Friday, December 9, 2011

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Merry Christmas and I hope a Happy New Year. 

A Merry Christmas for me would be a  healthy family, and a Happy New Year would  include congressional term limits, a new president, and a conservative, smaller government.  

Newt is doing just fine and the Media, old school repubs, demo’s and the rest can not figure out how a man with his old baggage, years in Washington, battles won and lost,  can possibly be doing as well as he currently is.  Simple stupid.  He can beat Obama in person and Mitt cannot.  Newt is by far the smartest and best speaker in a debate format.  He may not be able to read a teleprompter as well as O.  Oh well I could live with that.  He can win the debates and take the independents that do not yet have a clue how they will vote.  He has the base and has some of the old school but he now needs the independent votes just as does the big O.  I am sure Newt is in for an onslaught from both the dems and Mitt.  Mitt has got to be freaking out.  He has held the same 25% for months and has not been able to crack above that.  Why?   Because he is not a conservative.  He is to the left of moderate conservatives.  In some of his social policies he is to the left of the left.  Socialized medicine weather in a township, city, state, or federal government is still socialism.  Socialism thinking starts with the assumption that the collective is at the head of the food chain not the individual.  Oh, by the way those who run the collective get there by using your treasure, work, and freedom to maintain their power.  They may never have done a thing in their own right except to be an expert in taking and keeping *** from you.  Anyway, he is not a conservative and he will do anything he can to swing public perception to that he is a conservative.  I guess when he tells us that MittMassCare was good for Mass and that a state is different than the Federal Government he expects us to think he is a State socialist and a Federal Conservative.  The only conclusion I get with that kind of logic is that he thinks we are stupid and he is so slick as to think he can pull that off this day in age. By the way the only difference between state socialism and federal socialism is in the amount of money the politicians steal from us to feather their own special interest nest.  If he comes out in the near future with a swing to the right do not be fooled.  He may finally say that his experiment with MittMassCare has been a failure in that it now is way more expensive than if he had left well enough alone.  Of course he had to do the left thing in the land of Kennedy and the New England liberals.  Got him elected.  By the way this thing about Mitt creating jobs is absolute BS.  He bought companies and broke them up to sell off.  He made a fortune on what is called Green Mail in the Michael Milken days of wall street.  I do not be grudge him his fortune at all but lets be clear how he made it.  He did not create jobs unless you count saving some of the company jobs as being created jobs.  Obama does count jobs that way.  Example last week the unemployment rate dropped to 8.6% percent.  However 300,000 American workers stopped looking for jobs and became long term unemployed, and therefore came out of the unemployment statistics.  I am sick and tired of the lies coming from the east.  I do not care who gets elected to any political post as long as he/she tells some form of the truth.  Fast and Furious and the US Attorney General were on the hill testifying about guns sold to criminals with FBI approval and then used to kill a  border agent, at the same time an illegal immigrant, FBI CI (confidential informer) was being release from a local jail, at the FBI’s request, after sexually assaulting his estranged wife, at which time he kills an innocent man and leaves a 6 year old boy fatherless.  Home land security is being sued by a Minnesota ex Governor for sexual assaulting him at an airport.  And on and on it goes.   What is going on in our political institutions?  There needs to be somebody watching the watchers that is for sure.   

There is not a sociologist in the world (or Jefferson, Hamilton, or Adams) who does not say, with tongue in cheek, we told you so.  You cannot let government get this big.  The system cannot be brought back to heal to the citizens it claims it is helping.  We have given to our politicians, access to the treasury and they do not want to let it go.  How many more Ruby Ridges, Airport groping, Waco Raids, Polygamy Texas Raid that remove all the children from there mothers, un declared wars by presidents, to include the raid on Libya, Afghanistan, and Iraq putting our troops under NATO control 30 years of not securing our borders; a declining dollar, and apologizing to the world for being an American.  Income taxes that are used to social engineer this country reduce our personal freedoms and give special interests what the wanted.  All this just to keep the politicians  in their jobs.  8% of citizens approve of the federal congressional job performance and just a little higher for state government. 

We have problems right in our face that need short and long term solutions.  We can get the short term but not the long-term solutions.  In order to get long-term solutions you need to term limit the congress otherwise the congress will always calculate into their decision making how any given decision will effect reelection.  As long as reelection is on their mind, and the gathering of congressional power, then we the people will always come after their interests.  That is the true problem with our current government.  This government has morphed itself into something that the founding fathers warned us against .  This is 1984 as defined by Jefferson and others. 

Monday, November 28, 2011

Newt is the Smartest in the Field

I said it Before: Newt Gingrich is the smartest in the room.   

Not much has happened in presidential politics since Palin decided not to run.  She still draws bigger crowds than any of the current candidates.  Let me say this; if the Republican convention is deadlocked for some reason Palin is still my pick.  However, I will take her at her word for now.  The landscape can change rapidly.  The press makes sure of that.  Got to sell newspapers and fill cable time.  Maybe it is now Gingrich Time.  

Since Palin has decided not to run I have been waiting for Gingrich to get in the game and begin to make a push.  The media has been in love with Romney, Cain and Perry but Newt has been the smartest in the room.  He has been the most consistent in his remarks and has shown leadership in his attempts to keep the discussion on beating Obama not what the media wants us to talk about.  He has put to shame all of the republican candidates with his knowledge regarding domestic policy, foreign policy, money policy, economic, military, social, and any other issue or policy.   I watched the Cain/Gingrich talk that Fox put on a few weeks ago.  Gingrich was generous to Cain in that he answered most of the questions ask of them because Cain only had a stump line to give.  Newt was able to discuss the issue because he understands the where, why, how, and what for of the issues facing this country.  He has continued to focus on and say in all his public appearances that it is Obama that is the issue and beating him in 2012 should be what is talked about in the debates and what should be on republicans minds.  “Do not get caught up in what the press wants you to talk about.”  Who grabbed who, who said what when and where. “Stay Focused “on what we need to focus on and that is beating Obama.   

What would Newt do ? The 2012 Contract with America

He directly addresses Obamacare, Jobs, Energy, Taxes, Social Security, and Medicare, Balanced Budget Amendment, Border control, English as a national Language, National Security, Impeach Judges who violate the constitution, Enforce the 10th amendment (States Rights). He has specific policy and legislative agendas laid out.  Not just words but a specific action.     

Newt: Credentials

He has been in the public eye for 20 to 30 years.  His name has universal recognition.  He has been a congressman, small businessman, Speaker of the US House, political leader and a political force to contend with.  He has been able to craft policy Contract With America) even with a Democratic president (Clinton).  He has balanced the budget.  The last time that happened in 25 years.  His conservative ideas are written in policy and law.  He has not just talked about them.  He beat Hilary Care, and a host of other major issues of the left with great leadership and better ideas.  He is a big ideas man.  He can and has worked in the area of big ideas.  Since he has left the congress he has become more conservative in his social, and political views.  He has the capacity to engage the public nd to use the bully pulpit to get out the message of conservative ideas. 

