Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What in the World?

What in the World/Loss of Freedom

The cost in maintaining all of this is the loss of  Freedom.  

Here were are with the Middle east on fire, gas at $4.00 and climbing (no driving vacation for me in my Ford Excursion),  14.5 Trillion in Debt, adding 1.5 Trillion this year alone, oil approaching its all time high, real unemployment at 15 to 25% depending on where you live, housing continues downward;  this means if you owned a home worth $200,000 3 years ago to day it is worth about $140000 if you are lucky, retirements put off because the 401k are still 201ks; health insurance climbs by 15 to 25% this year alone, (unless  you are a congressman);  the SES, senior executive service got a rise this year;  the total number of government employees increased and the private sector decreased;  the NFL has labor issues because they can not decide how to cut up the Billions of dollars we spend to see these cry babies play in the sand pile, (I am a diehard Viking fan);  shell just spent 4 billion dollars just to have the EPA tell them there may be an air pollution issue in the artic for the 200+ Eskimos that live down wind about 70  miles and therefore; go drill some place else.  They paid the government 2.25 billion just for the leases.  If I were Shell I would just quit drilling and let us buy oil overseas.  Oh, that’s what’s happening now. 

I just took a breath and hoped I could not think of anything else to add to this made for TV Reality soap opera we seem to be living in.  Where is the politician the public leader who will just do what is right and damn the media and the political correctness that seems to drive all decision making in the public sector.  I do not think Trump will be president but he has hit on a cord.  Tell it like it is and do not apologize for success.  So he is rich so what.  So he is a self-promoter so what?  He has hit on a theme at this moment in this country and that is people want to have a say.  A direct say in what is happening.  They are tired of bought and paid for politicians on both side of the isle.   Maybe a billionaire self-promoter is what we need.  He has enough money he does not need to make it big after his political career.  He already has.  So maybe we should be looking for the a superrich individual that only has the countries interest at heart not some ideology but a basic moral constitutional view of government.  
Well I got wound up again.  It seems that there is so much BS and spin that it is impossible to discern what is true and what is spin.  The trouble with spin is that it has some words that are true but they attempt to get you to a conclusion that is not supportable in fact but is supportable in word.  It is political lying that we cannot call lying.  If you are in public life you cannot call a person you disagree with a liar even if he or she is.  Even if the lie has not one fact in it and 100 of 100 persons other than politicians would vote the person is lying.  This has to stop.  Our legislators have to tell us the truth.  Even if they think we cannot handle it because we lack the brainpower.  So they just continue on lying.  After all their votes are already paid for by some special interest not  “We the People”.   The only truth being told is by the idiot from Wikileaks.  He should be tried as a traitor and then jailed.  So I am left with spinning (lying) is ok or telling the truth that may get some of our soldiers killed is ok.  We have not, nor will we prosecute the Wikileaks guy but we will put the soldier who gave him the information in a deep dark hole never to be heard from again.  He thought he was doing all of us a favor.  

Reality in American politics is not fact-based reality it is reality that is base solely on perception.  Perception is totally controlled by the media and mainly by TV.  Therefore if you want to know what a candidate is thinking is all you have to know is what cable channel he is on.  Fox News and Obama make my point well.  Sarah Palin and Fox News make my point the other way.  Obama has only been on Fox News one time.  Sarah Palin is on the other channels as the main scapegoat for Tina Fey and others of her ilk.  News is not news anymore.  It is entertainment.  Reality TV at its best.  Why do you think Trump is doing so well.  He is just running another reality TV show and we tune in and based on what episode it is we then vote just like on Idol.  We have an emotion and then we act on it.  The problem with voting this way is that we are tricked by the media in to having emotions that are not supported by the facts.  We become true believers (witness Obama the Rock Star).  Emotion has driven us into an economic disaster that we need to turn around now.  We now have on cable TV the foreclosure reality show, the union reality show, the deficit reality show, the supreme court justice reality show, the bombing show, the war reality show with riots, tanks and guns, the oil reality show and on and on.  We have lost our way and depend on the TV reality shows to tell us what to feel and therefore what to think.  This is not the way to a better life.  It is the way to loss of real freedoms. 

