Sunday, June 26, 2011

What in the World


 Budget Crises: Libya, and our National Character

I am so tired of the Democrats and their Tax the rich and increase spending and not dealing with entitlement programs.  They have no credibility with the public.  They are bought and paid for with special interest money primarily the unions, especially the public sector.   The Republicans at least want to hold spending to a level that will not cut our deficit but will not increase it anyway.  What in the world are these idiots thinking with.  Mr. Wiener was not thinking with his big head he was thinking with his little head.  Maybe he is the current norm in congress.  They don’t seem to care that we are broke and we need to live with in our means.  We collect lots of money.   Trillions every year.  That has to be enough for our Federal Government to run on.  We do not need to give the government anymore than they already have.  We have added in the past 24 months 2.5 trillion to our national debt.  We have not created one job with this money because government cannot create jobs, they can hire public workers and give them money but that does not create anything except a retired federal employee and a need to tax the rich.  It just creates more of a drag on the economy.  We take tax money to pay for a public sector job that does not create anything that adds to the economy directly.  Then we tax that employee that is being paid with tax dollars.  WOW what a merrygoround.  I think the merrygoround quit working a couple of years ago but apparently this administration and congress   have not gotten the message.  Sec. Gietner says we have to raise taxes.  The President says we have to raise taxes.  Sen. Reid says we have to raise taxes.  Liberal George Soros says we have to raise taxes.  Dayton my governor says we have to raise taxes.  Some mainsteam Reps say we have to raise taxes.  WHY IN THE WORLD DO WE HAVE TO RAISE TAXES.  This mentality has to come to an end.  We cannot continue to raise taxes above the 70% of GDP we currently have.  Greece, Spain, Europe, Japan have all raised taxes to above this limit and they are all lagging behind in the world economy.  There is only one way to get this economy back to exporting something and that is to get the government out of the way of innovations and and capital investment in new industries.  New Industries!  Not a chance with this government.  The regulations for a new industry take years to get through.   Just maintaining the status quo and just hiring in the public sector will get us to a Greece like economy.  I do not want to here about China and what they are doing.  They are still in the third world.  Their standard of living and freedoms are held in the hands of a few.  Their society is oppressive at best and abusive most of the time.  It is a military dictatorship that killed 100 million of its own just a few years ago.  There is no comparison between China and us.  There is no comparison between us and any other society on the planet.  We need to get this right again and stop all the foolish spending that only buys votes for the professional class of politicians.  We need to let natural consequences and natural law take its course.  That’s what the founding Fathers favored.  You cannot legislate and regulate the social order of a free people.  If you do they are not free.  Smaller government, less regulation, less involvement in social engineering, stay out of the private sector business, stick to what government should be doing.  Get rid of the professional politician.  Term limits would solve most of the problems we currently have.  Most of the problems were caused by congress selling votes to special interest in order to be reelected.  It does not matter if it was a republican or democrat.  It is all wrong and should not have become the way we do business in our nations capitol.  What a waste of all this money.   Redistribution of wealth has not worked, cannot work in a free society, and has just about ruined this country.  If the Reps were doing it or the Dems, it does not matter.  Redistribution is stealing from the Rich and Giving it free to the poor.  Is all the poor have to do is vote for those who are doing the stealing.   This principal has sown the seeds of dependency as apposed to independence,  victimization instead of self realization, spend now instead of the capitalistic ethic of save for a rainy day and reinvest in the future,   take a risk not wait for the monthly check,  human wants that have become human rights, human greed  not charity, instant satisfaction not delayed gratitude and satisfaction.  We know have a culture that reveres money and what we look like even if there is no personal character under the cloths.  The media is a joke.  I hope they all go broke.  They have abrogated their constitutional responsibility to be the eyes of the people.  I stead they have become the agents of the advertisers.  1 billion to run for president.  Are you kidding me.  That is all you need to know to conclude this Republic is in deep trouble. 

On another note.  We now have a president that can commit troops and national resources to a civil war in a far away land with out consulting with congress.  The Libya thing happened so fast I was amazed.  It was destined to be a problem.  Our country does not do these things as fast as the Libya intervention did.  Those who are suppose to know.  The Generals, were talking about being cautious but the administration went ahead and committed troops.  Guess what.  We are still there.  I do not want to here about NATO.  That is just the US in Europe.  It is still our money and troops and equipment.  We also have a congress that is complicit in this because they have no stomach to cut off the funding for the Presidents folly.  It is not Dems or Reps. It is the system that is broke.  Nobody can see beyond his or her own self-interest.  They are not spending their money, sending their sons to war, putting themselves in harms way, being laid off, not being able to pay their mortgage, not having health insurance, not having a job, not living in AZ or Texas with the illegals, not  living from paycheck to paycheck.  Our government is so out of control and dysfunctional I am even loosing faith in the system.  We were founded with a set of principals that have gotten lost in all the special interest that the government seems to want to run and have been paid for with special interest money.  It is not the governments job to micro manage the car industry, healthcare, insurance, banking, environmental issues, education, and about 70% of what our government now does.  It is the job of local government and the states to regulate all of this or not.  The Feds need to get out of the way.  

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