Broken marriage:  Enough already

Made money after he left congress:  Great, Enough already

Lobbyist:  Paid consultant

To old:  Not

Part of establishment that caused problems:  Not so.  Get your facts straight.  remember the balanced budget, the contract with America.  

Polarizes:  ok. Lets identify and call out by name the progressives, liberals, anarchist. 

His own worst enemy:  Blessed with intellect and courage and cursed with both.  He does not know what is a simple answer. 

Constitutional conservative:  Great, I do not want the Supreme Court making the law.    

Loves America:  Not just the land but also the idea of who we are and what we can become.  He actually has a vision that he can articulate for Americans of the 21st Century  

Has a plan;  The 21st Century Contract with America  Take a look if you dare.  Read for yourself instead of having some commentator do your thinking for you.  

First day in office: Has a plan laid out in the Contract with America that is comprehensive and detailed as to legislation and policy changes?  Congress would have to deal with a president that understood how congress works.  WOW what a benefit to the country.  The executive branch that understands how and what kind of laws need to be made.   He says he will fire the Czars.  Great but what about the lobbied cabinet positions that give special interest direct access with public money to policy, the president and the media with out We the Peoples supervision.  Labor, Energy, Education, and more.  Lets get rid of the biggest lobbyist in Washington.  The cabinet posts that are not needed except to talk about special interest.  In other words to get our money.    

It will be interesting to see what the Lamestream Media does with the rise of Newt in the polls.  He is great at dealing with the media.  He has seen it all and has gone up against them before.  Should be interesting to say the least.   By the way he is as good with words and public speaking as is Obama.  That is a very important issue in the age of TV.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Yesterday, today, tomorrow: Just remember this

Yesterday, today, tomorrow: Just remember this

I’ve been setting here the past few weeks and watching the world go by.  Summer is about over in Minnesota.  29 degrees last night.  One more trip to the cabin and then closed for the season.  I was at the cabin for 2 and a half weeks at the end of August.  My kids and families came and we had a typical cabin family holiday.  Fish, swim, fish, eat, swim, fish, eat, bed.  No TV, radio, phone, and no Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, no cable 26 hr. coverage of nothing but talking to each other.  I got home and nothing had changed.  Glee reruns are ok but the other reruns are just that.  The world was still going to come to an end in the near future.  The Republicans seemed to find a savior, Gov Perry.  Romney still is in the lead and Obama’s polling had continued to decline.  Bachman does not want any shots given to kids.  Ghadafi had not been caught and the first 8 boots were on the ground in Libya.  Everybody is now talking and is afraid that the extremist Islamists in Libya will now take over.  “DA”,   Harry Reed thought that the bike trails were an excellent use of the tax payers money and the Solar company that Obama had backed went broke.  However everything is still Bush’s fault.  Did you know that Barbara. Walters ask President Bush if “he were a tree what kind of tree would he be.”  Then president Bush pointed out to her  that he was already a Bush  The Dow is still up and then down then up again.  Europe is going broke and the banking system will or may collapse or maybe not.  Dow down 300 pts. In a  few minutes.  If you are interested in something very serious please go to  It will blow your mind.  I know her and she is an excellent writer.  The most honest look at her issues you could imagine.  Wouldn’t it be nice if the politicians that we elected did the same type of honest look at their issues,  and not feel compelled to lie to us.     For example. 

            The BIG TRUTHS not spoken by many politicians and few citizens:

  1. We are broke as a country, state, county, city and or township.  So am I.
  2. The economy in free societies goes up then it comes down, then it goes up then it comes down.  That is the cost of freedom.  It cleans out the deadwood in the sysytem.  If we continue to support the deadwood this can not happen and we can not have a recovery.  3 years of unemployment.  Idiots. Get a job.  Steal is not coming back.  Cars are not coming back. 
  3. Term limits is the only way to stop the corruption in DC and else where.  It is a simple answer and it would work in a few years.  
  4. Who in there right mind thinks that spending 1.5 trillion dollars that we do not have and will borrow from foreign sources, China, GB, Germany, Canada, Japan, Arabs etc.,   will some how get our economy going.  Hey idiots.  We do not make anything that we export other than phones, jobs , money and lately anarchy to Libya, Syria, Jordan, Yemen, and a host of other Eastern countries.. 
  5. This change is here for a long time to come.  I tell my kids all the time to keep their day job.  Keep doing what they can afford and stay out of debt that is not business related.  Of course most businesses are now staying out of debt and are accumulating cash.  Which angers the redistributors (progressives, Liberals,Dems), and they think this is a bad business practice.  They think business should hire persons they do not need just to give somebody and job and spend the cash they have accumulated.  Sounds like Russia a few decades ago.  20 persons to change a light bulb but zero unemployment.
  6. China is a backward country that continues to oppress its people with violence.  They will not give us a problem anytime soon.  They will have a revolution before they start a war with us or anybody else.  They are building a working class not a middle class.  They lie about what they are doing all the time. 
  7. Tell the oil producing countries, that we send billions to, to “get a life” and then start drilling here. 
  8. No more political wars.  If we fight a war blow them up and if necessary use tactical nukes.  Enough of this BS about fighting limited wars.  War is war and if it is not a war leave the military at home and send the politicians to do their own dirty job.  Then leave and let them figure out what to do next.  Get out of their way. 
  9. Get rid of at least half of the cabinet level posts in government, cut the salaries to a stipend level in congress, cut staff and get rid of the selling of votes.  We all know they do it.  Blogovich was convicted and sent to jail for just thinking about doing it. 
  10. This is what passes today for Journalism:
“Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has complained in the past about liberal bias in the mainstream media, calling it the “lamestream media.” But much of that media is coming to her defense amid negative portrayals of her in a new book and documentary film, Politico reports.

The book, “
The Rogue” by Joe McGinniss, and the British documentary “Sarah Palin: You Betcha!” have been panned by reviewers, and newspapers have declined to run Doonesbury comic strips with excerpts of the book.

The book represents “
caustic, unsubstantiated gossip” with accusations that are “indefensibly reckless,” Janet Maslin wrote in a New York Times review. “‘The Rogue’ is too busy being nasty to be lucid.”