Friday, April 22, 2011

Where To Start

Where to Start

Lately I have not written a blog because the political landscape is changing everyday.  Where to start??  Last week it was Libya today it’s Birthers.  Palin, Trump, Obama, Gingrich, Comedians who make fun of Palins son.  Where to start? 
Palin;  She is my pick.  The only real person in the mix.  She has actually worked for a living.  By the way her accent is Alaskan.  She is not stupid, her child is not a burden and she is college educated.  Make all the fun of her you want be remember you may have voted for the second coming and look what your perception got you there. 
Trump:  He is popular now but I doubt that he will be in it for the long run.  I read his book, The Art of the Deal years ago and one of the centerpieces of his deal making is that he rarely takes more than 2 minutes on most deals.  Then he delegates and goes from there.  I do not see the Presidency as a 2-minute deal. 
Birther:  I see the states are getting into the question and the Supreme Court is staying out of the question.  I was talking with a lawyer the other day and he agreed with me that, since the constitution is explicit about being Native Born then the burden of proof is on Obama.  Why does he not just give the public the documents necessary to put this to bed?  
Obama:  I have no idea what planet this president is living on.  He wants to continue to raise the debt of the nation in the face of a disaster that is predicted by anybody who thinks that there has to be a limit to how much money can be printed by the Government to pay our bills.  I will give him this he has given us a new word to deal with, TRILLION, here is a good trivia question, What comes next?? (Quadrillion).  My answer is disaster. 
Libya:  What a great decision to enter into this civil war where the goals are as murky as the Mississippi River in flood.   They are a small desert country with a small populations that only produces 2% of the worlds oil.  What did we have to gain?  Nothing.  Bring down Kadafi you say.  Why.  He has controlled the extremist Muslims the al Queda types for years.  The entire Mideast is on fire.  The dictators all have problems.  The leftist believe that the uprisings are a good thing until the next idiots take over and we are involved in 4 or 5 civil wars at the same time.  We just added drones to the fight in Libya.  That is not an escalation of our involvement.  If not then adding troops on the ground (which are in fact there now, Special Forces, Seals will also not be and escalation.  Wow that was a brilliant military move.  Maybe Obama graduated from West Point, No maybe the Naval Acedemy, No maybe the Airforce Acedemy.  No maybe the college of leftist activism lead by Sal Alinsky and the church of brotherly hate in Chicago.  The generals must be at their wits end with this idiot.  Eisenhower said at the end of his successful presidency, “I hope we have learned to let the Generals run the wars not the politicians.  This was in response to Truman and his micro management of the Korean War.  My guess is the Generals are just trying to outlast this idiot and see what the next president wants them to do.  They must respect the office but I doubt that they respect the decisions coming from the politically charged White House.  I am also glad to see that Obama is in full reelection mood.  Oh, he has 2 years left.  That means he governed for 2 years of a 4-year term.  Wow.  What a role model for other politicians.  Maybe we should have term limits that are only 2 years long if that is all they can govern for before their own agenda gets in the way of taking care of WE THE PEOPLE.
Gingrich:  He is the smartest in the field but he has way too much baggage. 
Japan:  What a mess.  That’s it.
Romney;  He has health care baggage as governor.  He is to slick to be a candidate.  I am sure the Dems would love to have him in the election.  How about that State Universal Health Care,  looks like Obama care to us. 
Jeb Bush:  3 Bushes make a swamp.  There were only two Adams.  I like him and his politics but can you just here the Dems.    
Bachman:  A true believer who cannot get the middle.  She is from my state and she has the ability to drive the leftist in Minnesota (which are everywhere) absolutely crazy.  I lover her for that.  To bad she gets death threats during election times. 
China; What a bully.  Why we continue to allow them to undercut our economy by the way they deal with their currency and the trade deficits is beyond me.  They would be a third world country if we did not buy there goods and feed them.  Our foreign policy with China has been one of deference and I for one want to see that change.  They will go the way of the Soviet Union.  They will have a civil war soon enough if the old guard continues to suppress them.  If they do not suppress them they will have a civil war because they can.  Civil war is in their future as soon as the old Mao guys die.  China is not our biggest problem.  Remember in the 80’s we thought Japan was going to own this country.  When their economy failed we bought everything back at a discount.  They are still in a mess because their government has printed way to much money and with the cost of the Earthquake they will be in a mess for 50 years or more. 
Energy;  Drill and dig.  It is that simple.  Use American oil, gas and coal. Forget about public policy and public money for wind, solar etc.  Let the free enterprise in America work. 
Oil:  Get off foreign oil now.  Trade food for oil with the rest of the desert countries.  Make them pay for our protection with oil. 
Immigration:  What a mess.  Why do we not open the border just as we have with Canadians?  If they want to work ok.  We should not shoulder the health and welfare costs and we need to remake the “born in this country auto citizen”.  This is not the 17 or 18 hundreds and we do not need to populate this country with immigrants.  They can then apply for permanent residency or citizenship like everybody else.  Get tough with the drug lords on our border before it comes here.  Now there is a  good place for drones.  Better than Libya. 
Unions:  Public unions need to be broken.  They have become nothing more than the broker of money for politicians.  Buying votes is there main purpose.  They are not the same as  private sector unions.  They have management on the otherside with a vested interest in continuing business.  The public unions have politicians on the otherside and simply buy their votes with donations.  They need to go. 
Term Limits:  It is the only way to get and guaranteed political systemic change.  Jefferson and Adams new this 250 years ago.  If we do not term limit our legislatures in the near future they will ruin this country because they cannot help themselves.  Human nature takes over and they all want to be reelected.  That is the beginning of the end.

