The Power Elite:
As is seen in the above picture, the Power Elite is dependent on the Elite Media first and foremost.
Here we go again with the Major Media deciding for us. Even Fox has anointed Romney for the Florida win. Why have we not seen on TV the following:
Do not forget that the reason that we the people are spoon-fed a candidate that is a “moderate” (which means a shill for the power elite in government and business) is that nothing well change and that is exactly what they want NOTHING TO CHANGE. THAT IS WHY WE THE PEOPLE HAVE NOT HEARD ANY OF THE FOLLOWING:
1. 37 Florida Tea Party Leaders have endorsed Gingrich. Not a word in the Major Media.
Coalition members include:
Coalition members include:
· Patricia Sullivan, Patriot Army founder
· Karin Hoffman, DC Works for US founder
· Karena Morrison, State Advisory Team for GOOOH in Florida
· Tom Gaitens, former state director for FreedomWorks
· Sharon Calvert, Tampa Tea Party
· Tom Tillison Central Orlando Tea Party Council
· Juan C Torres, Latino American Tea Party
· Mike Hill, NW Florida Tea Party
· Alan Berkelhammer, Gainesville Tea Party
· Alice Beutien, Putnam County Tea Party;
· Audrey Rumsey, Hernando County Tea Party coordinator
· Bob Knox, American Citizens League
· Carol Knighton, Leesburg Regional Tea Party co-founder
· Charlie Perez, Gilchrist County Tea Party
· Deanna May Keystone Heights Tea Party
· Diane Leone, St. Johns Tea Party
· Don Anderson, Sarasota 912
· Don Eaton, Conservative Liberty Alliance
· Donna Hoak, Conservative Liberty Alliance
· Eli Knighton, Conservative Liberty Alliance
· Jerry Bell, DC Works for Us Broward
· Ruth Bell, DC Works for Us Broward
· Jesse Phillips, Restore America
· Kay Eaton, Conservative Liberty Alliance
· Ken Rabideau, Conservative Liberty Alliance
· Letha Fadeley, Tea Party Manatee
· Nancy Haynes, Hernando County Tea Party
· Peter Lee, East Side Tea Party Orlando
· Steve Norflus, Conservative Liberty Alliance
· Steve Vernon, Tea Party Manatee
· Steve Williams, Lake Area Tea Party
· Terry Beutien, Putnam County Tea Party
· Tom Nelson, Fort Walton Beach Tea Party
· Tony Ledbetter, vice president, Volusia 912 Inc.
· Steve Williams, Lake Area Tea Party
· Vance Jochim, North Lake County Tea Party
· Steve Norflus, Conservative Liberty Alliance
· Steve Vernon, Tea Party Manatee
- Nancy Reagan has said her husband had a close relationship with Newt Gingrich and that "Ronnie turned that (conservative) torch over to Newt and the Republican members of Congress to keep that dream alive”. THIS IS IN A NANCY REAGAN VIDEO.
- Mike Reagan has endorsed Gingrich as the Politician in the field that best represents his fathers conservative views.
- Florida Rep. Rivera: Gingrich Only Candidate With Track Record. Endorsed Gingrich while making comments at a Latino, Cuban meeting in Florida.
- The ethics problems in Congress were all found to be false and he did not pay a fine but Romney and his SuperPac continue to say so as if this is true.
- Druge has been attacked as attempting to take Gingrich out of the mix and painting him with a Romney brush.
- This mornings comments by Doocy on Fox and Friends were so blatantly Romney that he must have been told by the powers in Fox to get on the Romney band wagon. I expect Palin to leave Fox soon.

I said that in my last blog. Scorched Earth would be the policy. The power elite can not afford in terms of loss of power and money. But manly power; to have a true conservative in power.
What is the power elite: ??
The Power Elite is a book written by the sociologist, C. Wright Mills, in 1956. In it Mills calls attention to the interwoven interests of the leaders of the military, corporate, and political elements of society and suggests that the ordinary citizen (this is we the people) is a relatively powerless subject of manipulation by those entities. A major new piece of the Power elite puzzle has been the growth of the Multi National News Corp. He did not see that coming. He did not see that TV News would and in fact eclipse the influence and power of the old power elite. He did not see the global reach of the TV news and now the advent of social media.
The point is that they will do what ever they have to to have their way with we the people unless we the people one at a time do not do as we are told and do the right thing for a change.
Remember power is dependent on stability. Dictators, politicians, professors, and anyother person who weilds power knows that their power is completely dependant on chaos, tenure, and unlimited access to the media. As long as Romney and other surragots can continue chaos in the primary, and have unlimited access to the Media we the people have a hardtime getting our thoughts, ideas, and votes to matter. Remember Mills --"we are relatively powerless in this fight"".