Where to Start
Lately I have not written a blog because the political landscape is changing everyday. Where to start?? Last week it was Libya today it’s Birthers. Palin, Trump, Obama, Gingrich, Comedians who make fun of Palins son. Where to start?
Palin; http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=7363131n She is my pick. The only real person in the mix. She has actually worked for a living. By the way her accent is Alaskan. She is not stupid, her child is not a burden and she is college educated. Make all the fun of her you want be remember you may have voted for the second coming and look what your perception got you there.
Trump: He is popular now but I doubt that he will be in it for the long run. I read his book, The Art of the Deal years ago and one of the centerpieces of his deal making is that he rarely takes more than 2 minutes on most deals. Then he delegates and goes from there. I do not see the Presidency as a 2-minute deal.
Birther: I see the states are getting into the question and the Supreme Court is staying out of the question. I was talking with a lawyer the other day and he agreed with me that, since the constitution is explicit about being Native Born then the burden of proof is on Obama. Why does he not just give the public the documents necessary to put this to bed?
Obama: I have no idea what planet this president is living on. He wants to continue to raise the debt of the nation in the face of a disaster that is predicted by anybody who thinks that there has to be a limit to how much money can be printed by the Government to pay our bills. I will give him this he has given us a new word to deal with, TRILLION, here is a good trivia question, What comes next?? (Quadrillion). My answer is disaster.
Libya: What a great decision to enter into this civil war where the goals are as murky as the Mississippi River in flood. They are a small desert country with a small populations that only produces 2% of the worlds oil. What did we have to gain? Nothing. Bring down Kadafi you say. Why. He has controlled the extremist Muslims the al Queda types for years. The entire Mideast is on fire. The dictators all have problems. The leftist believe that the uprisings are a good thing until the next idiots take over and we are involved in 4 or 5 civil wars at the same time. We just added drones to the fight in Libya. That is not an escalation of our involvement. If not then adding troops on the ground (which are in fact there now, Special Forces, Seals will also not be and escalation. Wow that was a brilliant military move. Maybe Obama graduated from West Point, No maybe the Naval Acedemy, No maybe the Airforce Acedemy. No maybe the college of leftist activism lead by Sal Alinsky and the church of brotherly hate in Chicago. The generals must be at their wits end with this idiot. Eisenhower said at the end of his successful presidency, “I hope we have learned to let the Generals run the wars not the politicians. This was in response to Truman and his micro management of the Korean War. My guess is the Generals are just trying to outlast this idiot and see what the next president wants them to do. They must respect the office but I doubt that they respect the decisions coming from the politically charged White House. I am also glad to see that Obama is in full reelection mood. Oh, he has 2 years left. That means he governed for 2 years of a 4-year term. Wow. What a role model for other politicians. Maybe we should have term limits that are only 2 years long if that is all they can govern for before their own agenda gets in the way of taking care of WE THE PEOPLE.
Gingrich: He is the smartest in the field but he has way too much baggage.
Japan: What a mess. That’s it.
Romney; He has health care baggage as governor. He is to slick to be a candidate. I am sure the Dems would love to have him in the election. How about that State Universal Health Care, looks like Obama care to us.
Jeb Bush: 3 Bushes make a swamp. There were only two Adams. I like him and his politics but can you just here the Dems.
Bachman: A true believer who cannot get the middle. She is from my state and she has the ability to drive the leftist in Minnesota (which are everywhere) absolutely crazy. I lover her for that. To bad she gets death threats during election times.
China; What a bully. Why we continue to allow them to undercut our economy by the way they deal with their currency and the trade deficits is beyond me. They would be a third world country if we did not buy there goods and feed them. Our foreign policy with China has been one of deference and I for one want to see that change. They will go the way of the Soviet Union. They will have a civil war soon enough if the old guard continues to suppress them. If they do not suppress them they will have a civil war because they can. Civil war is in their future as soon as the old Mao guys die. China is not our biggest problem. Remember in the 80’s we thought Japan was going to own this country. When their economy failed we bought everything back at a discount. They are still in a mess because their government has printed way to much money and with the cost of the Earthquake they will be in a mess for 50 years or more.
Energy; Drill and dig. It is that simple. Use American oil, gas and coal. Forget about public policy and public money for wind, solar etc. Let the free enterprise in America work.
Oil: Get off foreign oil now. Trade food for oil with the rest of the desert countries. Make them pay for our protection with oil.
Immigration: What a mess. Why do we not open the border just as we have with Canadians? If they want to work ok. We should not shoulder the health and welfare costs and we need to remake the “born in this country auto citizen”. This is not the 17 or 18 hundreds and we do not need to populate this country with immigrants. They can then apply for permanent residency or citizenship like everybody else. Get tough with the drug lords on our border before it comes here. Now there is a good place for drones. Better than Libya.
Unions: Public unions need to be broken. They have become nothing more than the broker of money for politicians. Buying votes is there main purpose. They are not the same as private sector unions. They have management on the otherside with a vested interest in continuing business. The public unions have politicians on the otherside and simply buy their votes with donations. They need to go.
Term Limits: It is the only way to get and guaranteed political systemic change. Jefferson and Adams new this 250 years ago. If we do not term limit our legislatures in the near future they will ruin this country because they cannot help themselves. Human nature takes over and they all want to be reelected. That is the beginning of the end.
There is just an avalanche of issues but here is my summary. Later
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