Lost the Culture War:
Since the
election I have been trying to make sense out of my not getting one
of my candidates elected to anything. Not even school board. I
lost every election that I voted in. Not a single win.
As I have
looked at what this means I have come to the following conclusions ;
- Simply; We lost because we (what has been called conservatives) are no longer the majority. We are now the minority.
- The loss of the majority view has been happening over a long time but is slowly but surely been happening.As I think about how the progressive movement has become the majority we only have to look at how we became the welfare state. How our thinking about government has gone from “I am an individual with with responsibilities and obligations and a social contract with my government. That government can not nor should not intervene in my daily living. That I have inalienable rights to include all the the rights guaranteed us in the constitution and the individual pursuit of happiness, and individual freedoms which used to be at the heart of our society have been replaced.3. What has replaced the notion of freedom is a societal norm that first asks what can the government do for me. It is not my fault it is somebody else. It is the governments problem to make laws and enforce them. Call a cope, call welfare, call the school, call the city, call the county, call the state, call the States Attorney, call the federal government, call a lawyer. We now look to government to mediate, solve, enforce, make and change our moral, inter and intra relationships by making and enforcing rules and regulations. We now have rules and regulations that say who I can associate with, how I have to speak in the public square. I can not even advocate competition and winning as a good thing to have as a goal. We now have a culture that has no losers and no winners.4. The major problem is in how we discuss the problems with our society and government in particular. For example: all you need to know about government at this point is that we barrow $.46 of every dollar the government spends and we can not seem to stop doing this. The problem comes when government uses our own personal special interests, what I call “good ideas” against us to get us to vote for them. We take sides and have been told that the Reps/Dems can fix the problem and then the problem never gets fixed. Since those in power only give us the two choices then we only have the other side to blame. It can not be my side that is wrong. How has this been working for them?.
There is nobody that thinks we can spend borrowed money day in and day out to the tune of Trillions of dollars with out destroying our selves. Yet that is what we are doing. Why: because my side has a “good idea”. Every idea that our government pays for was somebodies “good idea” That is why we continue to argue about a particular idea when in fact the problem is not the good idea the problem is we borrow $.46 of every dollar spent on all the good ideas.