Term Limits Please, The idiots in congress just continue to not listen to the people. They want the health plan so they can make decisions and continue to have and apply more power from there place and position of power. We have absolutely created a royal class that is no different than the royalty that we distrust and do not like from our background. We fought a war to get the king out of our business and here comes a new form of king and his court. I am truly afraid of what this means in future of America. Most Americans do not understand what is happening. They like the new king and his court gestures. (the major committee chairman, and a few like franken of mn. ). They think they talk good and our for the people who ever they are. If we look at the facts we would be left with the notion that they (congress) are only in it for themselves. Why can we not speak up to this reality. What has happened to the society that my father and mother lived and thrived in. We had one income, took vacations, had dinner that my mother cooked, went to church, did not get into much trouble, respected authority, and respect age, and maturity. We had to wait to buy things and used cash which meant we owned it not the bank and me. The only debt we ever had was our home and that was with a 3.5 interest rate. It now takes 2 salaries, and we have to carry debt just to survive. A run for the senate cost thousands and now it cost on avg $10,000,000.00. Just two serve for a few years in congress. You can not tell me we spend this type of money just to serve. It i s the price of power. Wouldn't you want to keep this JOB. I would. I would do what ever it would take and that is just what they do. The lie, cheat, steal and take money from us and use to there own benefit. Term Limits is the only answer.

Later, Terry
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