As for the movie, it’s “a sarcastically toned, strategically timed character assassination” that “lacks sufficient humor and insight to make it a must-see for anyone outside the Brit muckraker’s fan base,” Variety wrote.”
McGinniss is the idiot that moved next door to Palin in Alaska.  They built a 20ft high wall so he could not see in to Bristol’s bedroom. 
The political spin by both parties is in high gear.  We need some politicians that just say it like it is and vote accordingly.  I no longer care what is said with out a vote to back it up and verify the policy. 

Just remember:  Palin took on big oil in Alaska and won.  She angered the
Republican establishment that was in bed with big oil for years. 

Just remember:  Palin actually hunts, shoots guns, owns guns, and commercial fishes and is a small business owner.

Just remember: Palin has taken every unreasonable hit from the Dems and mainstream Reps  and the media that could be levied against her and she is still here.  No man has taken what she has taken as far as being vetted and Journalistically abused. . 

Just remember:  She is as conservative as any, and votes and lives her conservative principals.

Just remember:  Her family is fully American with a Native husband, a veteran son, a handicapped son, and two daughters. 

And especially Just remember:  She can see Russia on a good day and Paul Revere did warn the British.  

Just remember:  The major media has a massive financial stake in selecting candidates.  The presidential candidates alone may spend over 1 billion dollars to just to loose.  The major recipients of the billions are those in advertising i.e. TV, Internet, print etc.  

Do not let the media decide for you who should run, and who should be elected.   How has that been working for us the past few decades or so.  Since the Kennedy/Nixon debates the TV has become way to influential in selecting the candidates for us.  For example; Jim Lehrer points out in his latest book “Tension City” the fact that Nixon did not use “make up” for the debate and that Kennedy did probably cost Nixon the first debate and maybe the election.  It was no longer what you said, wrote, etc but how you looked.   That continues today, with the blatant sexism in the reporting on female candidates for high office as well as having a double standard for Conservatives and Liberals as to the toughness of the questions and the depth of the vetting process. 

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Republican Canidate for President not in the current Field

Keep Looking for the Canidate She is not Here Yet 
After watching the Rep debate and listening to the talking heads as little as possible it is clear to me that the Rep nominee is not yet in the race.  I like Bachman’s Politics I just think she is not presidential material yet.  Maybe in the future.  Plenty is just to Minnesota nice.  He made an attempt to get to Bachman but failed.  I think she actually got the best of him.  He did not lay a hand on Romney and he needed to.  I think he is out.  Ron Paul would make a good Treasury Secretary.  Or a fed chairman.  Not president.  Cain just does not come off as a serious candidate.  I do not think he is a politician and does not have the capacity to get his message out.  The rest just do not count.  I am not sure Perry who was a Dem not long ago is the worst of the good old boy and the best of conservative and evangelical.  I do not buy the notion that it is a race between Mitt and Rick.  It is very early in the game.  The press would have us  believe that it is imperative that everybody get in and get in early.  It makes them money and gives the talking heads something to say.  Lets wait and see who else is out there watching and waiting for their time to enter.  I did notice when Sarah Palin was on Hannity she had more people watching her and cheering than any other candidate who was there for the debate.  I love the fact she did not notify the press until she was already on her way.  It drives the lamestream media nuts.  Great.  She had the best line of the day.  I do not care about cap and trade just “cut the crap’.  Great applause from the watchers.  Best line best response from the crowd.  She has the ability to keep it simple and to keep it focused on the issues before us.  The economy stupid. 

The market is off the walls and it is just saying what everybody already knows.  The entire western world is broke.  That is not to say we are all going to self-destruct.  I do not think we will.  We have an awesome economic engine if the government would just get out of the way.  We have enough energy in the ground on US soil to last hundreds of years.  Get the government out of the way.  Afghanistan, Yes, Iraq, Yes, Libya are you kidding me.  Get our military performing military functions not political agendas. 

Redistribution of wealth has not worked in Europe or here.  It is the ruination of Capitalism and that is exactly what the Redistributors are about.  I studied Saul Alinsky in Graduate school and he is what Obama and his like use as a philosophy to guide them to steal from the rich by using the government to do it.  And then making the underclass dependent on them for their livelihood.  This brings the ruling class power if not money.  Power is the true obsession of the Left with their attempts to bring down our economic form of capitalism and replace it with a socialist form economy run by the government.  I know this sounds like a rant but look at the facts of the past 50 years.  Every time there is a great industry the government attempts to bring it down.  US Steel, Rail, Big Oil, US auto Industry,  ATT, IBM,  Microsoft, Goggle.  Leman Brothers, and many others.  .The US government has attempted to break up, destroy, make irrelevant or what ever those systems developed by the private sector that make jobs, profits, and has made our economic system grow.  The government is afraid of industry because it makes the congress and elected officials look like they are doing nothing.  So in order to make it look like they are doing something they dream up problems to solve.  The environment, the water, the children., the elderly, the worker, the consumer the planet, and anybody else except the industry that provides capitol and jobs.  Lets regulate and break up and steal their profits for the US treasury.  Then the politicians get to spend the money others have made.  They did not do one single thing to earn the money that goes into the US treasury but they get to spend it on the Cabinet of protections.    Education, Environment, Commerce, Urban Development, Labor, Agriculture, Energy and 100 Czars.  How nuts is this.   

I have noticed some Dem talking heads beginning to get off the Obama band wagon.  This is a major change in the media.  This should send shutters through the presidents advisors.  We shall see what the next month brings in the Rep effort.  As I have said in the past I am a Sarah Palin fan.  She is the only real person in the show.  She has shot a gun, killed an animal, cleaned and ate it.  Fished commercially for a living in her families small business.  She has a family that is not just for show.  She has taken every hit the lamestream media can send her and she is still drawing big supportive crowds.  She has been a small town elected official has lost an election for the Lt Gov and won the Governors race.  In 3 years she turned Alaska around with a divided legislature.  She took on big oil and brought down the incest in the Rep party with Big Oil.  Her Drill baby Drill is a great line and she has done just that in Alaska.  She is the living American Dream.  She does not come from money she comes from a family that has values, honesty, and she has great self-esteem.  If need be she will not back down from any one or anything. She is a proven political leader and a proven champion of the American way of life.  Enough.  

