I said it Before: Newt Gingrich is the smartest in the room.
Not much has happened in presidential politics since Palin decided not to run. She still draws bigger crowds than any of the current candidates. Let me say this; if the Republican convention is deadlocked for some reason Palin is still my pick. However, I will take her at her word for now. The landscape can change rapidly. The press makes sure of that. Got to sell newspapers and fill cable time. Maybe it is now Gingrich Time.
Since Palin has decided not to run I have been waiting for Gingrich to get in the game and begin to make a push. The media has been in love with Romney, Cain and Perry but Newt has been the smartest in the room. He has been the most consistent in his remarks and has shown leadership in his attempts to keep the discussion on beating Obama not what the media wants us to talk about. He has put to shame all of the republican candidates with his knowledge regarding domestic policy, foreign policy, money policy, economic, military, social, and any other issue or policy. I watched the Cain/Gingrich talk that Fox put on a few weeks ago. Gingrich was generous to Cain in that he answered most of the questions ask of them because Cain only had a stump line to give. Newt was able to discuss the issue because he understands the where, why, how, and what for of the issues facing this country. He has continued to focus on and say in all his public appearances that it is Obama that is the issue and beating him in 2012 should be what is talked about in the debates and what should be on republicans minds. “Do not get caught up in what the press wants you to talk about.” Who grabbed who, who said what when and where. “Stay Focused “on what we need to focus on and that is beating Obama.
What would Newt do ? The 2012 Contract with America
He directly addresses Obamacare, Jobs, Energy, Taxes, Social Security, and Medicare, Balanced Budget Amendment, Border control, English as a national Language, National Security, Impeach Judges who violate the constitution, Enforce the 10th amendment (States Rights). He has specific policy and legislative agendas laid out. Not just words but a specific action.
Newt: Credentials
He has been in the public eye for 20 to 30 years. His name has universal recognition. He has been a congressman, small businessman, Speaker of the US House, political leader and a political force to contend with. He has been able to craft policy Contract With America) even with a Democratic president (Clinton). He has balanced the budget. The last time that happened in 25 years. His conservative ideas are written in policy and law. He has not just talked about them. He beat Hilary Care, and a host of other major issues of the left with great leadership and better ideas. He is a big ideas man. He can and has worked in the area of big ideas. Since he has left the congress he has become more conservative in his social, and political views. He has the capacity to engage the public nd to use the bully pulpit to get out the message of conservative ideas.
Broken marriage: Enough already
Made money after he left congress: Great, Enough already
Lobbyist: Paid consultant
To old: Not
Part of establishment that caused problems: Not so. Get your facts straight. remember the balanced budget, the contract with America.
Polarizes: ok. Lets identify and call out by name the progressives, liberals, anarchist.
His own worst enemy: Blessed with intellect and courage and cursed with both. He does not know what is a simple answer.
Constitutional conservative: Great, I do not want the Supreme Court making the law.
Loves America: Not just the land but also the idea of who we are and what we can become. He actually has a vision that he can articulate for Americans of the 21st Century
Has a plan; “The 21st Century Contract with America” Take a look if you dare. Read for yourself instead of having some commentator do your thinking for you. www.newt.org.
First day in office: Has a plan laid out in the Contract with America that is comprehensive and detailed as to legislation and policy changes? Congress would have to deal with a president that understood how congress works. WOW what a benefit to the country. The executive branch that understands how and what kind of laws need to be made. He says he will fire the Czars. Great but what about the lobbied cabinet positions that give special interest direct access with public money to policy, the president and the media with out We the Peoples supervision. Labor, Energy, Education, and more. Lets get rid of the biggest lobbyist in Washington. The cabinet posts that are not needed except to talk about special interest. In other words to get our money.
It will be interesting to see what the Lamestream Media does with the rise of Newt in the polls. He is great at dealing with the media. He has seen it all and has gone up against them before. Should be interesting to say the least. By the way he is as good with words and public speaking as is Obama. That is a very important issue in the age of TV.