There is just an avalanche of issues but here is my summary.  Later

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Money, Union, Judges and Votes

Money Money and more Money

Here we go again in WI.  Not only does the Labor Unions buy the Dems vote with the 97% of  all Big Labor donations going to the WI Dems but they are now trying to buy votes of the Judges in the State.  I thought if you bought a vote of a judge that that was illegal.  Apparently it is not in WI.  Capone should have lived in Madison.  Judges are now for sale in WI.  I thought the theory behind the Judicial branch was they were there to interrupt and decide law based on local law, the state and federal constitution, and precedent etc.  But in WI you get elected to vote a certain way in matters that involve the public and private sector unions.  The battle that is now being waged with the unions pouring money into the election of a liberal, green, environmentalist judge to their supreme court guarantees the out come of the voting when some of the WI issues come before their Supreme Court.  So I guess given the nature of WI we should just elect 7 Judges to Legislate as well as preside.  If a law can not be made a law by the legislative branch of government, who are elected to do just that, remember we used to be a republic,  what is the point of having a legislative branch.  It seems to me we could save a lot of time and money if we just elected a few people who had all the power and all the money to do all the decision making in the state based on who bought there vote lately.  That for m of government already exist in many parts of the world.  Libya, Yemen, Iran, Venezuela.  Get rid of the Governor as well.  Just elect based on who has the money and who has the best media access and who has the power to threaten. 

If Jefferson, Hamilton, and the Adams could see what has become of their idea they would call for a revolution.  Armed at that.  Oh they did that onec didn't they.  What we now have in WI is government by “the  special interest” or the “tyranny by the minority" not  government of "we the people".  We have a special interest that is being allowed to stop the legitimate process of governing because they have the money and the access to do so.  For no other reason.  Just the money and the access.  They bought the votes over the past 40 years and they now what and demand to be paid back.  

The power that is now being applied in WI by the Labor Unions should frighten the dickens out of us.  No special interest should be this powerful.  It only goes to show us, if we are watching, what can happen when you put our government up for sale to the highest bidder.  Some day, as it is said in the God Father,  you will owe me a favor and on that day I expect to be paid”.  The liberals, and the Democrats now owe the Unions and they are demanding to be paid.   The debt has come due.   They have said to the public that if you mess with us we will make your life miserable; we get paid even if you are out of a job.  We get benefits even if you are out of a job. We get health care even if you are out of a job. We get to retire after 20 years even if you are out of a job.  We get cost of living increases even if you are out of a job.  We get guaranteed employment even if you are out of a job.  We get better pay for the same job you just lost.    That we the unions, are willing to do anything necessary to get our way and your money.  We will stop the very process of democracy because we can because we have paid for the access and have enough money to implement and impose our will on the majority.  We can even buy a Supreme Court Judge.  Remember it only takes about 3 or 4 out of a hundred of dedicated individuals to control the other 97.    That is what is happening in WI now.  A powerful rich special interest (big labor) that gave 97% of the money donated to Democrats, is now calling the debt due.  Remember that the money donated to the Dems by the Public Sector Unions is our money that we paid the employees.  It is not private for profit money.  This is our money that is collected by the state for the unions and is then used against use to get more of our money.  It is a revolving money door that the whole Public Sector Unions industry is founded on.  That We Pay now and We Pay More later. Remember the VP of the AFL CIO said "this is about the money.  We loose members and their dues".