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Mind Boggling, Term Limits is the only Solution to this Madness.
     Minnesota caved in at the last minute and gave the Governor an increase to the budget.  We are broke but the  Government needed more food $.  So our sworn elected officials caved at the last minute and kicked the can down the street for another year.  Liars, con men and women, reelection obsessed officials addicted to more money from you and me. 
     The Congress of the US Caved his week following the lead by Minnesota.  1.5 Trillion in cuts you say.  How about most of that not happening for 8 years.  20 billion this year.  25 billion next.  That is not even countable.  Liars, cheats, con men and women,..  The president said the world was coming to an end, that old laddies would be thrown out on the streets, the world credit would collapse and on and on.  Liar, cheat con man.  What did happen was they passed a no nothing bill and the world down graded our debt rating one grade anyway.  Will will increase.  Oh I forgot we have a committee to do that congress and the president could not due.  They will find the cuts and then have congress vote on them.  Gee I thought that was what congress was suppose to do.  I guess we do not need all the congressional committees once we have the super committee.  That would be a terrific savings. 
     The long and the short of the past 18 months of our Government is they can not stop spending.  They just do not have the votes yet to get the spending stopped.  Everybody who has any sense at all and is not just plain stupid can see that this is ruining this country.  If we do not turn out this President and add 100 more seats to the House and 10 seats to the Senate we will be doing the same thing for another 4 years.  By then the debt will be so great 20 Trillion or more.  We might as well just keep on till we are bought by France or China.   We are transferring our wealth to other countries via debt.  China lectured us today as to the  need to get our financial house in order.  Maybe we should follow there lead and pay our labors $5 per day.  Nationalize all industry, utilities, have mandatory military, maintain 5 million man standing army, get rid of the first 10 amendments to the constitution and then we can do what they are doing.  That works for me.  We would be able to export again.  Even to China.  Our freedoms are at risk.  Our government  no longer works.  Why should we even listen the what they say.  They just do what is good for them and not for us.  We the People need to speak with a loud and decisive voice during this election cycle.  Do not elect any person who would raise taxes, would not cut the budget in real terms, who  would not vote for a Balanced Budget Amendment, who would not vote for term limits, or who  would vote to kick the can down they road. 

Sunday, June 26, 2011

What in the World


 Budget Crises: Libya, and our National Character

I am so tired of the Democrats and their Tax the rich and increase spending and not dealing with entitlement programs.  They have no credibility with the public.  They are bought and paid for with special interest money primarily the unions, especially the public sector.   The Republicans at least want to hold spending to a level that will not cut our deficit but will not increase it anyway.  What in the world are these idiots thinking with.  Mr. Wiener was not thinking with his big head he was thinking with his little head.  Maybe he is the current norm in congress.  They don’t seem to care that we are broke and we need to live with in our means.  We collect lots of money.   Trillions every year.  That has to be enough for our Federal Government to run on.  We do not need to give the government anymore than they already have.  We have added in the past 24 months 2.5 trillion to our national debt.  We have not created one job with this money because government cannot create jobs, they can hire public workers and give them money but that does not create anything except a retired federal employee and a need to tax the rich.  It just creates more of a drag on the economy.  We take tax money to pay for a public sector job that does not create anything that adds to the economy directly.  Then we tax that employee that is being paid with tax dollars.  WOW what a merrygoround.  I think the merrygoround quit working a couple of years ago but apparently this administration and congress   have not gotten the message.  Sec. Gietner says we have to raise taxes.  The President says we have to raise taxes.  Sen. Reid says we have to raise taxes.  Liberal George Soros says we have to raise taxes.  Dayton my governor says we have to raise taxes.  Some mainsteam Reps say we have to raise taxes.  WHY IN THE WORLD DO WE HAVE TO RAISE TAXES.  This mentality has to come to an end.  We cannot continue to raise taxes above the 70% of GDP we currently have.  Greece, Spain, Europe, Japan have all raised taxes to above this limit and they are all lagging behind in the world economy.  There is only one way to get this economy back to exporting something and that is to get the government out of the way of innovations and and capital investment in new industries.  New Industries!  Not a chance with this government.  The regulations for a new industry take years to get through.   Just maintaining the status quo and just hiring in the public sector will get us to a Greece like economy.  I do not want to here about China and what they are doing.  They are still in the third world.  Their standard of living and freedoms are held in the hands of a few.  Their society is oppressive at best and abusive most of the time.  It is a military dictatorship that killed 100 million of its own just a few years ago.  There is no comparison between China and us.  There is no comparison between us and any other society on the planet.  We need to get this right again and stop all the foolish spending that only buys votes for the professional class of politicians.  We need to let natural consequences and natural law take its course.  That’s what the founding Fathers favored.  You cannot legislate and regulate the social order of a free people.  If you do they are not free.  Smaller government, less regulation, less involvement in social engineering, stay out of the private sector business, stick to what government should be doing.  Get rid of the professional politician.  Term limits would solve most of the problems we currently have.  Most of the problems were caused by congress selling votes to special interest in order to be reelected.  It does not matter if it was a republican or democrat.  It is all wrong and should not have become the way we do business in our nations capitol.  What a waste of all this money.   Redistribution of wealth has not worked, cannot work in a free society, and has just about ruined this country.  If the Reps were doing it or the Dems, it does not matter.  Redistribution is stealing from the Rich and Giving it free to the poor.  Is all the poor have to do is vote for those who are doing the stealing.   This principal has sown the seeds of dependency as apposed to independence,  victimization instead of self realization, spend now instead of the capitalistic ethic of save for a rainy day and reinvest in the future,   take a risk not wait for the monthly check,  human wants that have become human rights, human greed  not charity, instant satisfaction not delayed gratitude and satisfaction.  We know have a culture that reveres money and what we look like even if there is no personal character under the cloths.  The media is a joke.  I hope they all go broke.  They have abrogated their constitutional responsibility to be the eyes of the people.  I stead they have become the agents of the advertisers.  1 billion to run for president.  Are you kidding me.  That is all you need to know to conclude this Republic is in deep trouble. 

On another note.  We now have a president that can commit troops and national resources to a civil war in a far away land with out consulting with congress.  The Libya thing happened so fast I was amazed.  It was destined to be a problem.  Our country does not do these things as fast as the Libya intervention did.  Those who are suppose to know.  The Generals, were talking about being cautious but the administration went ahead and committed troops.  Guess what.  We are still there.  I do not want to here about NATO.  That is just the US in Europe.  It is still our money and troops and equipment.  We also have a congress that is complicit in this because they have no stomach to cut off the funding for the Presidents folly.  It is not Dems or Reps. It is the system that is broke.  Nobody can see beyond his or her own self-interest.  They are not spending their money, sending their sons to war, putting themselves in harms way, being laid off, not being able to pay their mortgage, not having health insurance, not having a job, not living in AZ or Texas with the illegals, not  living from paycheck to paycheck.  Our government is so out of control and dysfunctional I am even loosing faith in the system.  We were founded with a set of principals that have gotten lost in all the special interest that the government seems to want to run and have been paid for with special interest money.  It is not the governments job to micro manage the car industry, healthcare, insurance, banking, environmental issues, education, and about 70% of what our government now does.  It is the job of local government and the states to regulate all of this or not.  The Feds need to get out of the way.  

