Friday, June 3, 2011

TSA: Touch Me

TSA:  Touch: Sexual Assault 

I was in an airport not long ago just after the new more intrusive search requirements had been put into place.  Since I have a prosthetic knee I am always searched at the security area.  The TSA persons are usually very professional and offer a private pad down and recite a scripted explanation of what they are about to do.  I support airport security measures in the main.  I support the deterrent of screenings.  But, I do not support being sexually grouped by a TSA agent the last time I flew.  TSA would say there is nothing sexual about the touching.  BS.  Would that fly with a pedophile?  It was not about the sex.  Not a chance.  Why in the world did we think that TSA could get away with this invasion of or liberty?  We are guaranteed by the constitution against unlawful search.  What happened?  Are we now in a country that says the collective has rights that over rule individual rights as the constitution says?  He did explain to me that he was going to touch with the side of his hand my groin and was going to go up high enough to touch my private parts.  He indicated he would do this on both sides of my groin area.  He patted me down as usual but then he slide his hand up and touched my gonads and did the same on both sides.  I was shocked and I am not shocked easily.  The violation of my person in a sexual way is not what we need to be doing in order to protect us from terrorism.  Who protects us from unwanted search?  This is a very slippery slope.  

This video is unbelievable.  Take a look.  

Not only has this women been molested but she was then made to be the aggressor in this drama.  The man filming caught the over reaching TSA when they threatened all kinds of criminal action if he did not quit filming.  That is just as disturbing to me as the women in the background.  I guess it was the man taking the video’s mother.   

“ has reported that Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) — which is frequently tied to domestic terror plots — has been guaranteed that TSA officials will only pat down Muslim women in the head and neck area.

If Muslim apparently you did not have to be searched if you are a women.  You have got to be kidding me.  Muslim women and men dressed as Muslim women have blown themselves up and killed American GI’s and Americans and others.  What brain dead idiot conceived the idea that Muslim women should not be searched at all?  They should be allowed to pat themselves down.  Unbelievable.  The following has been reported all over the web but not on Lamestream media. “  

 “CAIR said Muslims who object to full-body scans for religious reasons should know their rights if they are required to undergo a pat-down, including asking for the procedure to be done in a private place. In addition, CAIR offered a “special recommendation” for Muslim women who wear a hijab, telling them they should tell the TSA officer that they may be searched only around the head and neck.” 
Hillary Clinton had this to say, but of course she is an elite. 
Asked in the closing moments of an interview on CBS’s “Face the Nation” if she would submit to “one of these pat-downs” that has caused a national outcry among travelers, Clinton replied, “Not if I could avoid it.”
“No, I mean who would?” she said with a chuckle.

The answer to her “who would?”, would be any person not an elite who wanted to fly.  And any person who willing gives up their constitution protection of unlawful search.   
On the funnier side you have to wonder what it is doing to the TSA men and women who have been touching another’s junk for months now.  50 touches a day for 6 months means around 10000 touches.  I wonder what is going on in their mind.  Maybe they begin to think that this is no big deal.  Why can’t I just touch somebody’s Junk whenever I want to?  After 10000 touches I bet his sex life has changed a bit.  To say this is not a sexual act is not to understand what it means to say no.  The legal and political implications if this does not change are gigantic.  The government has no right to do this unless there is a good reason and getting on a plane is not reason enough.  There have been terrorist acts on trains, boats, schools, and police stations and just about anywhere you can imagine.  This has gone way to far.  If type of behavior continues then the terrorists have won a battle.  The battle of disrupting our free society.  There is always a trade off between freedoms and security but this is not about security this is about political correctness and the grab for power from a new bureaucracy TSA. 

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