This is not just a WI issue any longer.  The national special interests have come to play in WI.  Big money unions and the fiscal conservatives.  The unions have had their way with the politicians for so many years that they believe this a birth right for them.  That they have a right to steal money from us just because they bought off  politicians over the years.  Mostly Democrats.  97% of all Union monies  in WI goes to Democrats.  So what we have is The Democrats representing the taxpayer prepaid votes with the Unions and the fiscal conservatives trying to match them dollar for dollar.  Not a chance.  So the fiscal conservative is left to try to operate based on principal.  The principal of smaller government.  Who do you think will win??

Friday, April 1, 2011

Frustrated beyond Belief

Frustrated beyond belief,
 What a Mess We are IN
The US Economy, Jobs, We are Broke, ObamaCare, Japan, Libya, Syria, Egypt, Jordan, Iran, Iraq, Bahrain, Tunisia, Yemen, Afghanistan, Somalia, Ethiopia, Lebanon, all in a mess. 
The rise of Islamic Extremist of one form or another, Global recession, old and out dated institutions, China and India as world economic players, foreign “no policy”, A President that parties while a war is started,  and much  much more. 

Holy Cow is the world in a mess, Holy Cow are we in a mess.  Can Man handle all these issues using a brain that has a hard time making decisions on a daily basis as to what to eat for dinner?  I think not.  We are in over our heads and those who think they can handle all this at the same time are deluded.  Our school districts, cities, counties, states, and federal government are broke.  Not just brook but owe money that we may never be able to pay back.  14 trillion federal debt alone.  Our government’s at all levels have taught us to live beyond our means, buy now pay later, and if we cannot make it they will bail us out.  40 million on Social Security Disability; Government is the biggest employer.  They do not make anything and make a profit that comes back to the economy.  They just use money from you and me.  “Are you kidding me”.  40 million can not work because of a back problem.  Our Federal Government, with the democrats controlling all three parts of the Government, Legislative, President and Liberal court could not pass a Federal Budget.  They Past ObamaCare, Bailouts for Unions, States, School Districts,. Gave billions in foreign aid and who knows what all.  But could not pass a federal budget.   They all need to be fired now.

Congress only has a few constitutional responsibilities.  One is to pass a budget.  The major sticking point is wheather to cut $33 billion or $61 billion from the remainder of this year’s budget that will already be over a $1.3 trillion dollar deficit.  This is madness on the part of our congressional institutions that they cannot do this.  I am tired of all the excuses from both parties.  The legislators should pass nothing that we have to borrow.    

The only thing I can do is to not borrow a penny from anybody, vote for those who will stop the madness by voting for a balanced budget, cutting the size and scope of all governments and to vote for anybody that will vote for term limits in government.

Everybody wants to blame somebody for the problem.  We have become a society of blamers.  Victims.  We no longer want to solve the problem we just want to make sure it was somebody else's fault.  That is the only reason we cannot get a budget passed in congress.  Everybody in congress is worried about their own little power base.  Just like the Dukes, and Counts of old.  Nobody cares about “we the people”.  Just as the Dukes had done they have made us dependent on what they give us.  So we just continue to support them for FEAR that we will not get ours.  By the way Saul Alinsky, Obama’s mentor,  said that when you have nothing then you have nothing to loose then you are ripe for revolution.  We are given just enough to keep us under the control of the Ruling class the political class.  Alinsky would have a ball in the mid-east now.  The Islamist extremist are.  Just another outfit wanting to gain power.  Look at Iran. 

We need to act now not later.