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Freedom of the Press and the Palin Emails

After police visited the home of an underage girl who corresponded with Weiner on Friday, What was featured on the New channels? Sarah Palin’s emails, of course, silly! 

By the time they get done dissecting these, she will be the most vetted candidate on earth. I guarantee that some liberal will make something out of nothing before this is over.  And what’s the worst they’ve found so far?  This Palin email written in the voice of “Trig’s creator, our heavenly father” is one of the most telling writings as to what make Sarah Palin who she is.

To the Sisters, Brother, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, and Friends of Trig Paxson Van Palin (or whatever you end up naming him!):

I am blessing you with this surprise baby because I only want the best for you. I’ve heard your prayers that this baby will be happy and healthy, and I’ve answered them because I only want the best for you!

Trig will be his dad‘s little buddy and he’ll wear Carhartts while he learns to tinker in the garage. He’ll love to be read to, he’ll want to play goalie, and he‘ll steal his mom’s heart just like Track, Bristol, Willow and Piper did. And Trig will be the cuddly, innocent, mischievous, dependent little brother that his siblings have been waiting for in fact Trig will – in some diagnostic ways – always be a mischievous, dependent little brother, because I created him a bit different than a lot of babies born into this world today.

Every child is created special, with awesome purpose and amazing potential. Children are the most precious and promising ingredient in this mixed up world you live in down there on earth. Trig is no different, except he has one extra chromosome. Doctors call it “Down’s Syndrome”, and Downs kids have challenges, but can bring you much delight and more love than you can ever imagine! Just wait and see, let me prove this, because I only want the best for you!

Some of the rest of the world may not want him, but take comfort in that because the world will not compete for him. Take care of him and he will always be yours!

Trig‘s mom and dad don’t want people to focus on the baby’s extra chromosome. They’re human, so they haven’t known how to explain this to people who are so caring and are interested in this new little Alaskan. Sarah and Todd want people to share in the joy of this gift I’m giving to the Palin family, and the greater Alaska family. Many people won’t understand… and I understand that. Some will think Trig should not be allowed to be born because they fear a Downs child won’t be considered “perfect” in your world. (But tell me, what do you earthlings consider “perfect” or even “normal” anyway? Have you peeked down any grocery store isle, or school hallway, or into your office lunchroom lately? Or considered the odd celebrities you celebrate as “perfect” on t.v.? Have you noticed I make `em all shapes and sizes? Believe me ,, there is no “perfect”!)

This was written by the most vilified political figure in today’s media.  The Lamestream Media absolutely hates her.  For what I do not know other than she represents a real women in a real world that does not care what they think she ought to be.  She is who she is and is willing to put it all on the line for her beliefs.  Beliefs that I believe are more correct than not.  Smaller Government, Family values, Protection of Marriage, Cut spending, Promote Individual Responsibility, Strong Military (Veteran son), Strong States Rights (Alaskans oil not the federal governments), Term limits, Free speech, Simple spoken government, take on the special interest(Big Oil in Alaska)(the GOP bosses)(the progressive movement, move on dot org types) where ever they are  and much more.  Remember she has been a mayor, a Governor and a VP candidate.  She has written 2 best sellers, and has a successful TV show about Alaska.  Not only did she paid cash for her home in AZ but she commercially fishes with her family.  Sounds to me like the American dream I grew up with not the American dream of the Progressive Left.  Redistribution of wealth.  Pay for no work.  A government job for life, guaranteed.  Big government with massive debt and high taxes.  Politicians for life.  Out of control spending and the rest of the problems confronting us today. 

Her is a quote that I find interesting:  It is from Demi More and Ashton Kutcher:  as much as I am not a fan of Sarah Palin I find sifting through her emails as repulsive.”  So do I and I find no real benefit in looking into this level of disclosure unless it is done to everybody.  How about all of Obama’s email from his days in Chicago.  This is nuts.  The media needs to get back to its job of protecting us from a government run amuck as opposed to participating in the muck.  
Speaking of the media I thought freedom of political speech and the constitution protection meant just that.  That the 4th rail of this democracy was a fee and open press that kept an eye on government and was able to let “we the people” know when government was out of line.  Some how this has come to mean that they need to read all of Weiners tweets and see all his pictures and some how that meets the test of being the 4th rail in this democracy.  Or better yet make sure that the words and pictures sensationalize the story.  If I did not know better  I would say that the press is now complicit with the corporate giants in broadcast in as much as the need sell news and therefore have a vested interest in continuing the sensational at the cost of the democracy itself.  I do believe that the press should remain free for political speech but I am not sure they should enjoy all the protections from liable that they currently do.  That is for another day. 

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Our Leaders: Liars, Cheats, Sociopaths, Sexual Deviants,

Our Countries Leaders;  Thugs, Liars, Cheats, Thieves, Sociopaths, Sexual Deviants, and much more. 14% approval Rating

Here we go again with the media focused on every move, word, behavior and tweeet that another Liar from congress utters.  By the way he is just the latest in a long line of caught liars.  He will apologise, say he is not leaving congress, and then go to treatment to get out of the press.  How about the ones that are not yet caught.  Reading and listening to the media we would have to conclude that there is nothing going on in this country but taking pictures and attending to social media.  Which is actually all I do think that is going on.  Nero fidled as Rome burned but it was just the christians that were burning anyway. 

We have a government that is totally out of control.  Mostly corupt. Dedicated to their own reelection and not taking care of our business.  14.4 TRILLION in debt.  Who of any of them have been watching our store.  It is not their own “piggy bank”.   I know you can give me an example of a good man or women in service to his country.  But, overall the congress, judicial, and excutive branches of government are awash with liars, thieves, cheats, sociopaths, sexual deviants, and more.  The number of scandles that have come to light in the past 40 years is mind boggling.  There are only 435 congressman, 9 judges, and one president.  The odds that  they are lying , cheating etc compared to the rest of the country  should be about 2% or less.  8 to 10 liars.  Quess what?  There are at least that many sexual deviants in congress alone.  If you add up all the liars it is vurtually all of them. 

As I was getting ready for this blog I came across a document from Wikipedia that listed scandles.   If you take the time to read this just back thru Clinton you will not believe the extent of the coroption in DC.  They all need to be thrown out and start over.  Term limits would have fixed half the problems in the list below. 

