everybody has forgotten about “we the people” and are now running and voting our money away so they can be reelected. I am so tired I have just about decided to not pay anymore taxes until they, local, state and federal executive and legislative branches vote for and implement term limits. If anybody thinks anything will change substantially in the next election or in our life time with out term limits they are completely diluted and have not seen what has happened with special interest, seniority, special government service deals, better health care, legal insider trading, self enrichment by the political class and the complete bilking of “we the people”.

Boehner , and the boys of “who’s a real conservative”. They just added $100,000,000,000.00 to the deficit. They said they had some offset and other accounting gimmicks that we have already borrowed money for. They just can not tell it like it is. I need to get reelected instead of making the hard choice I (the politic) choose myself. Boehner is just full of it. He wants to keep his power that is all that is happening and we pay. By the way anytime a politician says “ I have to do this now because this is the best thing for the American people now, but I will work hard on it next term” is a liar. Plan and simple. He is doing what is best for himself that’s it.
The only industry that seems to be making any money on all this is Big Media. Big Advertising. When I was a young man the advertisers had only 3 TV stations. Now there are hundreds of TV, cable, radio, print, social media, the internet and many other. The spending is out of control. Nobody that is not a billionaire or who has access to a billionaire’s money cannot possibly run and win a national election.
I am absolutely convinced that in order to get elected, if we use the facts of the past, you have to lie, cheat, steal, attack, ruin, loose all sense of morality, have no conscience, be willing to do to anybody anything that gets you a vote. Winning is the only outcome that matters. For example lets think about this. Ron Paul is not running for president. He is splitting the conservative vote but is running for Rand Paul down the road. Romney is running for president as a Moderate, Liberal, Conservative, Religious, Pro choice, pro life, single payer health, and anything anybody wants to here. He is willing to do what ever it take to win. Winning in his campaign is all there is. Santorum is running for the future and is splitting the conservative vote. He knows he can not win but will stay in it for the future not the present. Gingrich has nine lives and tried to stay positive in Iowa and lost. He turned it around with attack adds and won South Carolina. He did not have and still is out spent by Romney 5 to 1. In my way of figuring out who is the winner at this moment it has to be Romney. Newt does not have the money. So He who is the most immoral and has the most money wins. Remember the most money means that Big Media then gets behind he who has the most money. What a presidential candidate that makes. It at least makes for good TV. I tape everything so I do not have to watch the Attack Adds.
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