It has been awhile since I posted to my blog. I find that it is hard to get cranked up about anything right now. Obama is what he is. We are stuck with him till next Jan at the earliest and till 2016 at the latest. In my late years in life (65) I may have to live to 95 to see a conservative elected to the Whitehouse. I was just to young to vote for Goldwater but not to young to know he was right. I have a hard time understanding why the majority of Americans at this time in our history think that it is ok for the government to spend money they do not have, tax us more for less, move further away from the constitution, add rights to the law that are just privileges, take constitutional rights away, mandate that every individual in the country, some 300,000,000, buy a product that only a few congressman and senators voted for. I know it was the majority vote in congress. But, when fewer than 300 votes in the congress mandate something that 300000000 people have to buy, it seems a bridge to far in the governments reach to control our lives.
Individual rights are being lost to the governments need to control all our behavior, personal , economic, religious as well as social. It will not be long before those who pay no tax out number those who do. What happens then. I guess we become Denmark. I am so fed up with the likes of Carl Rove and all the power brokers in the repub party that can have their way just because they can raise money and use the media to spin lies just to get their guy, who will be bought and paid for by them, elected. No difference between repub moderates and dem moderates. They keep the status quo. What runs government now is Big Money, Big Media, Big Labor, Big Lobbies. Who pays for this. We the people. Who has the major benefits for government run by the BIGS. Not me. Buy the way it is not the rich either. They do not benefit but they are the scapegoat for the Dems. The only group of people who benefit our the power elite who control the purse strings of the US government. Mircosoft, Apple, IBM, GE and other Giant corporations still have to pay a congressman to vote a specific way. If they do not get paid they, the power brokers whose only interest is in their own nest, just sick the Justice department on them and punish them with investigations that you and I pay for. The Government did break up ATT, IBM, Mircosoft , Railroads, Energy, Oil, Coal, Agriculture and others in the past 50 years. They took on the great robber barrons at the tern of the century and won. They used the unions to beat them. Remember “fair share”. They broke up ATT and Microsoft. They tried to break up IBM and failed but not after they had lost market share and had spent 10 Billion on a 10-year lawsuit. They have given life time pensions to public employees and bought their loyalty and votes. They have allowed unions to take money from private persons with out there permission all in the name of fairness. Now they want to break up Medicine by socializing the process and payment they control. By the way if you control payment you control medicine and we have lost more freedoms again. Ask the Canadians who cannot get treatment for chronic cancers after 65. No bang for the buck.
Remember I am talking about power not money. Just because you are wealthy or rich does not me you have power. The real power in this country is with elected officials from all sides. National, State, local and even Labor. When you here a legislator talk about the rich as if they are the problem that is misdirection and it is a red herring. It is in fact those doing the finger pointing that are the problem. It is the powerful who need to be rained in.
There is no where I can find in the founding of this Republic that it was intended to be run by a few with so much power. That was what we fought a war with Britain about. A few with a lot. We now have the equivalent of 1700’s Britain and France, in our professional class of politicians who sell votes to the BIGs. It does not matter whether it is the unions who us money legally stolen from the membership or grants to Solyndra for campaign contributions, or a lying campaign surrogate like Ann Coulter, who says “Romney is the only candidate who has kept his focus on Obama not on the other candidates”. Liar, He has out spent in negative attack adds the other 3 candidates combined adds 15 to 1. Close to 40 million dollars so far. Maybe Coulter is vying for the Communications Directors job. Who knows. The point is Government has become way to powerful. Way to secretive. Way to expensive. Way to big. Way to intrusive in personal lives. Way to legalistic. Way to demanding of we the people. I am not interested in any more demands from Washington until they meet some of my demands. Not just make promises but meet my demands.
1. Term Limits; this will stop big money from running the congress. It will stop the ability to corner power over 40 years in congress.
2. Smaller government: get out of running ever bodies business from DC. Close the Dept of Ed, close the Labor relations Board, fire 100 Czars, especially the car Czar, fire half of the Post office,. Make government smaller. Less employees.
3. Congress needs to live as we do. Same insurance, same retirements, same laws.
4. Paid when they work . Congress is a season job.
5. No more 2 million dollar gifts to run the office of a congressman. That only makes the process more complicated. Iacoca fired most of the VP’s at Chrysler and the company developed a new line of cars that bailed them out.
6. Open up our energy, drill, mine, refine our own resources.
7. Use the military only to win at all cost. No more reading people their rights. And for Gods sake no more apology for burning some Religions materials and having our military killed on the same day.
8. Freedom of political speech should not mean you can just lie and lie and then lie some more. Freedom must be tempered with with character, trust, honesty, not just the ability to by air time. The public air waves should not support the continued lying by the superpacs and others.
Get back to under one law for all. No more federal and state and Indian laws for special people. One law.
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