     2009– Obama Administration

Blue is a hyper link

  Legislative Branch

  • John Ensign (R-NV) resigned his Senate seat on May 3, 2011 in order to preempt the findings of the Senate Ethics Committee claiming he broke the law during the aftermath of his extramarital affair with Cynthia Hampton. (2011)[1][2][3][4]
  • Charles B. Rangel (D-NY) Rep. Rangel was found guilty on 11 charges by the House Ethics Committee.[5][6][7][8] On December 2, 2010, the full House of Representatives voted 333-79 to censure Rangel.(2010)[9]
  • Tom DeLay (R-TX) On November 24, 2010 a Texas jury convicted DeLay of money laundering connected to the Jack Abramoff scandal. (2010)[10][11] On January 10, 2011, he was sentenced to three years in prison in Texas.[12][13]
  • Joe Wilson (R-SC) The congressman from South Carolina interrupted a major televised speech about health care reform by President Barack Obama to a joint session of Congress. After Obama said that no illegal aliens would be accepted under his health plan, Rep. Wilson shouted, "You lie!" The incident resulted in a formal rebuke by the House of Representatives. He later admitted that the outburst was "inappropriate". (2009)[14]

  Judicial Branch

  • G. Thomas Porteous The Federal Judge for Eastern Louisiana was unanimously impeached by the US House of Representatives on charges of corruption and perjury in March 2010. He was convicted by the US Senate and removed from office. He had been appointed by Bill Clinton. (2010) [15][16]
  • Samuel B. Kent The Federal District Judge of Galveston, Texas was sentenced to 33 months in prison for lying about sexually harassing two female employees. He had been appointed to office by George H. W. Bush in 1990. (2009) [17][18]

  2001–2008 George W. Bush Administration, Lots of investigations and scandles by Democratic Congress.  Not a lot of convictions for anything.

  Executive Branch

1.      Michael A. Battle (R) Director of Executive Office of US Attorneys in the Justice Department.[25]

2.      Bradley Schlozman (R) Director of Executive Office of US Attorneys who replaced Battle[26]

3.      Michael Elston (R) Chief of Staff to Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty [27]

4.      Paul McNulty (R) Deputy Attorney General to William Mercer [28]

5.      William W. Mercer (R) Associate Attorney General to Alberto Gonzales[29]

6.      Kyle Sampson (R) Chief of Staff to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales [25]

7.      Alberto Gonzales (R) Attorney General of the United States [30]

8.      Monica Goodling (R) Liaison between President Bush and the Justice Department [31]

9.      Joshua Bolten (R) Deputy Chief of Staff to President Bush was found in Contempt of Congress[32]

10. Sara M. Taylor (R) Aid to Presidential Advisor Karl Rove [33]

11. Karl Rove (R) Advisor to President Bush[34]

12. Harriet Miers (R) Legal Counsel to President Bush, was found in Contempt of Congress[32]

  • Bush White House e-mail controversy – During the Lawyergate investigation it was discovered that the Bush administration used Republican National Committee (RNC) web servers for millions of emails which were then destroyed, lost or deleted in possible violation of the Presidential Records Act and the Hatch Act. George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, Andrew Card, Sara Taylor and Scott Jennings all used RNC webservers for the majority of their emails. Of 88 officials, no emails at all were discovered for 51 of them.[35] As many as 5 million e-mails requested by Congressional investigators of other Bush administration scandals were therefore unavailable, lost, or deleted.[36]
  • Lurita Alexis Doan (R) Resigned as head of the General Services Administration. She was under scrutiny for conflict of interest and violations of the Hatch Act.[37] Among other things she asked GSA employees how they could "help Republican candidates." [38]
  • Jack Abramoff Scandal in which the prominent lobbyist with close ties to Republican administration officials and legislators offered bribes as part of his lobbying efforts. Abramhoff was sentenced to 4 years in prison.[39][40] See Legislative scandals.

1.      David Safavian GSA (General Services Administration) Chief of Staff,[41] found guilty of blocking justice and lying,[42] and sentenced to 18 months[43]

2.      Roger Stillwell (R) Staff in the Department of the Interior under George W. Bush. Pleaded guilty and received two years suspended sentence. [7]

3.      Susan B. Ralston (R) Special Assistant to the President and Senior Advisor to Karl Rove, resigned October 6, 2006 after it became known that she accepted gifts and passed information to her former boss Jack Abramoff.[44]

4.      J. Steven Griles (R) former Deputy to the Secretary of the Interior pleaded guilty to obstruction of justice and was sentenced to 10 months.[45]

5.      Italia Federici (R) staff to the Secretary of Interior, and President of the Council of Republicans for Environmental Advocacy, pled guilty to tax evasion and obstruction of justice. She was sentenced to four years probation.[46][47][48]

6.      Jared Carpenter (R) Vice-President of the Council of Republicans for Environmental Advocacy, was discovered during the Abramoff investigation and pled guilty to income tax evasion. He got 45 days, plus 4 years probation.[49]

7.      Michael Scanlon (R) former staff to Tom DeLay: working for Abramoff, pleaded guilty to bribery.[39][40]

8.      Tony Rudy (R) former staff to Tom DeLay, pleaded guilty to conspiracy.[40]

9.      Bob Ney (R-OH) bribed by Abramoff, pleaded guilty to conspiracy, sentenced to 30 months.[40]

10. Neil Volz (R) former staff to Robert Ney, pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy in 2006 charges stemming from his work for Bob Ney. In 2007 he was sentenced to two years probation, 100 hours community service, and a fine of $2,000.[50]

11. Mark Zachares (R) staff in the Department of Labor, bribed by Abramoff, guilty of conspiracy to defraud.[40]

12. Robert E. Coughlin (R) Deputy Chief of Staff, Crimianl Division of the Justice Department pleaded guilty to conflict of interest after accepting bribes from Jack Abramoff. (2008) [47]

13. William Heaton (R), former chief of staff for Bob Ney (R), pleaded guilty to a federal conspiracy charge involving a golf trip to Scotland, expensive meals, and tickets to sporting events between 2002 and 2004 as payoffs for helping Abramoff's clients.[51]

14. Kevin A. Ring (R) former staff to John Doolittle (R-CA) indicted on 8 counts of corruption. The judge declared a mistrial.[52]

15. John Albaugh (R) former chief of staff to Ernest Istook (R-OK) pled guilty to accepting bribes connected to the Federal Highway Bill. Istook was not charged. (2008) [53]

16. James Hirni, (R) former staff to Tim Hutchinson (R-AR) was charged with wire fraud for giving a staffer for Don Young (R) of Alaska a bribe in exchange for amendments to the Federal Highway Bill. (2008) [54]

