Obama is up to his neck in Scandals and Counting; There will be a price to pay for this form of Governing
President Obama claims that Republicans are busy probing “phony scandals.” You should decide for yourself.
Here is a list some of the administration’s most public scandals. There may be more but lets not muddy the water with speculation lets stick to the facts. I know Progressives never let a fact get in the way of spin but some of us continue to try and shed light in the dark.
Domestic: The depths of Political Corruption:
VA. What can I say about this. It is just simply wrong and needs to get fixed even if the Administration and Democrats have to undo the largest Public single payer program run by the government. A lot of people need to be fired.
IRS. Nixon had an enemies list and so did Clinton. Political enemies are a reality. The use of the IRS to influence elections is just wrong. Using the IRS to benefit a party (Rep or Dem) is just wrong and it has to stop. A lot of people need to be fired.

The failure of the administration to protect the Benghazi mission and the changes made to the talking points in order make a political gain right before an election was simply wrong. America as a whole paid the price for the coverup. 4 dead paid the price for the lack of action by those who should have acted. I know “what difference does it make”. A lot. If your goal was to reelect the president then it did make a difference. It help him to be elected. If your goal was to lie to the American people then it worked. We need to fire a lot of people who failed the 4 dead.
AP: The Justice Department spied on the Associated Press reporters’ phone records as part of a leak investigation. They also spied on Jame Rosen of Fox News. We do not know who else but this is a violation of the constitution and the government can not do this. It is wrong and people need to be fired.
ATF “Fast and Furious” W e allowed weapons from the U.S. to “walk” across the border into the hands of Mexican drug dealers. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was killed with one of these weapons.
Obama Care: We should have read it before we passed it. This is socialized medicine and everybody knows it. It will work as good as Indian Health Service and the Veterans Service. Government delivered medicine can not work. Ask England, Canada, Germany and others. Oh it does work in China, and Russia. If you can get to see a Dr. after the political elite jump ahead of you in line.
The Fed. Nobody really knows what they do but they spend Trillions of dollars that we will someday have to pay back. It is kind of like taxation with out representation. It needs to stop. We need to have a say in this spending.
Terrorists for POW. The issue is not what Sgt Bergdaul's status is. It is that we have a President that will do anything to get his way. He may have the authority to do what he did. Just as others have used the law to their short term advantage. Gaining a short term political advantage is what is wrong with what he did. He got a short term political gain at the expense of the US character. That was simply wrong of him to do. He knew if he talked to congress they would have a fit. So he lied to the
Congress, to the American People as a whole just to gain political support from his liberal base.
The price for such wrong actions may have begun to be paid: I hope so:.
This is from Palin's Facebook Page: I could not have said it better:
Palin said;
“Congratulations to Dave Brat in Virginia on such an encouraging victory tonight! You shocked the political world and reminded D.C. that power lies with We the People and not any conventional party establishment. Dave Brat was massively outspent (more than 10 to 1) and laughed off by most, but he won the trust of voters the old fashioned way – one by one. Tonight’s victory showed the power of the local grassroots – the ones with boots on the ground who put up the campaign signs and go door to door to provide needed support for great candidates. Appreciation also goes to those with powerful microphones like Laura Ingraham, Mark Levin, Ann Coulter and others who recognized Dave’s strengths and had the guts to provide him a megaphone to reach concerned citizens.
Grassroots commonsense conservatives can use this momentum to push good candidates like Chris McDaniel, T.W. Shannon, and Rob Maness to victory for America. These candidates are also being massively outspent by establishment candidates and they need our help and energy.”
Dave Brat GOP Congressional Nomination
Now if they would only do to Senator Reid as they did to Cantor.
This is the best form of term limits in the US and it is constitutional. I have some hope again.
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