Keep Looking for the Canidate She is not Here Yet

After watching the Rep debate and listening to the talking heads as little as possible it is clear to me that the Rep nominee is not yet in the race.
I like Bachman’s Politics I just think she is not presidential material yet.
Maybe in the future.
Plenty is just to Minnesota nice.
He made an attempt to get to Bachman but failed.
I think she actually got the best of him.
He did not lay a hand on Romney and he needed to.
I think he is out.
Ron Paul would make a good Treasury Secretary.
Or a fed chairman.
Not president.
Cain just does not come off as a serious candidate.
I do not think he is a politician and does not have the capacity to get his message out.
The rest just do not count.
I am not sure Perry who was a Dem not long ago is the worst of the good old boy and the best of conservative and evangelical.
I do not buy the notion that it is a race between Mitt and Rick.
It is very early in the game.
The press would have us
believe that it is imperative that everybody get in and get in early.
It makes them money and gives the talking heads something to say.
Lets wait and see who else is out there watching and waiting for their time to enter.
I did notice when Sarah Palin was on Hannity she had more people watching her and cheering than any other candidate who was there for the debate.
I love the fact she did not notify the press until she was already on her way.
It drives the lamestream media nuts.
She had the best line of the day.
I do not care about cap and trade just “cut the crap’.
Great applause from the watchers.
Best line best response from the crowd.
She has the ability to keep it simple and to keep it focused on the issues before us.
The economy stupid.
The market is off the walls and it is just saying what everybody already knows. The entire western world is broke. That is not to say we are all going to self-destruct. I do not think we will. We have an awesome economic engine if the government would just get out of the way. We have enough energy in the ground on US soil to last hundreds of years. Get the government out of the way. Afghanistan, Yes, Iraq, Yes, Libya are you kidding me. Get our military performing military functions not political agendas.
Redistribution of wealth has not worked in Europe or here. It is the ruination of Capitalism and that is exactly what the Redistributors are about. I studied Saul Alinsky in Graduate school and he is what Obama and his like use as a philosophy to guide them to steal from the rich by using the government to do it. And then making the underclass dependent on them for their livelihood. This brings the ruling class power if not money. Power is the true obsession of the Left with their attempts to bring down our economic form of capitalism and replace it with a socialist form economy run by the government. I know this sounds like a rant but look at the facts of the past 50 years. Every time there is a great industry the government attempts to bring it down. US Steel, Rail, Big Oil, US auto Industry, ATT, IBM, Microsoft, Goggle. Leman Brothers, and many others. .The US government has attempted to break up, destroy, make irrelevant or what ever those systems developed by the private sector that make jobs, profits, and has made our economic system grow. The government is afraid of industry because it makes the congress and elected officials look like they are doing nothing. So in order to make it look like they are doing something they dream up problems to solve. The environment, the water, the children., the elderly, the worker, the consumer the planet, and anybody else except the industry that provides capitol and jobs. Lets regulate and break up and steal their profits for the US treasury. Then the politicians get to spend the money others have made. They did not do one single thing to earn the money that goes into the US treasury but they get to spend it on the Cabinet of protections. Education, Environment, Commerce, Urban Development, Labor, Agriculture, Energy and 100 Czars. How nuts is this.

I have noticed some Dem talking heads beginning to get off the Obama band wagon.
This is a major change in the media.
This should send shutters through the presidents advisors.
We shall see what the next month brings in the Rep effort.
As I have said in the past I am a Sarah Palin fan.
She is the only real person in the show.
She has shot a gun, killed an animal, cleaned and ate it.
Fished commercially for a living in her families small business.
She has a family that is not just for show.
She has taken every hit the lamestream media can send her and she is still drawing big supportive crowds.
She has been a small town elected official has lost an election for the Lt Gov and won the Governors race.
In 3 years she turned Alaska around with a divided legislature.
She took on big oil and brought down the incest in the Rep party with Big Oil.
Her Drill baby Drill is a great line and she has done just that in Alaska.
She is the living American Dream.
She does not come from money she comes from a family that has values, honesty, and she has great self-esteem.
If need be she will not back down from any one or anything. She is a proven political leader and a proven champion of the American way of life.

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