  • Kyle Foggo Executive director of the CIA was convicted of honest services fraud in the awarding of a government contract and sentenced to 37 months in federal prison at Pine Knot, Kentucky. On September 29, 2008, Foggo pleaded guilty to one count of the indictment, admitting that while he was the CIA executive director, he acted to steer a CIA contract to the firm of his lifelong friend, Brent R. Wilkes.[55]
  • Julie MacDonald (R) Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Department of the Interior, resigned May 1, 2007 after giving government documents to developers (2007)[56]
  • Claude Allen (R) Appointed as an advisor by President Bush on Domestic Policy, Allen was arrested for a series of felony thefts in retail stores. He was convicted on one count and resigned soon after.[57]
  • Lester Crawford (R) Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, resigned after 2 months. Pled guilty to conflict of interest and received 3 years suspended sentence and fined $90,000 (2006) [58]
  • 2003 Invasion of Iraq depended on intelligence that Saddam Hussein was developing "weapons of mass destruction" (WMDs) meaning nuclear, chemical and/or biological weapons for offensive use. The Downing Street memo were minutes of a British secret meeting with the US (dated 23 July 2002, leaked 2005) which include a summary of MI6 Director Sir Richard Dearlove's report that "Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and the facts were being fixed around the policy" This was called the 'smoking gun' concerning W. Bush's run up to war with Iraq.(2005)[59]
  • Yellowcake forgery: Just prior to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, the Bush administration presented evidence to the UN that Iraq was seeking material (yellowcake uranium) in Africa for making nuclear weapons. Though presented as true, it was later found to be not only dubious, but outright false.[60]
  • Bush administration payment of columnists with federal funds to say nice things about Republican policies. Illegal payments were made to journalists Armstrong Williams (R), Maggie Gallagher (R) and Michael McManus (R) (2004–2005)[61]
  • Sandy Berger (D) former Clinton security adviser pleads guilty to a misdemeanor charge of unlawfully removing classified documents from the National Archives in (2005)[62]
  • Bernard Kerik (R) nomination in 2004 as Secretary of Homeland Security was derailed by past employment of an illegal alien as a nanny, and other improprieties. On Nov 4, 2009, he pled guilty to two counts of tax fraud and five counts of lying to the federal government(2009)[63] and was sentenced to four years in prison.[63]
  • Torture: Top US officials including George W. Bush [64] and Dick Cheney [65] authorized enhanced interrogation techniques of prisoners, including waterboarding (called torture by many) by US troops and the CIA in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere. In 2010 Bush stated "He'd do it again..." and Cheney stated on ABC's This Week, "I was a big supporter of waterboarding." [66] (2004)
  • Plame affair (2004), in which CIA agent Valerie Plame's name was leaked by Richard Armitage, the State Department official, to the press in retaliation for her husband's criticism of the reports used by George W. Bush to legitimize the Iraq war.[67]
  • Thomas A. Scully, (R) administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), withheld information from Congress about the projected cost of the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act, and allegedly threatened to fire Medicare's chief actuary, Richard Foster, if Foster provided the data to Congress. (2003)[68] Scully resigned on December 16, 2003.
  • NSA warrantless surveillance – Shortly after the September 11 attacks in 2001, President George W. Bush (R) implemented a secret program by the National Security Agency to eavesdrop on domestic telephone calls by American citizens without warrants, thus by-passing the FISA court which must approve all such actions. (2002)[69] In 2010, Federal Judge Vaughn Walker ruled this practice to be illegal.[70]
  • Enron collapse (2002) leading to investigation of its CEO Kenneth Lay (R), a former member of the Republican National Committee and once considered a possible pick for Secretary of the Treasury, was a top political ally and financial donor to President George W. Bush. Lay was found guilty of 10 counts of securities fraud, but died before sentencing.[71]
  • Janet Rehnquist (R) appointed Inspector General of the Department of Health and Human Services by George W. Bush. In 2002, Governor Jeb Bush's (R-FL) Chief of Staff Kathleen Shanahan asked Rehnquist to delay auditing a $571 million federal overpayment to the State of Florida. Rehnquist ordered her staff to delay the investigation for five months until after the Florida elections. When Congress began an investigation in to the matter, Rehnquist resigned in March 2003, saying she wanted to spend more time with her family.[72][73][74][74][75][76]
  • John Yoo (R) An attorney in the Office of Legal Counsel inside the Justice Department who, working closely with vice president Dick Cheney and The Bush Six,[77] wrote memos stating the right of the president to –
1.      suspend sections of the ABM Treaty without informing Congress [78]

2.      bypass the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act allowing warrentless wiretapping of US Citizens within the United States by the National Security Agency.[78]

3.      state that the First Amendment and Fourth Amendments and the Takings Clause do not apply to the president in time of war as defined in the USA PATRIOT Act [78]

4.      allow Enhanced Interrogation Techniques (torture) because provisions of the War Crimes Act, the Third Geneva Convention, and the Torture convention do not apply.[78]

Many of his memos have since been repudiated and reversed.[78][79] Later review by the Justice Department reported that Yoo and Jay Bybee used "poor judgement" in the memos, but no charges have yet been filed. 

  Legislative Branch

  • Ted Stevens Senator (R-AK) convicted on seven counts of bribery and tax evasion October 27, 2008 just prior to the election. He continued his run for re-election, but lost. Once the Republican was defeated in his re-election, new US Attorney General Eric Holder (D) dismissed the charges "in the interest of justice" stating that the Justice Department had illegally withheld evidence from defense counsel.[81]
  • Charles Rangel (D-NY) failed to report $75,000 income from the rental of his villa in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic and was forced to pay $11,000 in back taxes.(September 2008)[82]
  • Rick Renzi (R-AZ) Announced he would not seek another term. Seven months later, on February 22, 2008 he pleaded not guilty to 35 charges of fraud, conspiracy and money laundering.[83]
  • Jack Abramoff Scandal, (R) lobbyist found guilty of conspiracy, tax evasion and corruption of public officials in three different courts in a wide ranging investigation. Currently serving 70 months and fined $24.7 million.[84] See Scandals, Executive Branch. The following were also implicated:

1.      Tom DeLay (R-TX) The House Majority Leader was reprimanded twice by the House Ethics Committee and his aides indicted (2004–2005); eventually DeLay himself was investigated in October 2005 in connection with the Abramoff scandal, but not indicted. DeLay resigned from the House 9 June 2006.[85] Delay was found to have illegally channeled funds from Americans for a Republican Majority to Republican state legislator campaigns. He was convicted of two counts of money laundering and conspiracy in 2010.[86]

2.      James W. Ellis (R) executive director of Americans for a Republican Majority a PAC, was indicted for money laundering.[87]

4.      Bob Ney (R-OH) pleaded guilty to conspiracy and making false statements as a result of his receiving trips from Abramoff in exchange for legislative favors. Ney received 30 months in prison.[88]

5.      Robert E. Coughlin (R) Deputy Chief of Staff, Criminal Division, Justice Department, pled guilty to accepting bribes.[89]

