It has become clear and is Mitts best friend that the conservative vote will be split by those who cannot win but want to have there name in the news. This should be a race between The conservative who can beat Obama, change the very way we govern, decrease the size of government, govern as the constitution demands, give us a vision for greatness, get out of the way of business, balance our budget, (he has done 4 time in the last 15 years), stop the liberal consolidation of power in DC (Obamacare, bailouts, special interest rule, a committee and a department for everything: and Moderate centrist Mass Mitt who appoints liberal judges, past MittMassCare, Johnnie come lately to gun control, abortion and other social issues.
At present no other candidate can possibly beat Obama in a national election. Between /Romney and Gingrich only Gingrich can beat Obama in the debates. Anybody who argues that the debates should not be important does not understand the way we currently elect national politicians. The only things Kennedy had going for him was Nixon's poor performance on TV. Face it the TV and the media bias has a great deal to do with how and who is elected. Newt has the demeanour, off the cuff intelligence, the hours of being interviewed by the liberal media, the intelligence to deal effectively with the lame stream media and get his message out to the people. Newt only has the experience in maintaining the party line, talking points etc. They will let Obama get away with that but not the presidential candidate that is a republican.
We need to set back and look at the big picture. BEAT OBAMA.
RON PAUL can not do that even though some of his ideas I agree with. Most of the financial issues. Limited Government etc. Huntsman not a chance, SANTORUM and his family values and small government are very appealing ideas but he does not have a chance in a national election against the likes of Obama and 1 billion dollars of advertising. These guys have had their time in the sun and have attempted to use the votes in Iowa, and New Hampshire to catapult them to the national stage. It has not happened. So what is the best thing to do for the big picture of electing a conservative and defeating Obama. Get a grip. I do not think and believe everything that comes out of Gingrich's mouth. But he has what it takes in assets, (knowledge about governance, personnel intellect, speaking off the cuff, and being able to not just stay with Obama but being able to put him in his place. Newt does not have to read a TelePrompTer to talk on any subject in the government, for hours. Obama does. Gingrich will be able to out Obama for the socialist he is what his hidden agenda is and, how unequiped he was to lead. After 3 years of on the job training is all he has done is to spend us into oblivion, buying special interest votes (unions, energy alternative, increased welfare) and weakened our military. He has done this by using our money, executive orders, and partisn politics. His major policy has been to blame Bush or congress. He is responsible for 6 trillion in new debt and that is with out Obamacare being implimented. He is devicieve and is the bigget promoters of class warfare.

Remember; The goal of the Primary is to get the best canidate that CAN BEAT OBAMA.
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