Here we go again, the congress is not listening to the people. They have some political agenda to gain power and control of American lives. They will pass something unless we do not let them pass this health reform. It is not Health reform it is health control and bankruptcy. Why do we put up with the lying and the bs. We need term limits to change any of this. There is no way after the town meetings and all the people speaking out and the congress still not listening that any thing will ever change. We are stuck unless we are able to get rid of the political ruling class ever so many years and start with a fresh set of citizen representatives that will represent their districs not there own power base. We did this with the President and other elective offices why not the congress. It may take a contitutional ammendment but it is necessary. Here is an outfit than can help. Check out their web site. I am sending a letter to my congressman and senators now.