  • John Doolittle (R-CA) both he and his wife were under investigation (January 2008). Under this cloud, Doolittle decided not to run for re-election in November 2008. The Justice Department announced in June 2010 they had terminated the investigation and found no wrong doing.[90]
  • Randy Cunningham (R-CA)pleaded guilty on November 28, 2005 to charges of conspiracy to commit bribery, mail fraud, wire fraud and tax evasion in what came to be called the Cunningham scandal. Sentenced to over eight years.[91]
  • Kyle Foggo Executive director of the CIA was convicted of honest services fraud in the awarding of a government contract and sentenced to 37 months in the federal prison at Pine Knot, Kentucky. On September 29, 2008, Foggo pleaded guilty to one count of the indictment, admitting that while CIA executive director he acted to steer a CIA contract to the firm of his lifelong friend, Brent R. Wilkes.[55]
  • Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) struck a U.S. Capitol Police officer in the chest after he attempted to stop her from going around a security checkpoint. McKinney apologized on the floor of the House and no charges were filed (March 29, 2006) [92]
  • William J. Jefferson (D-LA) in August 2005 the FBI seized $90,000 in cash from Jefferson's home freezer. He was re-elected anyway, but lost in 2008. Jefferson was convicted of 11 counts of bribery and sentenced to 13 years on November 13, 2009, and his chief of staff Brett Pfeffer was sentenced to 84 months in a related case.[93][94]
  • Bill Janklow (R-SD) convicted of second-degree manslaughter for running a stop sign and killing a motorcyclist. Resigned from the House and given 100 days in the county jail and three years (2003)[95]
  • Robert Torricelli Senator (D-NJ) after 14 years in the House and one term in the Senate, Torricelli declined to run again when accused of taking illegal contributions from Korean businessman David Chang. (2002)[96]
  • Jim Traficant (D-OH) found guilty on 10 felony counts of financial corruption, he was sentenced to 8 years in prison and expelled from the House (2002)[97]

  1993–2000 Bill Clinton Administration 

  Executive Branch

  • Webster Hubbell (D) Associate Attorney General, pleaded guilty to mail fraud and tax evasion while in private practice.[98] Sentenced to 21 months in prison (1995)[99]
  • Henry Cisneros (D) Secretary of Housing. Resigned and plead guilty (1999) to a misdemeanor charge of lying to the FBI about the amount of money he paid his former mistress, Linda Medlar while he was Mayor of San Antonio, Texas. He was fined $10,000 (1999)[100]
  • Ronald Blackley, (D) Secretary of Agriculture Mike Espy's Chief of Staff, sentenced to 27 months for perjury. Mike Espy was found innocent on all counts. (1999)
  • Bill Clinton President(D) Impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice for allegedly lying under oath about sexual relations with intern Monica Lewinsky. Clinton was acquitted by the Senate and remained in office. Clinton subsequently was cited for contempt of court and agreed to a five-year suspension of his Arkansas law license. (1998).[101] On October 1, 2001, Bill Clinton was barred from practicing law before the Supreme Court of the United States (2001)[102]
  • Pardongate President Bill Clinton (D) granted 140 pardons on his last day in office January 20, 2001 for a total of 396.[103] which seemed large compared to the total of 74 by George H. W. Bush, but not when compared to Ronald Reagans total of 393.[104]
  • Whitewater scandal (1994–2000) independent counsel Kenneth Starr (R) investigated the Clintons' role in peddling influence for the Whitewater (real estate) Development Corporation while he was Governor of Arkansas. No criminal charges were brought against either President Bill Clinton (D) or First Lady Hillary Clinton (D)[105]
  • Wampumgate Bruce Babbitt (D), Secretary of the Interior 1993–2001, accused of lying to Congress about influencing a 1995 American Indian tribe casino decision. Babbitt was cleared of all wrongdoing.[106]
  • Filegate alleged misuse of FBI resources by Clinton Security Chief, Craig Livingstone (D), to compile an 'enemies' list (1996); Investigation found insufficient evidence of criminal wrongdoing[107]
  • Vincent Foster (D) the White House lawyer was alleged to have been murdered by either Bill or Hillary Clinton, for various reasons and with varying degrees of involvement. The suicide was investigated by the Park Police Service, the FBI, Independent Consultant Robert Fiske and finally by Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr all of whom ruled that it was a simple suicide (1993)[108]
  • Travelgate, involving the firing of White House travel agents. In 1998 Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr (R) exonerated President Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton of any involvement (1993)[109]

  Legislative Branch

  • Barbara-Rose Collins (D-MI) found to have committed 11 violations of law and house rules stemming from use of campaign funds for personal use.[110]
  • Wes Cooley (R-OR), Cooley was convicted of having lied on the 1994 voter information pamphlet about his service in the Army. He was fined and sentenced to two years probation (1997)[111]
  • Austin Murphy (D-PA) convicted of engaging in voter fraud for filling out absentee ballots for members of a nursing home.[112]
  • Newt Gingrich (R-GA), the Speaker of the House, was accused of financial improprieties leading to House reprimand and $300,000 in sanctions [113] leading to his resignation (1997)[114]
  • Walter R. Tucker III (D-CA) resigned from the House before conviction on charges of extortion and income tax fraud while he was Mayor of Compton, California. Sentenced to 27 months in prison.(1996)[115]
  • Nicholas Mavroules (D-MA) pleaded guilty to bribery charges.[116]
  • House banking scandal [117] The House of Representatives Bank found that 450 members had overdrawn their checking accounts, but had not been penalized. Six were convicted of charges, most only tangentially related to the House Bank itself. Twenty two more of the most prolific over-drafters were singled out by the House Ethics Committee. (1992) [118]

1.      Buzz Lukens (R-OH) convicted of bribery and conspiracy.[119]

2.      Carl C. Perkins (D-KY) pled guilty to a check kiting scheme involving several financial institutions (including the House Bank).[119]

3.      Carroll Hubbard (D-KY)convicted of illegally funneling money to his wife's 1992 campaign to succeed him in congress.[120]

4.      Mary Rose Oakar (D-OH) was charged with seven felonies, but pleaded guilty only to a misdemeanor campaign finance charge not related to the House Bank.[119]

5.      Walter Fauntroy (D-DC) convicted convicted of filing false disclosure forms in order to hide unauthorized income.[119]

6.      Jack Russ Sgt. at Arms, convicted of three counts.[119]

1.      Dan Rostenkowski (D-IL) Rostenkowski was convicted and sentenced to 18 months in prison, in 1995.[122]

2.      Joe Kolter (D-PA) Convicted of one count of conspiracy[123] and sentenced to 6 months in prison.[124]

3.      Robert V. Rota Postmaster, convicted of one count of conspiracy and two counts of embezzlement.[121]