Merry Christmas and I hope a Happy New Year.
A Merry Christmas for me would be a healthy family, and a Happy New Year would include congressional term limits, a new president, and a conservative, smaller government.
Newt is doing just fine and the Media, old school repubs, demo’s and the rest can not figure out how a man with his old baggage, years in Washington, battles won and lost, can possibly be doing as well as he currently is. Simple stupid. He can beat Obama in person and Mitt cannot. Newt is by far the smartest and best speaker in a debate format. He may not be able to read a teleprompter as well as O. Oh well I could live with that. He can win the debates and take the independents that do not yet have a clue how they will vote. He has the base and has some of the old school but he now needs the independent votes just as does the big O. I am sure Newt is in for an onslaught from both the dems and Mitt. Mitt has got to be freaking out. He has held the same 25% for months and has not been able to crack above that. Why? Because he is not a conservative. He is to the left of moderate conservatives. In some of his social policies he is to the left of the left. Socialized medicine weather in a township, city, state, or federal government is still socialism. Socialism thinking starts with the assumption that the collective is at the head of the food chain not the individual. Oh, by the way those who run the collective get there by using your treasure, work, and freedom to maintain their power. They may never have done a thing in their own right except to be an expert in taking and keeping *** from you. Anyway, he is not a conservative and he will do anything he can to swing public perception to that he is a conservative. I guess when he tells us that MittMassCare was good for Mass and that a state is different than the Federal Government he expects us to think he is a State socialist and a Federal Conservative. The only conclusion I get with that kind of logic is that he thinks we are stupid and he is so slick as to think he can pull that off this day in age. By the way the only difference between state socialism and federal socialism is in the amount of money the politicians steal from us to feather their own special interest nest. If he comes out in the near future with a swing to the right do not be fooled. He may finally say that his experiment with MittMassCare has been a failure in that it now is way more expensive than if he had left well enough alone. Of course he had to do the left thing in the land of Kennedy and the New England liberals. Got him elected. By the way this thing about Mitt creating jobs is absolute BS. He bought companies and broke them up to sell off. He made a fortune on what is called Green Mail in the Michael Milken days of wall street. I do not be grudge him his fortune at all but lets be clear how he made it. He did not create jobs unless you count saving some of the company jobs as being created jobs. Obama does count jobs that way. Example last week the unemployment rate dropped to 8.6% percent. However 300,000 American workers stopped looking for jobs and became long term unemployed, and therefore came out of the unemployment statistics. I am sick and tired of the lies coming from the east. I do not care who gets elected to any political post as long as he/she tells some form of the truth. Fast and Furious and the US Attorney General were on the hill testifying about guns sold to criminals with FBI approval and then used to kill a border agent, at the same time an illegal immigrant, FBI CI (confidential informer) was being release from a local jail, at the FBI’s request, after sexually assaulting his estranged wife, at which time he kills an innocent man and leaves a 6 year old boy fatherless. Home land security is being sued by a Minnesota ex Governor for sexual assaulting him at an airport. And on and on it goes. What is going on in our political institutions? There needs to be somebody watching the watchers that is for sure.
There is not a sociologist in the world (or Jefferson, Hamilton, or Adams) who does not say, with tongue in cheek, we told you so. You cannot let government get this big. The system cannot be brought back to heal to the citizens it claims it is helping. We have given to our politicians, access to the treasury and they do not want to let it go. How many more Ruby Ridges, Airport groping, Waco Raids, Polygamy Texas Raid that remove all the children from there mothers, un declared wars by presidents, to include the raid on Libya, Afghanistan, and Iraq putting our troops under NATO control 30 years of not securing our borders; a declining dollar, and apologizing to the world for being an American. Income taxes that are used to social engineer this country reduce our personal freedoms and give special interests what the wanted. All this just to keep the politicians in their jobs. 8% of citizens approve of the federal congressional job performance and just a little higher for state government.
We have problems right in our face that need short and long term solutions. We can get the short term but not the long-term solutions. In order to get long-term solutions you need to term limit the congress otherwise the congress will always calculate into their decision making how any given decision will effect reelection. As long as reelection is on their mind, and the gathering of congressional power, then we the people will always come after their interests. That is the true problem with our current government. This government has morphed itself into something that the founding fathers warned us against . This is 1984 as defined by Jefferson and others.