Keep it Simple Stupid (KISS)
There is a 24 hr 7 day a week news
cycle on more stations than I can count. 1 billion hours of Net flix
viewed last month, billions of tweets, 1 billion users of facebook.
Billions of smart phones, more communication in one day than all of
humanity had had in its life time. We are now at a point where we
have so much information at our finger tips that it is not just
difficult but actually impossible to now know what is a lie and not a
lie. We have gotten distracted with looking at bits of information
and reacting to the bit instead of seeing where the bit plays on the
whole. For example: Bit “I want my welfare”, Whold “we are
broke and have to borrow the money from China”. Bit “I want my
military hardware”, Whole “we are broke and have to borrow the
money from China”. We now have 10's of thousands of hours of
discussion, argument, and fair and balanced reporting on the Money
issues. What has the government done. Nothing but borrowed more
There are simple solutions to all the
major issues in front of this country but we continue to get lost in
the minutia. The strategy of minutia arguing is simple. Keep
everybody confused and watching.
Simple ideas and solutions that lead to
Money issues:
KISS: No borrowing money.
Cut the size of Governments Spending. Cut the jobs, the hardware,
the waste, the very size by what ever it takes to get back to a
balanced and smaller government. Cut it by 10%, 20% what ever it
takes. No more bailouts for anybody. No more cutting the rate of
the size of growth. No more not deciding. No more needing a certain
party to do the right thing. The fact that you are an American is
all you need to be, to do the right thing.
We the Peoples Solution: Stop paying
taxes till this gets fixed.
Social Problems:
We now have a
culture that thinks that welfare, government support and tax support
programs are an inalienable right. The are not.
all the welfare programs. We should only have safety nets. The
government has taken the motivation to participate in society away by
government supported food /clothing/ shelter. Food, 50
million citizens on food stamps. Clothing, 100 million not
including Social Security and Medicare receive some form of welfare
from the federal government. We now have a class of citizens who
provide nothing to our society. 18 million Cell phones bought by our
government for the poor. 1 trillion in student debt that will never
be paid back. They take, not give to society but live off it. The
social experiment of the 60's (President Johnson's Great Society) has
failed and socialism is a fail idea and a failed political and
economic system world wide. Shelter, subsidized housing is
another word for ghetto and everybody knows it. The ghetto
provides for crime, drugs, violence and a life style that leaves us
with a Detroit, Chicago, Washington DC and others. The housing
crises was a direct result of home purchases and subsidized lending
to those who could not afford it.
If I have food,
(food stamps), shelter (HUD housing), monthly cash and a cell phone,
a government subsidized education, pay no tax, why would I want to
stop this. I am not motivated.
We the peoples
solution: Stop paying taxes till they stop welfare
KISS: There are 18 million jobs
currently taken by illegal immigrants. I am tired of hearing that
Americans will not take these jobs. Why would they when they have
enough food, clothing and shelter and cash income to get by. Stay
poor and you also get free medical contrary to all the Obama care
statistics. What a lie. So free medical, enough food, fee housing.
Work for cash, no tax. There is no motivation to take a job that
pays a small wage. The job would have to pay at least $20 per hour
to even come close to welfare, unemployment and other subsidizes.
Add the medical in and we are closer to $30 per hour. No wonder we
have unemployed and no jobs. No motivation to work. Just survive on
government subsidizes.
We the Peoples Solution: Stop Paying
taxes till they go to work.
The size of Government:
KISS; Chop the size of
government by what ever it takes. If the chop is big enough taxes
would be cut, spending would be cut, the the economy would grow,
motivation to work and become productive would return, values and
morality would guide us in decision making not a set of ever-changing
laws and the current utilitarian ethic (ME).
We the Peoples Solution: See the big
cultural picture. History proves this assessment.